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    1、Lesson 26 The best art critics最佳艺术评论家 Who is the students best critic? I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is about. Of course, many pictures are not about anything. They are just pretty patterns.

    2、 We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday. What are

    3、you doing? she asked. Im hanging this picture on the wall, I answered. Its a new one. Do you like it? She looked at it critically for a moment. Its all right, she said, but isnt it upside down? I looked at it again. She was right! It was!参考译文我是个学艺术的学生,画了很多画。有很多人装成很懂现代艺术的样子,总是告诉你一幅画的“意思”是什么。当然,有很多画是什

    4、么“意思”也没有的。它们就是些好看的图案,我们喜爱它们就像我们喜欢漂亮的窗帘布一样。我觉得小孩子们往往比任何人都更能欣赏现代绘画,他们观察到的东西更多。我的妹妹只有7岁,但她总能说出我的画是好还是坏。昨天她到我房里来了。 【New words and expressions】(13)1 art:t n.艺术2 critic kritik n.评论家3 paint peint v.画4 pretendpritend v.假装5 pattern ptn n.图案6 curtain k:tn n.窗帘,幕布7 materialmtiril n.材料8 appreciatepri:ieit v.鉴赏9

    5、 notice nutis v.注意到10 whetherwee conj.是否11 hang h v.悬挂,吊12 criticallykritikli ad.批评地13 upsidepsaid 上下颠倒地一单词讲解:art1) U 艺术,美术an art student 一个学艺术的学生an art gallery lri 画廊an art critic 艺术评论家an art lover 艺术爱好者eg. Art is long; Life is short. (谚)艺术长久,人生短暂。arts pl. 文科languages, literature, historyBachelor b

    6、tl of Arts 文学学士学位Bachelor of Science 理科学士学位bachelors degree 学士学位masters degree 硕士学位doctors degree 博士学位B. A. in English for trade 外贸英语专业的文学学士学位2) 技术,技巧,窍门eg. He is good at the art of making friends. 他擅长交朋友。arts and crafts kr:ft 工艺artist n. 艺术家,画家eg. He is a great critic and artist. 他是著名的评论家兼画家。critic

    7、 n. 评论家,批评家eg. Im my own critic. 我是一个严于律己的人。a music critic 音乐评论家a theatre critic 戏剧评论家a literary litrri critic 文学评论家eg. He is famous as an art critic. 他是位著名的艺术评论家。critical adj. 批评的,评论的, 苛刻的,岌岌可危的,(疾病)危急的a critical remark 批评性的评论eg. Why are you always so critical? 你怎么老是吹毛求疵?eg. That teacher is too cri

    8、tical of his students. 那个老师对学生太苛刻了。a critical situation 危急的情况eg. He is now in a critical condition. 他现在病况危急。critically adv. 苛刻的,非难的eg. She looked at my picture critically. 她用挑剔的目光看我的画。criticize kritisaiz v. 批评,评论,对挑剔eg. He criticized the American film favorably. 他对那部美国影片给予好评。eg. Shes always criticiz

    9、ing her friends for being selfish. 她总是批评朋友们自私。类似的词汇、短语:attack (with words) 抨击,辱骂blame 责备condemn kndem 严责criticize 批评paint1) n. U 油漆a pot of paint 一桶油漆/ a pail of paintgive the door two coats of paint 给那扇门刷两层油漆eg. Wet Paint! 油漆未干!2) n. C 绘画颜料oil paints 油画颜料3) v. 刷涂,油漆,涂paint the house blue 把房子涂成蓝色4)

    10、v. 画;化妆;把(药等)涂于paint a picture 画一幅画paint flowers 画鲜花paint a girl 画一个小女孩paint a still life 画静物eg. She spends several hours painting her face. 她花了几个小时化妆。paint a wound with iodine a,dan, -dn, -,di:n 在伤口处涂碘酒eg. Paint the town red. 到酒吧、夜总会寻欢作乐。painter n. 画家,油漆工a portrait painter 肖像画家pretend pritend v. 假装

    11、1) pretend to do sth 假装做pretend to be doing 假装正在做eg. She pretended to know the answer. 她假装知道答案。eg. The students pretended to be reading books when the teacher came in. 当老师进来时,学生们假装在读书。2) pretend + thateg. When we rang the bell, she pretended that she was not at home.当我们按响门铃时,她假装她不在家。eg. Many people

    12、pretend that they understand modern art.eg. Dont pretend to know what you dont know. 不要不懂装懂。3) 敢于,胆敢,厚着脸皮做eg. I dont pretend to be a scholar. 我不敢假装是个学者。4) pretended adj. 虚伪的,只是表面的pertended illness 装出来的病pattern pt n.1) 图案,花样, 式样designeg. What a pretty pattern! 多美的图案!eg. She wore a dress with a patter

    13、n of roses on it. 她穿着一条印有玫瑰花图案的裙子。2) 模式,方式behavior pattern 行为方式eg. The murders all seem to follow the same pattern. 这些谋杀案同一手法。3) 模范,榜样;(adj.) 榜样的eg. She is a pattern of good behavior. 她是行为的榜样。a pattern wife 模范太太a pattern husband 模范丈夫curtain n. 窗帘,幕布curtain material 窗帘布/curtain clothring up the curta

