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    1、2021年内蒙古赤峰市中考英语试卷一、听力测试(共20个小题, 每小题1. 5分, 共30分)第一节:听小对话, 从A. B. C三幅图片中选择符合内容的一幅。每段对话读两遍。1. 2. 3. 4 5. 第二节:听长对话, 根据对话内容选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。请听下面一段对话,回答第6小题。6. How was Toms weekend? A. Boring. B. Exciting. C. Relaxing. 请听下面一段对话,回答第7、8小题。7. Whats the temperature now? A. 8 C. B. 10 C. C. 28 C. 8. What are the

    2、y going to do? A. To climb mountains. B. To have a picnic. C. To go fishing. 请听下面一段对话,回答第9-10小题。9. Who watched the Talk Show last month? A. Ben. B. Alice. C. Albert. 10. Where will they meet? A. At Bens house. B. At the gate of their school. C. At the gate of the theater. 请听下面一段对话.回答第11-12小题.11. Wha

    3、ts wrong with Ann?A. She has the flu. B. She has a backache. C. She has a fever.12. Who are the two speakers? A. A mother and a son. B. A teacher and a student. C. Two students. 请听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。13. When is Marks birthday? A. June 19th. B. June 20th. C. June 21st. 14. How old is Mark? A. Six. B.

    4、Sixteen. C. Sixty. 15. What will they buy for Mark as a birthday present? A A radio. B. A book. C. An MP4. 第三节:听短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。16. How many people were there in Mr. Greens family? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. 17. What did Mr. Green like doing? A. Drinking. B. Driving. C. Walking. 18. Who d

    5、id Mr. Green meet in the street that evening? A. His workmate. B. His friend. C. A policeman. 19. How did Mr. Green go home from the restaurant? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi. . 20. Why couldnt Mr. Green open the door? A. Because he drank too much. B. Because his house was moving. C. Because a p

    6、oliceman stopped him. 二、口语应用(共5个小题, 每小题5分, 共5分)阅读下面对话, 从七个选项中选择五个恰当的句子完成对话。请将答案序号按要求涂在答题卡指定位置. Amy:Hello! This is Amy speaking. John:Hi, Amy, John speaking. The Spring Festival is coming soon. _1_Amy:Sure, Id love to_2_ Can you tell me something about it? John:Yes. Its the most important festival in

    7、 China. People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes. _3_ They also buy some new clothes. Any:How do you celebrate every year? John:On the eve of the Festival, the family all get together. _4_ Its very interesting. Amy:And then? John;On the first day of the lunar new yea

    8、r, children put on their new clothes and greet their parents. _5_Amy:Sounds great! I cant wait!John:See you then. Amy:See you.A. Its very kind of you.B. Ill fly to my country to study.C. They are very happy to get lucky money from them.D. Would you like to celebrate it with my family together?E. Wou

    9、ld you like to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with me?F. They prepare delicious food, and clean and decorate their homes.G. We have a big dinner, eat dumplings and stay up late for good luck.【答案】1. D 2. A 3. F 4. G 5. C【解析】【分析】对话主要是John打电话邀请Amy去他家过春节,以及介绍有关春节前后的活动情况。【1题详解】根据“Sure, Id love to”可知,

    10、此处应是提出一个建议,结合“The Spring Festival is coming soon.”可知,春节应该是团聚日子,选项D“你愿意和我的家人一起庆祝吗?”符合语境,故选D。【2题详解】根据上句提出的建议可知,这里应该是感谢对方太好了,选项A“你真是太好了。”符合,故选A。【3题详解】根据“Its the most important festival in China. People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes.”可知,这里应该是说春节之前人们要做的一些事情,选项F“他们准备美味

    11、的食物,打扫和装饰他们的家。”符合,故选F。【4题详解】根据“How do you celebrate every year?”以及“On the eve of the Festival, the family all get together.”可知,此处应该是说自己在春节的时候要做的事情,选项G“我们吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,吃饺子,熬夜以求好运。”符合,故选G。【5题详解】根据“On the first day of the lunar new year, children put on their new clothes and greet their parents.”可知,此处是说有关春节

