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    1、2020年浙江省初中毕业生学业水平考试(嘉兴卷)英语试题卷考生须知:1. 本试题卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分。请考生使用规定用笔,将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。做在试题卷上无效。2. 全卷共9页,6大题。满分为 120分。考试时间为 120分钟。温馨提示:答题前请仔细阅读答题纸上的注意事项。说明:本卷共有两大题,40小题,满分60分。一、完形填空阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When you hear the world hero, you may think of someone like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Man

    2、dela. But there are also everyday heroes-they may not be _1_ to the public, but they do what they can to help _2_ peoples lives as well. Everyday heroes are normal people who are working to make the world a better place. _3_ them is Robert Lee. Lee grew up in New York City. _4_ his family was not ri

    3、ch, he learned from a young age the importance of _5_ the waste of food. When in college, he was part of a student group that gave out leftover(剩余的)food to _6_ people. This experience made him realize how _7_ the problem of food wastage actually was. After he left university, Lee and a friend set up

    4、 a(n)_8_ called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine(RLC). Its purpose is to collect _9_ food from restaurants and send it for free to shelters(收容所)and food kitchens. Volunteers _10_ the food from restaurants around the city and hand it out to those in need. RLC operates _11_. Using an app developed by Lees te

    5、am, restaurants _12_ how much leftover food they have each day. Then volunteers are sent to fetch it. The _13_ is usually short, so volunteers can just do their deliveries(递送)by _14_ from the restaurants to the shelters. Lee believes this is a quick way of delivery. So far, Lee and his team have suc

    6、cessfully _15_ over 150,000 kilograms of food, serving almost 300,000 _16_ to people who need them. Lee has shown that a _17_ action can help people around us greatly. _18_ may have a greater influence than we imagine. When Lee is asked _19_ his next plan is, he says theres still a lot to do. Its ju

    7、st the _20_. With more restaurants, who knows how much more we can do.1. A. safeB. closeC. friendlyD. well-known2. A. recordB. shareC. improveD. manage3. A. UnderB. BesideC. AmongD. Opposite4. A. IfB. AsC. WhenD. Though5. A. storingB. avoidingC. burningD. recycling6. A. sickB. blindC. lonelyD. homel

    8、ess7. A. easyB. seriousC. funnyD. strange8. A. clubB. schoolC. businessD. organization9. A. coldB. cheapC. unsoldD. uncooked10. A. pick upB. go overC. pay forD. throw away11. A. badlyB. quietlyC. simplyD. slowly12. A. reportB. noticeC. discussD. consider13. A. visitB. breakC. meetingD. distance14. A

    9、. flyingB. walkingC. skatingD. shipping15. A. savedB. heatedC. lentD. grown16. A. jobsB. mealsC. roomsD. seats17. A. smallB. secretC. directD. social18. A. ItB. HeC. YouD. They19. A. whoB. whenC. whatD. where20. A. needB. timeC. promiseD. beginning二、阅读理解阅读下面五篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AFUTURE VIEWIt

    10、will be great if there is some kind of fuel(燃料)we can use in cars that wont produce any pollution. I guess there are scientists right now trying to do that, and I hope theyll succeed because the world would be a much cleaner place, wouldnt it?CharlieI think it will be great if they invent something

    11、so that we only have to sleep for one or two hours every day. Then wed all have much more time to do things and to enjoy ourselves. Life would be better, I think, and everyone would do a lot more with their lives. MiguelIf I could choose anything, Id go for a time machine so that I could go back and

    12、 do some things differently. Of course, It will be great if there thats impossible but wouldnt it be great if it was possible? I wish I could go back in time to when I was a kid and say some of the things in a different way! HannahWell, of course, the best thing is medicine for rally bad diseases(疾病

    13、).A lot of scientists are working very hard to stop diseases like Ebola, a terrible disease that has killed many thousand people in Africa. So if they found a special treatment for Ebola, or a way of completely preventing it, life would be easier in so many places. IsabellaI wish there was a machine

    14、 that did homework! Wouldnt tat be fantastic? But I guess teachers wouldnt be very happy. Georgina21. Why does Hannah want to go back in time?A. To be young again.B. To live a better life.C. To do something for Africans.D. To say some words differently.22. Who might be worried about the pollution of

