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    1、涂料专用词汇Matting agent 消光剂 high solid lacquer 高固体漆Adhesion strength 附着强度 gelling 凝胶化Coalescing agent 成膜助剂 gloss retention 保光性Automatic spraying 自动喷漆 brushing 刷涂Fungus resistance 防霉性 primary color 原色Blush resistance 防白性 opaque paint 不透明涂料Paint film 涂膜 color paint 有色涂料Contractive color 收缩色翻译:People enter

    2、ing coatings science should realize that although it is an old field,it is not a mature one;it offers exciting challenges and career opportunities.They will have opportunities to improve scientific understanding and to contribute to the major thrusts of coatings development:reducing emissions that c

    3、ause air pollution,reducing energy requirements,and protecting metals against corrosion.人们进入涂料科学应该认识到虽然这是一个老的领域,它却不是成熟的;它提供了令人激动的挑战和职业机会。他们将有机会提高科学认识,并有助于主要目标涂料的迅猛发展:减少气味散发造成的大气污染,降低能源需求,并保护金属免受腐蚀。Coatings may be described by their appearance(e.g.,clear,pigmented,metallic,or glossy)and by their func

    4、tion(e.g.,corrosion protective,abrasion protective,skid resistant,decorative,or photosensitive).Coatings may be distinguished as organic or inorganic,although there is overlap.For example,many coatings consist of inorganic pigment particles dispersed in an organic matrix(the binder).涂料的外观(例如,透明,着色,金

    5、属,或光泽)以及它们的功能可以被描述(例如,腐蚀,磨损保护,防滑,装饰,或感光)。涂料可以被分为有机或无机,尽管有重叠的地方。例如,许多涂料含有无机颜料粒子分散在有机基质中(粘结剂)。Organic coatings are complex mixtures of chemical substances that can be grouped into four broad categories:(1)binders,(2)volatile components,(3)pigments,and(4)additives.有机涂层的复杂混合物的化学物质可分为四大类:(1)粘合剂,(2)挥发性成分,

    6、(3)颜料,和(4 )添加剂。Binders are the materials that form the continuous film that adheres to the substrate(the surface being coated),that bind together the other substances in the coating to form a film,and that present an adequately hard outer surface.粘合剂材料可以形成连续的膜用来粘附基板(被涂表面),其他物质的涂料结合在一起形成膜,并呈现 一个充分硬的外

    7、表面。The binders of coatings within the scope of this book are organic polymers.In some cases,these polymers are prepared and incorporated into the coating before application;in other cases,final polymerization takes place after the coating has been applied.Binder polymers and their precursors are oft

    8、en called resins.The binder governs,to a large extent,the properties of the coating film.The major resin types used in coatings are given in Table 4.涂层的粘结剂薄膜的范围是有机聚合物。在某些情况下,这些聚合物在应用之前要准备和并入涂层;在其他情况下,最终聚合发生后的涂层会被应用。粘结剂聚合物及其反应物通常被称为树脂。粘合剂规范,在很大程度上,涂膜的性质。主要用于涂料的树脂类型如表4所示。Volatile components are includ

    9、ed in a large majority of all coatings.They play a major role in the process of applying coatings;they are liquids that make the coating fluid enough for application,and they evaporate during and after application.大多数的涂料都包含挥发性成分。他们在涂料的应用过程中扮演重要的角色;他们都是液体,使涂层在应用中足够的流动性,并且他们在应用期间和之后就蒸发了。Until about 19

    10、45,almost all of the volatile components were low molecular weight organic solvents that dissolved the binder components.However,the term solvent has become potentially misleading because since 1945,many coatings have been developed for which the binder component are not fully soluble in the volatil

    11、e components.直到大约1945,几乎所有的挥发性成分都是低分子量的有机溶剂溶解粘结剂成分。然而,这个术语溶剂已经成为潜在的误导,因为自1945年以来,许多涂料已经开发成为粘合在成分中的不完全挥发组分。Because of the need to reduce VOC emissions,a major continuing drive in the coatings field is to reduce the use of solvents by making the coatings more highly concentrated(higher-solids coatings

    12、),by using water as a major part of the volatile components(waterborne coatings),and by eliminating solvents altogether.由于需要降低VOC的排放,在涂料领域中主要继续赶进的是通过使涂料更加集中(高固体涂料),通过使用水作为主要部分的挥发组分(水性涂料),完全通过消除溶剂来减少溶剂的使用。Pigments are finely divided insoluble solid particles that are dispersed in the vehicle and rema

    13、in suspended in the binder after film formation.颜料是分散在媒介物和悬浮在粘合剂成膜后的不溶性固体颗粒。Generally,the primary purpose of pigments is to provide color and opacity to the coating film.However,they also have substantial effects on application characteristics and on film properties.A lthoug most coatings contain pi

    14、gments,there are important types of coatings that contain little or no pigment,commonly called clear coat,or just clears.Clear coats for automobiles and transparent varnishes are examples.一般来说,颜料主要的目的是提供颜色和不透明性的涂膜。然而,他们也有重大影响的应用特征及膜性能。虽然大多数涂料含颜料,有重要的类型的涂料,含有很少或根本没有颜料,通常称为清漆。清漆对汽车和透明清漆就是例子。Additives

    15、are materials that are included in small quantities to modify some property of a coating.Examples are catalysts for polymerization reactions,stabilizers,and flow modifiers.添加剂的材料,包括小批量修改一些性能的涂层。例如聚合反应催化剂,稳定剂,和流动改性剂。Most coatings are complex mixtures.Many contain several substances from each of the f

    16、our categories,and each substance is usually a chemical mixture.The number of possible combinations is limitless.The number of different applications is also limitless.大多数涂料是复杂的混合物。许多包含几个物质的来自四个类别,每个物质通常是一种化学混合物。可能的组合的数量是无限的。不同的应用程序的数量也是无限的。可能的组合的数量是无限的。不同的应用的数量也是无限的英语长句分析Additives are materials that are 宾语 修饰included in small quantities to modify some property of a coating.宾语从句谢谢!


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