    14、in 开幕ring down the curtain 落幕ring up the curtain on a new football season 新的足球赛季正式开始behind the curtain 在幕后地,秘密地curtain call 要求谢幕的声音material1) n. C 材料,原料raw materials for industry 工业原料building materials 建筑材料eg. He is no officer material. 他不是当官的料子。2) n. U 织物,布料 fabric fbrik , clothenough material to m

    15、ake two dresses 足够做两条裙子的布料eg. This curtain material is very good cloth. 这种窗帘布质量上乘。tough cotton material 结实的棉布3) adj. 物质的material gains 物质利益material civilization 物质文明spiritual spiritul adj. 精神的4) pl. 工具,用具writing materials 书写工具appreciate v. 欣赏,鉴赏,感谢 understand and enjoyeg. I cant appreciate modern ar

    16、t. 我欣赏不了现代艺术。eg. I really appreciate a good cup of tea. 有一杯好茶,我就乐在其中了。eg. Your help was greatly appreciated. 非常感谢你的帮助。/ Thank you so much for your help.appreciation ,pri:i:en n. U 欣赏,感谢eg. I show no appreciation of jazz. 我对爵士乐没有欣赏能力。eg. Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you have done fo

    17、r us. 多蒙鼎力相助,不胜感激,谨备薄礼,敬请笑纳。notice1) n. 布告,通知,启事put up a notice 张贴布告put an obituary btu:,eri: notice in the paper 在报纸上登了一则讣告eg. He gave his secretary a months notice. 他提前一个月通知他的秘书。take notice of 注意到,留心到(通常用于否定句)eg. Take no notice of what others say about your way of life.别理会别人对你生活方式的评论。without notic

    18、e 没事先通知,擅自beneath a persons notice 不值一顾2) v. 注意到,看到notice sb do sth 注意到某人做某事eg. Have you noticed her cry? 你注意到她哭了吗?notice sb doing sth 注意某人正在做某事eg. He was noticed breaking into the door. 有人注意到他正破门而入。eg. Didnt you notice? He has dyed his hair red. 难道你没注意到他把头发染红了?eg. Sorry, I didnt notice you. 抱歉,我没注意

    19、到你。eg. She just wants to be noticed thats why she dresses so strangely.她就是想引起注意,所以她穿得很奇怪。whether conj. 是否weather n. 天气whether (广) / ifeg. Whether the weather is chilly or whether the weather is hot, well weather the weather whatever the weather is. Well go there believe it or not.under the weather 心

    20、情不佳的,身体不适的in all weathers 不论晴雨,不论幸与不幸make heavy weather of sth 大惊小怪,小题大做weather-beaten 饱经风霜hanghang-hung-hung v. 悬挂,吊hang-hanged-hanged v. 绞死,吊死1) v. 悬挂,吊eg. I am hanging my picture on the wall./ My picture is being hung on the wall.eg. He hung a map of the world on the wall.eg. Hang your coat on th

    21、e hook!2) v. 绞死,吊死eg. He was hanged for murder. 他因谋杀被绞死。eg. She hanged herself. 她上吊自尽了。 She killed herself. 她自杀了。 She committed suicide. 她自杀了。commit kmit vt. 自杀 suicide sjuisaid n.自杀;自取灭亡eg. Hang it! 见鬼,岂有此理!hang by a thread / hang by a hair 千钧一发,危在旦夕hang round 徘徊,闲荡critically adv. 批评地upside down1)

    22、adv. 上下颠倒地eg. Its upside down. 颠倒了。 / It isnt the right way up.eg. That picture is upside down. 那幅画挂倒了。eg. The boy pretended to be reading. But he held the book upside down (the wrong way up). 那个男孩假装在看书,但他把书拿倒了。turn turtle t:tl(船/车)翻覆2) adv. 杂乱地,乱七八糟地turn a room upside down 把房间弄得乱七八糟。二、关键句型Key Struc

    23、tures一般现在时与现代进行时1. 表客观事实,普遍真理,用一般现在时。例:Light travels faster than sound. 光声音传播得快。Two and four makes six. 二加四等于六。Water boils at 100. 水在一百度沸腾The room moves round the earth. 月亮绕着地球转2. 表现在的特征或状态,用一般现在时。例:She is always ready to help others. 她总是乐于助人。It all depends. 视情况而定。He loves sports. 他喜欢运动。3. 经常性或习惯性的动

    24、作,用一般现在时。(often,always)例: We always care for each other and help each other.我们总是互相关心互相帮助。They cycle to work every day. 他们每天骑车去上班。They often get up at 7 oclock. 他们经常7点起床。4. 表示状态和感觉的动词:通常使用一般现在时,很少用于进行时态。be love like hate want hope need prefer wish know understand remember believe recognize appear app

