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    1、_大學入學考試中心107學年度學科能力測驗試題英文考科作答注意事項考試時間:100 分鐘題型題數:第壹部分單選題共56 題第貳部分非選擇題共二大題作答方式:選擇題用 2B 鉛筆在答案卡上作答;更正時,應以橡皮擦擦拭,切勿使用修正液(帶)。非選擇題用筆尖較粗之黑色墨水的筆在答案卷上作答;更正時,可以使用修正液(帶)。未依規定畫記答案卡,致機器掃描無法辨識答案;或未使用黑色墨水的筆書寫答案卷,致評閱人員無法辨認機器掃描後之答案者,其後果由考生自行承擔。答案卷每人一張,不得要求增補。第壹部分:單選題(占72分)一、詞彙題(占15分)說明第1題至第15題,每題有4個選項,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的選

    2、項,請畫記在答案卡之選擇題答案區。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。1.Mangoes are a _ fruit here in Taiwan; most of them reach their peak of sweetness in July.(A) mature(B) usual(C) seasonal(D) particular2.Writing term papers and giving oral reports are typical course _ for college students.(A) requirements(B) tech

    3、niques(C) situations(D) principles3.If we work hard to _ our dreams when we are young, we will not feel that we missed out on something when we get old.(A) distribute(B) fulfill(C) convince(D) monitor4.Few people will trust you if you continue making _ promises and never make efforts to keep them.(A

    4、) chilly(B) liberal(C) hollow(D) definite5.Becky _ her ankle while she was playing tennis last week. Now it still hurts badly.(A) slipped (B) dumped(C) twisted(D) recovered6.Research shows that men and women usually think differently. For example, they have quite different _ about what marriage mean

    5、s in their life.(A) decisions(B) beliefs(C) styles(D) degrees7.The new manager is very _. For instance, the employees are given much shorter deadlines for the same tasks than before.(A) persuasive(B) tolerable(C) suspicious(D) demanding8.While the couple were looking _ for their missing children, th

    6、e kids were actually having fun in the woods nearby.(A) anxiously(B) precisely(C) evidently(D) distinctly9.After delivering a very powerful speech, the award winner was _ by a group of fans asking for her signature.(A) deposited(B) reserved(C) vanished(D) surrounded10.The interviewees were trying ve

    7、ry hard to _ the interviewers that they were very capable and should be given the job.(A) credit(B) impress(C) relieve(D) acquire11.After the first snow of the year, the entire grassland disappeared under a _ of snow.(A) flake(B) blossom(C) blanket(D) flash12.Peter likes books with wide _, which pro

    8、vide him with enough space to write notes.(A) angles(B) margins(C) exceptions(D) limitations13.At the beginning of the semester, the teacher told the students that late assignments would receive a low grade as a _.(A) hardship(B) comment(C) bargain(D) penalty14.Various studies have been _ in this ho

    9、spital to explore the link between a high-fat diet and cancer.(A) conducted(B) confirmed(C) implied(D) improved15.Intense, fast-moving fires raged across much of California last week. The _ firestorm has claimed the lives of thirty people.(A) efficient(B) reliable(C) massive(D) adequate二、綜合測驗(占15分)說

    10、明第16題至第30題,每題一個空格,請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答案卡之選擇題答案區。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。第16至20題為題組It has long been assumed that creativity is some unusual trait enjoyed by the few. However, according to a wide array of scientific and sociological research, creativity is 16 a sign of rare genius than a na

    11、tural human potential. Thus, it can be nurtured and encouraged. It is believed that taking breaks from a problem can help 17 a moment of insight or stimulate new ideas. Unconventional solutions can also be explored. That is why some of the most successful companies in the world, such as 3M and Googl

    12、e, encourage their employees to 18 all sorts of relaxing activities, such as playing pinball and wandering about the campus. During such breaks, the mind turns inward, 19 it can subconsciously puzzle over subtle meanings and connections. Another way to increase creativity is to take risks. This is b

    13、ecause many breakthroughs come up when people venture 20 their usual routines or areas of expertise. This can be done by, for example, learning new skills or traveling to new countries.16.(A) more(B) less(C) better(D) worse17.(A) spark(B) carve(C) drill(D) grind18.(A) refer to(B) answer for(C) take

