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    1、例题:对称振子一、创建工程From the Project Manager window Right-Click the project file and selectSave As from the sub menu.Name the file“dipole”and Click Save.一、创建工程To begin working with geometries,you must insert an HFSS design.Right-Click the project file and select Insert-Insert HFSS Design from the menu.一、创建

    2、工程Due to the nature of this design we will use Driven Modal as the solution type.From the HFSS menu select Solution Type and Driven Modal.The units are chosen as mm by choosing the heading 3D modeler and Units from the menu.二、创建模型HFSS relies on variables for any parameterization/optimization within

    3、the project.Variables also hold many other benefits which will make them necessary for all projects.Fixed Ratios(length,width,height)are easily maintained using variables.Optimetrics use variables to optimize the design according to user-defined criteria.All dimensions can be quickly changed in one

    4、window as opposed to altering each object individually.二、创建模型Click the HFSS heading and select Design Properties at the bottom of the menu.This will open the variable table.Add all variables shown below by selecting Add.Be sure to include units as needed.二、创建模型We will start by creating the dipole el

    5、ement using the Draw Cylinder button from the toolbar.Choose 3 Arbitrary points inside the drawing area.These points will be defined using the variables created previously so there is no need to specify points.Follow the format below for structure size.Give the name dip1 to this object.Assign the ma

    6、terial PEC and click OK.PEC(Perfect Electric Conductor)will create ideal conditions for the element.Under the Command tab,enter the following information:二、创建模型The next command is essential when building symmetric structures.Right-Click the drawing area and select Edit Duplicate Around Axis.二、创建模型A

    7、mirror image is produced by enter the following:The dipole structure is illustrated below:三、创建集总端口激励In the section the user will create a Lumped Gap Source.This will provide an excitation to the dipole structure.Begin by selecting the YZ plane from the toolbar.Using the 3D toolbar,click Draw Rectang

    8、le and place two arbitrary points within the model area.三、创建集总端口激励Enter the following:Click the Command tab and enter the following:三、创建集总端口激励Please note that the variable gap_src was chosen relatively small incomparison to the dipole structure.This was done to minimize effects due to the source and

    9、 place emphasis upon the structure.The source is depicted below.三、创建集总端口激励 With the source geometry in place,the user must provide an excitation.A lumped port will be used for the dipole model.This excitation is commonly used when the far field region is of primary interest.In the project explorer,r

    10、ight-click Excitation-Assign-Lumped Port.三、创建集总端口激励四、创建辐射边界 In this section,a radiation boundary is created so that far field information may be extracted from the structure.To obtain the best result,a cylindrical air boundary is defined with a distance of /4.From the toolbar,select Draw Cylinder an

    11、d choose 3 arbitrary points within the model window.四、创建辐射边界Enter the following:Click the Command tab and enter the following:Assuming all steps were properly completed,the boundary shouldresemble the illustration below:四、创建辐射边界With the geometry complete,the actual radiation boundary may now be assi

    12、gned.From the 3D toolbar select face from the drop down window as shown below.Click and select all faces as follows:四、创建辐射边界With all faces selected,right-click the Boundary icon in the object explorer and select Boundary-Assign-Radiation.Leave the default name Rad1 and click OK.五、添加求解设置In this secti

    13、on a solution must be defined to display the desired data.We are primarily interested in the frequency response of the structure.We will also explore HFSSs ability to calculate general antenna parameters such as directivity,radiation resistance,radiation efficiency,etc.From the project explorer,sele

    14、ct Analysis-Add Solution Setup.Enter the following:Leave all other settings as default.Click OK when complete.五、添加求解设置To view the frequency response of the structure,a frequency sweep must be defined.From the project explorer select Setup1-Add Sweep.Enter the following:五、添加求解设置 At this point,the use

    15、r should be ready to analyze the structure.Before running the analysis,always verify the project by selecting from the 3D toolbar.If everything is correct the user should see:Analyze the structure by clickingAllow 5-20 minutes for the analysis,depending on the machine.六、创建结果After completion of the a

    16、nalysis,we will create a report to display both the resonant frequency and also the radiation pattern.Click on the heading HFSS and select Results-Create Reports.六、创建结果Select the following highlighted parameters and click Add Trace to load the options into the Trace window.Choose the following in the Create Report window:六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果重复以上步骤,寻找输入阻抗虚部为零的频率所对应的实部结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果六、创建结果七、天线阵设置七、天线阵设置七、天线阵设置七、天线阵设置七、天线阵设置


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