    15、 the world?A. Miguel.B. Isabella.C. Charlie.D. Georgina.23. In which part of a newspaper may this passage appear?A. Health.B. Science.C. Travel.D. Education.BIs there a connection between music and language? According to recent studies, the answer is yes: Music helps develop certain language abiliti

    16、es in the brain. A study from Northwestern University shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a persons hearing ability. As a part of the study, two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room. The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second grou

    17、p had no musical training. The musicians were found to be able to hear the talking person more clearly. Musicians hear better says study leader Nina Kraus, because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds. For example, when the violinists play in an orchestra(管弦乐队), they must listen closely to

    18、what they are playing and ignore(忽视)the other sounds. In this way, musicians can hear certain sounds better, even in a room with lots of noise. Gotfried Schlaug, a doctor at Harvard Medical School, works with stroke(中风)patients. Because of their illness, these people cannot say their names, addresse

    19、s, or other information normally However, they can till sing. Dr. Schlaug was surprised to find singing words helped his patients finally speak. Why does this work? Schlaug isnt sure. Music seems to be able to make different parts of the brain active, including the bad parts. In some way, this helps

    20、 patients use those parts of the brain again. So music is not only enjoyable, but also good for us in many other ways. Playing an instrument or singing, says Nina Kraus, can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp as we get older.24. What were the people in the first group asked to do i

    21、n the study of Northwestern University?A. Listen to different kinds of music.B. Make some noise in an empty room.C. Give the second group musical training.D. Find out what the talking person was saying.25. The writer uses the example of violinists in Paragraph 3 to explain_.A. how musicians play in

    22、an orchestraB. how musicians ignore certain soundsC. why musicians have better hearing abilityD. why musicians are not afraid of loud noise26. Gottfried Schlaug helps his stroke patients speak by_.A. playing music for themB. getting them to sing wordsC. teaching them to play instrumentsD. joining th

    23、e bad parts of their brain27. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To introduce different ways of playing music.B. To give some advice about making our brain active.C. To show the relationship between music and language abilities.D. To share the results of recent studies on treating stroke pat

    24、ients.CIts late evening in the middle of the winter. The snow is deep, but off I go into the wild. Suddenly, I hear it: the howl(嚎叫)of wolves. Excitedly, I walk faster in the direction of the howling. Ive been working as a volunteer wolf tracker in Yellowstone National Park for over a year Its my jo

    25、b to follow wolves to record information about them. Like wolves, however, I dont work alone. Im one of a team of people who have been in a project to help reintroduce wolves to the park. Humans have always feared wolves. From fairy tales to movies, the wolf is always the bad guy a danger to humans

    26、and other animals. In the 1920s, the organizers of the park shared this view about wolves and made the decision to drive them away from the park. As a result, the number of elk (麋鹿)in the park increased. The elk started looking for food near river banks since they didnt have to worry about wolves. T

    27、his, in turn, stopped trees from growing along the rivers, doing great harm to the environment there. The return of wolves has already made a big difference. To begin with, the elk soon learned to stay away from the rivers, so new trees have been able to grow there. The trees become home to new wild

    28、life, such as birds, and provide food for more animals. The park is now becoming more and more popular with those who want to see wolves in their natural environment. It has also helped the local people make more money. Tourists visit the area, stay in the local hotels, and eat in the local restaura

    29、nts. Looking at the wild animals and the beautiful sceneries around me, I am amazed at the changes the wolf has made to Yellowstone. And happily, it is playing a good guy in this story. 28. According to the passage, one of a wolf trackers jobs is to_.A. catch wolves in the parkB. feed wolves in the

    30、wildC. stop wolves from killing elkD. collect information about wolves29. Why did the organizers drive the wolves away from the park in the 1920s?A. The wolves were always howling at night.B. The elk in the park were in danger of dying out.C. The wolves had done great harm to the environment.D. The

    31、park was thought to be unsafe with wolves around.30. Paragraphs 4 and 5 are mainly about the _ that wolves have brought to Yellowstone.A. risksB. troublesC. changesD. competitions31. What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?A. Wolves are important to Yellowstone.B.

