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    1、1.My _(学生) like me and I like them.2.Jim and David are my _ (同班同学).3.These are my friends. _(他们的) names are Han Mei and Wei Hua.4.Is Jim Kate s _(兄弟) ?5.Those are _(香蕉) .6.These are _(桔子).7.These two _(妇女) are my teachers.8.Is _(每人) here today?9.Thats my bird, _(它的) name is Polly.10.Whats this in En

    2、glish? Its a _(钟).11.That s not your classroom, it s _(我们的).12.There are many _(动物) over there.13.Whats in the _(双胞胎的) bedroom?14.Whats your _(最喜欢的) colour?15.Are Tim and Tom in different _(学校)?16.Whats the time?Its a _(一刻钟) to seven.17.Are there any _(警察) in the room?18.His _(衣服) are grey. What abo

    3、ut yours?19.Can you count from one to a _(百) ?20.Whose _(女儿) are the girls? Mr Kings.21.There are many people in that _(市场)22.Chinese is our first _(语言).23.The teachers say we must do morning _(操) every day.24.Those young men are _(士兵).25.He _(教) us English well, so our English is very good.26.Walki

    4、ng after supper is good for our _(健康)27.How much are the _(西红柿) ?28.The Greens are going to London for their _(假日).29. They are from Canada, so they are _(加拿大人).30.I want to buy a _(字典) for my son.31.We must do our homework _(仔细).32.Are you _(渴) or hungry?33.Their _(小刀) are all old, I want a new one

    5、.34.Is that _(建筑物) a hotel or a shop?35.There are many farmers in the _(田地).36.Good morning, _(孩子), are we all here now?37.Today is _(星期二), February 18th. Im on duty.38.Id like an _(空的) box.39.How many _(动物园) are there in that city?40.What _(别的) can you see in the picture?41.My bike isnt _(坏的), its

    6、OK.42.Put your _(书本) away, Lily and Kate.43.Yon can eat the cakes if you are _(饿)44.Do you want any _(水果)?45.I have porridge and eggs for _(早餐).46There are some _(块) of bread on the plate.47.Those boys are good at _(游泳).48.Don t _(扔) the yo - yo like that.49.Michael Jordan is one of the best basketb

    7、all _(选手)50.Are the boys _(骑) bikes?51.Jim is _(浇) the flowers.52.The shop in our school _(关门) at 9 p.m.53.We have a class _(会议) every week.54.To many people, the meaning of a name is _(重要的).55. I dont want to go to Gansu, because the weather there is too _(坏).56.My grandpa often _(讲) us stories.57.

    8、You can give him your best _(祝愿).58.Be quiet, the students are _(上) lessons.59.They are going to their _(故乡) next week.60._(或许) that man is a teacher; I think.61.Would you like to go for a _(野炊) with us tomorrow?62.Im very _(累), and I want to have a good rest.63.Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan are all b

    9、ig _(城市).64.Im going to give my English teacher some _(漂亮的) flowers for Teachers Day.65.Beijing is very _(远). We have to go there by air.66.Lets go _(划船) on the river.67.The monkeys climb up the trees _(快).68.September is the _(九) month of the year.69.Lets meet _(在.外面) the school gate.70.Which month

    10、 is hotter, _(十月) or September?71.We are going to have a party to _(庆祝) Teachers Day.72.They are going shopping _(一起) tomorrow.73.Who s _(高), Lily or Lucy?74.Who is the _(年轻) in your class?75.Our teacher comes into the classroom _(拿着) a book in his hand.76.I think his story is _(有趣) of the three.77.

    11、You must wait at home _(直到) he comes back.78.His door is closed, _(没有人) is in.79.The farmers _(种) potatoes on this farm.80.Its not a truck but a _(拖拉机).81.How many _(星星) can you see in the sky?82.Tom runs _(快) than Jim.83.John wants to _(饲养) the animals on the farm,84.Of all the animals, tigers are

    12、the _(危险).85.Tomorrow we are going to learn the _(十二) lesson.86.Shall we go to the _(电影院) this afternoon?OK.87.How many _(婴儿) deer are there?Three.88.Please _(给.看) me your new watch, I d like to have a look.89.Why dont we meet a little _(早)? Lets make it 1:30.90.Sheep and rabbits just eat _(草).91.Sh

    13、all we go and see the clothes _(表演) this evening.92.He says we must keep our eyes _(闭).93.Can you show me the way to the _(博物馆)?94.My home is about three _(公里) from our school.95.Youd better _(说) it in English.96.Im sorry hes not at home at the _(瞬间,片刻).97.I think its very hard to travel _(环绕) the b