    14、part in(D) put up with19.(A) if(B) but(C) where(D) which20.(A) into(B) without(C) under(D) beyond第21至25題為題組Hair usually gets greasy when it has not been washed because it soaks up oilhence the need for shampoo! 21 this oil-absorbing feature might not always be so great for our hygiene, it can be gre

    15、at for the environment.Matter of Trust, a nonprofit organization, has an innovative solution for removing the large-scale oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, using the ultimate renewable 22 : human hair, of which there is an unlimited supply. Since its founding in 1998, Matter of Trust has coll

    16、ected donations of human hair and animal fur to 23 the thousands of oil spills that happen each year. The hair and fur are made into mats and brooms and sent to 24 waters to absorb the oil.Across the United States each day, 300,000 pounds of hair and fur are cut. Matter of Trust is helping organize

    17、the collection of this 25 hair and fur through thousands of salons, pet groomers, and ranchers. Individuals can also speak to local hair stylists and pet groomers about sending in leftover hair and fur.21.(A) For(B) While(C) In case(D) As long as22.(A) equipment(B) ingredient(C) product(D) resource2

    18、3.(A) get away with(B) clean up after(C) run out of(D) look down upon24.(A) pollute(B) polluting(C) polluted(D) pollution25.(A) unneeded(B) overthrown (C) excluded(D) disconnected第26至30題為題組You must have had this kind of experience: While in the middle of a normal dream, you suddenly realize that you

    19、 are dreaming. This kind of dream is called a “lucid dream.” The term “lucid” means clear; lucid dreamers know that they are dreaming and 26 they are dreaming of. It is different from daydreaming. When a person is having a lucid dream, the persons body is 27 ; when a person daydreams, his/her body i

    20、s awake. Thus, daydreams are really just waking thoughts. In lucid dreams, however, we are completely immersed in the dream world.Yet, lucid dreaming is 28 just having a clear dream. It is your chance to play around with the extraordinary abilities buried in unused parts of your brain. 29 , it is a

    21、way for you to put the deepest areas of your brain to good use while youre sleeping. You can be an everyday Jane Doe or John Smith while awake but a superhero while sleeping, 30 who you are in real life. All the obstacles of reality can be set aside and you are able to accomplish tasks that you coul

    22、d never manage in waking reality.26.(A) what(B) why(C) when(D) which27.(A) apart(B) absent(C) alone(D) asleep28.(A) related to(B) aside from(C) more than(D) nothing but29.(A) In other words(B) By no means(C) At any cost(D) On the contrary30.(A) such as(B) regardless of(C) with respect to(D) on behal

    23、f of三、文意選填(占10分)說明:第31題至第40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之選擇題答案區。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。第31至40題為題組Fortune cookies, commonly served after meals at Chinese restaurants in the U.S., are characterized by a fortune, which is written on a small piece of paper tucke

    24、d inside the cookie. There are several 31 stories about the origin of the fortune cookie. None of them, however, has been proven to be entirely true.One of these stories 32 the cookies origin back to 13th- and 14th-century China, which was then occupied by the Mongols. According to the legend, notes

    25、 of 33 plans for a revolution to overthrow the Mongols were hidden in mooncakes that would ordinarily have been stuffed with sweet bean paste. The revolution turned out to be 34 and eventually led to the formation of the Ming Dynasty. This story may sound highly credible, but there seems to be no so

    26、lid evidence that it inspired the creation of the 35 we know of today as fortune cookies.Another 36 claims that David Jung, a Chinese immigrant living in Los Angeles, created the fortune cookie in 1918. Concerned about the poor people he saw wandering near his shop, he made cookies and passed them o

    27、ut free on the streets. Each cookie 37 a strip of paper inside with an inspirational Bible quotation on it.However, the more generally accepted story is that the fortune cookie first 38 in either 1907 or 1914 in San Francisco, created by a Japanese immigrant, Makoto Hagiwara. The fortune cookie was

    28、based on a Japanese snack, but Hagiwara sweetened the recipe to appeal to American 39 . He enclosed thank-you notes in the cookies and served them to his guests with tea. Within a few years, Chinese restaurant owners in San Francisco had copied the recipe and 40 the thank-you notes with fortune note

    29、s. Such fortune cookies became common in Chinese restaurants in the U.S. after World War II.(A) account(B) appeared(C) competing(D) contained(E) replaced(F) secret(G) successful(H) tastes(I) traces(J) treats四、閱讀測驗(占32分)說明第41題至第56題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答案卡之選擇題答案區。各題答對者,得2分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題