    32、Yellowstone has been home to wolves.C. The wolf and the elk live in peace now.D. The number of wolves is growing fast.DWhenever Im invited to somebodys house for the first time, Ill take a close look at their bookshelves. What they keep on their shelves, in my eyes, is a reflection(反映) of their pers

    33、onal tastes and interests. The books on a bookshelf tell the story of a life. My own shelves are a kind of roadmap through my life, telling a chronological tale. First up come my favorite childhood reads, like Watership Down and His Dark Materials. The collection then moves on to teenage things I re

    34、ad in school Nineteen Eighty-Four, The Handmaids Tale and A Clockwork Orange. Finally, we come out of full-time education and enter the real world, and this part is a reflection of my professional(职业的) life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present. If you pointed to any book o

    35、n my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working, and probably where I was living at the time. _ It is an easy way to get to know about his hopes, dreams and interests. And a big part of that story is how we arrange(排列) our books, and get on with them. Its such a personal thing, dif

    36、ferent from each other. Some want to be with their books in every room, others have them on shelves, behind glass or simply lining their floors. Each home has a story to tell through the way they live with their books. Its often said that what we read says something about who we are. The way we fill

    37、 our bookshelves might also send a message about ourselves. From the pile of books on your bedside table to your well-organized shelves, whether we notice it or not, our book collections are telling a story before a single page has been turned.32. The books on the writers own shelves are organized a

    38、ccording to _.A. their pricesB. their writersC. his personal interestsD. the periods of his life33. Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?A. Every book is worth reading.B. Each bookshelf holds a special dream.C. Book collections tell so much about a person.D

    39、. The books a person reads depend on his choices.34. The writer seems to agree that _.A. wed better not put our books on the floorB. the way we arrange our books shows our tastesC. the books at our bedside are usually more importantD. we can know about a person by reading the message he sends35. It

    40、can be learned from the passage that the writer is probably_.A. a book loverB. a story tellerC. a shelf collectorD. a fashion designerEIt was last January, when Id just finished a charity(慈善) and was on the train back home, that I put down my phone and started writing thank-you notes to people who h

    41、ad helped. When I got off the train, I felt amazingly good. The next day, I wrote more thank-yous and the same feeling of happiness hit me again. I suddenly had the idea: Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?To keep on task, I decided to pick out a different theme for each month. Jan

    42、uary was charity. February would be neighbors, I decided. And I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened and offered to play his favorite songs; our babysitter, who dropped off a bag of old board games for our

    43、kids to play; While writing the notes, I realized how often I had spent my time on the phone moving from app to app, appreciating(欣赏) other peoples lives. Writing thank-you notes allowed me the time to do something different, paying more attention to my own life. In the following months, I wrote to

    44、my friends, doctors, teachers and parenting role models. In July, my “food” month, I wrote to Julie, who used to cook at my favorite restaurant. It went like this:Dear Julie,Ive been finding myself missing you lately. Thank you for hosting and cooking beautiful and thoughtful food. Jake and I will n

    45、ever forget when you sent out biscuits shaped into the number VI for our sixth anniversary (周年纪念日). We talk about it every year. Thank you. We miss you. Love,GinaI was happy to receive a note back from her. Julie replied “I dont think Ive ever received such a touching letter before. Im going through

    46、 a hard time right now, and this helps.”On December 31, I wrote my last card to Jake, my husband, and our two kids. And I took a picture of us, so I could remember the feeling welling up inside me. Gratitude.36. The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 means _.A. writing thank-you notesB. putting t

    47、he phone awayC. taking the train back homeD. raising money for charity37. How did Julie most probably feel after reading the note from Gina?A. Shy and surprised.B. Pleased and relaxed.C. Nervous and excited.D. Moved and encouraged.38. The theme of the December notes might be “_”.A. photosB. familyC. holidaysD. community39 What did Gina get by doing her task according to the passage?A. Many thanks from her neighbors.B. More time to appreciate her own life.C. More help from people around her.D. Happy moments to be with her friends.40. The best title for the passage


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