    14、ig city.98.There s a lake _(在.内) the park.99.We cant help him, he has to ask a _(女警察) for help.100.In a few _(月)time,it will be covered with green things.101.Every day he _(完成) his work at 5:00.102.Mother is the _(忙) in my family.103.Which lesson is the hardest?The _(五) lesson.104.Lets meet at the s

    15、hopping _(中心) at 11 oclock.105.Im going to _(参观) the Great Wall next week.106.He works very hard, and _(享受.的乐趣) his work.107.There are going to be two football _(比赛) tomorrow.108.Is he good at _(驾驶) a car?109.You d better _(计划) your work carefully.110.I think its much _(冷) today.111.His friends are

    16、all _(商人).112.We sell the machines to many _(国家).113.Everything is _(准备好了). Lets start.114.Is the robot very _(有用)?115.Beijing is _(干燥) than Shanghai these days.116.Who _(发明) the telephone.?Sorry, I dont know.117.The robot listened to everything Mr Mott _(说).118.Mr Mott finished _(打包) at 10:40.119.M

    17、r Li has a very bad memory. He often _(忘记) important meetings.120.The memory robot always watched Mr Mott _(睡觉) at night.121.We moved to France nine years ago because my father _(找到) work there.122.Edison was a _(著名的) inventor in the world.123._(千)of people are at the concert now.124.The Reads enjoy

    18、 _(看) newspapers.125.Which _(部分)of Australia do you come from?126.He has a friend _(叫做) Li Ming.127.It was _(下雨) hard when I wanted to go home:128.December comes after _(十一月).129.What _(发生) in the middle of the concert last night?130.He didnt have breakfast and went to school in a _(匆忙).131.Look! Th

    19、e children are making some _(雪人).132.July is the _(热) month of the year, we dont go to school then.133.Did you help the farmers with the rice _(丰收) last year?134.My mother often does some _(洗) on Sundays.135.He _(写) a letter to his penfriend last night.136.It was _(真的) cold yesterday.137.The student

    20、s are busy _(帮助) the farmers with the apple picking.138.I like _(下雪) days because I like to play with snow.139.The shop only sells _(男) clothes and shoes.140.Bruce is going _(远足) in the Blue Mountains with his father.141.There will be a _(强) wind in the northeast of China.142.The weather here is ver

    21、y fine. We have a lot of _(阳光) every day.143.Thank you very much for _(邀请) me to your party.144.Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a _(口信)?145.Miss Zhan looked at me with a big _(笑) on her face.146.Im _(恐怕) I may be a little late.147.December the twenty- fifth is _(圣诞节) Day.148.Spring _(节

    22、日) is the most important in China.149.Where will you go _(在.期间) the winter holiday?150.They will have a big _(聚会) on December the twenty-fourth.答案:1-5:students,classmates, Their, brother, bananas6-10: oranges, women, everyone, its, clock11-15: ours, animals, twins, favourite, schools16-20: quarter,

    23、policemen, clothes, hundred, daughters21-25: market, language, exercises, soldiers, teaches26 -30: health, tomatoes, holiday, Canadians, dictionary31-35: carefully, thirsty, knives, building, field36-40: children, Tuesday, empty, zoos, else41-45: broken, books, hungry, fruit, breakfast46-50: pieces,

    24、 swimming, throw, players, riding51-55: watering, closes, meeting, important, bad56-60: tells, wishes, having, hometown, Maybe/Perhaps61-65: picnic, tired, cities, beautiful, far66-70: boating, quickly, ninth, outside, October71-75: celebrate, together, taller, youngest, with76-80: the most interest

    25、ing, until/till, nobody, grow, tractor81-85: stars, faster, feed, most dangerous, twelfth86-90: cinema, baby, show, earlier, grass91-95: show, closed, museum, kilometres, say96-100: moment, around/round, inside, policewoman, months101-105:finishes, busiest, fifth, centre,visit106-110:enjoys, matches

    26、, driving, plan, colder111-115:businessmen, countries, ready, useful, drier116-120:invented, said, packing, forgets, sleep121-125:found, famous, Thousands, reading, part126-130:called/named, raining, November, happened, hurry131-135:snowmen, hottest, harvest, washing, wrote136-140:really, helping, snowy, mens, hiking141-145:strong, sunshine, inviting/asking, message, smile146-150:afraid, Christmas, Festival, during, get-together


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