    25、reciate feel forget hear look like notice resemble see think例:I hear that you like classical music.我听说你喜欢古典音乐。I remember Tom very well. Do you know him?我清楚地记得Tom,你认识他吗?I feel sharp pain in my chest. 我的胸口疼得厉害。You see what工mean ? 你明白我的意思吗?5. 现在进行时表示正在进行的动作。表示状态和感觉的动词,般不用进行时态,因为它们不能表示正在进行的动作,但是如果词义转变,能

    26、表示一个正在进行的动作,可用于进行时态。例: Do you see anyone over there?你看到那有人了吗?Are you seeing someone off? 你在送人走吗?I hear someone singing. 我听到有人正在唱歌。They re hearing an English talk. 他们在听英语讲座。What do you think of it? 你认为这个东西怎么样?What are you thinking about? 你在想什么?He looks well today. 他今天看起来不错。He is looking after his lit

    27、tle sister. 他正在照顾他的小妹妹。三、 课文讲解TextAm an art student and I paint a lot of pictures.and并列连词Many people pretend that they understand modern art.pretend,understand用一般现在时many people pretend that宾语从句(modern mdn 现代的,时髦的model mdl 模型,模特medal medl 奖章,奖牌metal metl 金属They always tell you what a picture is about

    28、.(作者认为一些懂得艺术的人的评论根本不着边际,这里用about有讽刺意味)Of course, many pictures are not about anything. They are just pretty patterns.of course: in factabout用引号表反语,讽刺的口吻。“just” means only仅仅是We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.pretty 指人时用于妇女儿童,也可指娇媚温柔的容貌beautiful 指人时用于妇女儿童是一个有分量的词,含有高雅的,

    29、完美的,可修饰任何事物a beautiful day 天气不错eg. You did a beautiful job. 你干得不错。a beautiful tree 长得好看的树handsome 指人时,指男子:英俊,潇洒good-looking 好看的(指任何人或物)ugly 难看的pretty 漂亮的pretty ugly 相当地难看the same that 指同一件事物the same as 指同种类的事物eg. This is the same wallet (that) I lost a week ago. 这是我上周前丢的钱包。eg. Put the book back in t

    30、he same place where it was. 把书放回原来的地方。eg. My bag is the same as yours. 我的书包和你的书包是一样的。eg. She goes to the same university as her father did. 她和父亲上的是同一类型的大学。I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more.I think that宾语从句any else 任何别的人比较时,排除自身去比较,

    31、 they notice more. 是对前一句的补充。长短句兼用,使文章不显得死板,富于变化。My sister is only seven., but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not.She is only seven years old.She is a seven-year-old girl.复合形容词:1)只能放在名词之前,做前置定语;2)各词之间用短横线连接;3)当中间出现名词时,要以单数形式出现。30-metre- tall2- foot- talltells me whether my pictur

    32、es are good or not.whether 引导宾语从句whether 和if 表“是否”,可引导宾语从句,但是,当句尾有or not,只能用 whether。文章到这为止,分开为两段。第一段描述一般情况,采用一般现在时。下面讲述昨天发生的故事,采用一般过去时。She came into my room yesterday. What are you doing? she asked. Im hanging this picture on the wall, I answered. Its a new one . Do you like it?“one”代替 “picture” 避免

    33、重复。She looked at it critically for a moment. Its all right, she said, but isnt it upside down?I looked at it again. She was right! It was!Isnt it upside down? 反问句It was! 省略句避免重复、罗嗦(在不引起歧义的情况下),补全为:It was upside down!四、 练习Exercises1. What is it about? Tell me_.A. what is it about B. what it is aboutC

    34、. what about it is D. what about is it这是关于什么的?告诉我分析:A. 语序不对,在间接引语中应该用陈述语序:C和D。 语序混乱,含义不通:B. 符合间接引语的要求。 答案是B2. We like them _we like pretty curtain material.A just as B the same C just the same D so我们喜欢它们就好像我们喜欢漂亮的窗帘布一样。分析:A就像. 一样,合乎语法和题义;B和C都是不完整的,same通常搭配as,the same as或者说just the same as D所以,前后逻辑不通

    35、顺答案是A3. This curtain material is very good_A. clothes B. cloth C. substance D. matter这个窗帘布是非常好的. 分析:A. 衣服,不合题义:C. 物质,不能和窗帘布相等;D. 物质,物体,不符合题义B. 布料,布,意思最贴切,它既可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词,答案是B4. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply_.A. appreciated B. approved C. appealed D. applied那些作为礼物送给我

    36、们的图书被深深地怎样了分析:A对表示感谢,欣赏:B. 同意; C. 要求,有感染力; D. 申请答案是A我们深深感谢作为礼物送来给我们的珍贵图书. 六、补充材料谚语1. A bad workman always blames his tools.技术差或无能的人把自己的过失归咎于工具不好;劣匠总怨工具差。告诉我们在工作学习和生活中,当出现问题的时候要从自身上找原因,而不要去推卸责任. 2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.想得到更多的东西,不如牢牢抓住已有的东西;多得不如现得:双鸟在林不如一鸟在手. bush灌木丛 这条谚语告诉我要珍惜所拥有的现在。


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