    30、以零分計算。第41至44題為題組For more than two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the United States Presidency, the U.S. government, and the American people. In 1790, President George Washington declared that the federal government would reside in a district “not exceeding ten miles square o

    31、n the river Potomac.” As preparations began, a competition was held to find a builder of the “Presidents House.” Nine proposals were submitted, and the Irish-born architect James Hoban won the gold medal for his practical and handsome design. Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in

    32、 October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife Abigail, moved in.American presidents can express their individua

    33、l style in how they decorate the house and in how they receive the public. Thomas Jefferson held the first inaugural open house in 1805; many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Capitol simply followed him home. President Jefferson also opened the house for public tours, and i

    34、t has remained open, except during wartime, ever since. In addition, Jefferson welcomed visitors to annual receptions on New Years Day and on the Fourth of July. Abraham Lincoln did the same, but then the inaugural crowds became far too large for the White House to accommodate comfortably, and this

    35、also created a security issue. It was not until Grover Clevelands first presidency that some effective crowd control measures were implemented to address the problem caused by this practice.At various times in history, the White House has been known as the “Presidents Palace,” the “Presidents House,

    36、” and the “Executive Mansion.” President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901.41.What is this passage mainly about?(A) The design of the White House.(B) The location of the White House.(C) The importance of the White House.(D) The history of the White House.42.

    37、What does “this practice” refer to in the second paragraph?(A) Holding an inaugural open house.(B) Accommodating the crowds comfortably.(C) Decorating the White House.(D) Joining in the swearing-in ceremony.43.Who initiated the construction of the White House?(A) John Adams.(B) James Hoban.(C) Georg

    38、e Washington.(D) Thomas Jefferson.44.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the White House?(A) The White House has had several names.(B) The designer of the White House was an American president.(C) People were not allowed to visit the White House during wartime.(D) The

    39、White House is located in a district not larger than ten miles square.第45至48題為題組West Nile is a tropical disease that begins in birds, which pass it on to mosquitoes that then go on to infect human beings with a bite. Most people who contract West Nile do not experience any symptoms at all, but, if t

    40、hey do, symptoms typically develop between 3 to 14 days after a mosquito bite. About 1 in 5 persons suffers fever, headaches, and body aches, usually lasting a week or so. A far less lucky 1 in 150 experiences high fever, tremors, paralysis, and coma. Someespecially the elderly and those with weak i

    41、mmune systemsdie.That is what made the major outbreaks of West Nile in the U.S. in the summer of 2012 so scary. The situation was particularly bad in Dallas, Texas, where the West Nile virus killed 10 people and sickened more than 200. The city declared a state of emergency and began aerial spraying

    42、 of a pesticide to kill the mosquitoes, even though residents argued that the pesticide could be more dangerous than the disease.Why was the summer of 2012 so hospitable to the West Nile virus and the mosquitoes that carry it? Blame the weather. An extremely mild winter allowed more mosquitoes than

    43、usual to survive, while the unusually high temperatures in that scorching summer further increased their number by speeding up their life cycle. The economic crisis may have also played a role: Homeowners who were not able to pay their bank loans were forced to abandon their properties, sometimes le

    44、aving behind swimming pools that made excellent mosquito breeding grounds.The severity of tropical diseases is also a matter of whether governments are capableand willingto defend their populations against infections. Dallas County was not doing some of the key things to slow the spread of West Nile

    45、, such as testing dead birds and setting mosquito traps to test for the presence of the disease. Tropical infections are thus as much related to government inaction as they are to climate. 45.What is this passage mainly about?(A) West Nile and methods to fight it.(B) West Nile and governmental effic

    46、iency.(C) West Nile and the conditions its virus thrives in.(D) West Nile and its relation to tropical diseases.46.Which of the following statements is true about West Nile?(A) Its symptoms usually appear within two weeks.(B) It is spread through air and water in tropical areas.(C) Over 20% of peopl

    47、e who contract it will suffer severe symptoms.(D) It comes from direct human contact with birds infected with the virus.47.What did Dallas County do to fight off West Nile?(A) They sprayed pesticide from the air.(B) They asked citizens to stay away from dead birds.(C) They encouraged citizens to get vaccinations. (D) They drained the swimming pools in the county.48.Which of the following is a reason why Dallas was hit most seriously in the U.S. in 2012?(A) The increasing


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