    12、第一天的活动,选项C“他们很高兴从他们那里得到压岁钱。”符合,故选C。三、阅读理解(共20个小题, 每小题6分, 共40分)第一节:阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A. B、C. D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。请将答案序号按要求涂在答题卡指定位置。(A)Here are some interesting offices around the world. Lets take a look!The loneliest officeWhere is the loneliest office in the world? It is near a glacier(冰川) in the Tanggula

    13、Mountains in Tibet. Its Luobu Renqings office. He wants to protect the glaciers water from pollution. Working in the woodsLook at the tube office in Spain! Half of the office is dug into the ground in a forest. Workers can enjoy the beautiful view through the window while working. This also helps th

    14、e office stay cool during hot summers. Going into a cave(山洞)Do you want to work in a cave? The workers of an Internet company in Sweden do this. The company turned a big cave in the White Mountains into offices. The caves is 30 meters underground, so its very safe and cool. Container(集装箱)officesA co

    15、mpany moved its office to an empty container in Los Angeles, US. People work in shipping containers. Here, people use skylights(天窗) when they are working. This saves a lot of money and energy.6. Where is the loneliest office?A. In China.B. In Spain.C. In Sweden.D. In America.7. Why is the cave offic

    16、e safe and cool?A. Because its in a forest.B. Because its an Internet company.C. Because its 30 meters underground.D. Because people use skylights when they are working.8. Which office can save lots of money and energy?A. The loneliest office.B. The tube office.C. The cave office.D. The container of

    17、fice.【答案】6. A 7. C 8. D【解析】【分析】文章介绍了一些世界各地有趣的办公室。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据“Where is the loneliest office in the world? It is near a glacier(冰川) in the Tanggula Mountains in Tibet.”可知,世界上最孤独的办公室在靠近西藏唐古拉山脉的一座冰川。即在中国,故选A。7题详解】细节理解题。根据“The caves is 30 meters underground, so its very safe and cool.”可知,因为这些洞穴在地下30米,

    18、所以非常安全和凉爽。故选C。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据“Container(集装箱)offices”中的信息“This saves a lot of money and energy.”可知,Container(集装箱)offices办公室能节约金钱和能量,故选D。(B)Nowadays, kuakuaqun or praise groups have become more and more popular on the Internet, Their aim is to comfort young people. These groups provide words of support

    19、 for those who are unhappy. Spending just a little money, you can enter such a group. Share your problems or success, and you will receive positive messages soon. These messages, mostly from strangers, will help you feel better. A leader of one of the groups talks about his first purpose, “I want to

    20、 help people learn to praise others and accept others, praise.”I like the idea of kuakuaqun. However, I think getting praise from strangers online isnt very useful in the long run. This is especially true when you are paying for the praise. These people dont know you, so the praise may not be earnes

    21、t. Real and meaningful praise comes from the people you know. With this in mind, we should try to praise our friends and family members when they need some encouragement. Simply saying to a classmate, I like you, can lift his or her confidence. Being kind to others is easy. And it adds the necessary

    22、 sweetness to make everyones life better.9. Words of support of kuakuaqun are mainly from _.A. studentsB. strangersC. relativesD. classmates10. In kuakuaqun you can learn _.A. to fight with othersB. to make friends with othersC. to draw some picturesD. to praise others and accept others praise11. Wh

    23、ats the meaning of the underlined word “earnest”? A. 勇敢的.B. 大量的.C. 真诚的.D. 虚拟的.12. Kuakuaqun is _ according to the passage.A. a bookB. a magazineC. a computerD. an online group【答案】9. B 10. D 11. C 12. D【解析】【分析】文章介绍了一种名为夸夸群的提供夸人服务的线上群。夸夸群的走红反映了人们对疏解生活压力的需求。这启示我们在日常生活中多夸赞别人。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据“These message

    24、s, mostly from strangers”可知,夸夸群的信息主要来自陌生人,故选B。【10题详解】细节理解题。根据“I want to help people learn to praise others and accept others, praise.”可知,在夸夸群可以学会赞美别人,接受别人的赞美,故选D。【11题详解】词义猜测题。根据“These people dont know you, so the praise may not be earnest. Real and meaningful praise comes from the people you know.”可

    25、知,这些人不认识你,所以赞美可能不认真。真正有意义的赞美来自你认识的人。所以单词“earnest”指的是“真诚的”,故选C。【12题详解】推理判断题。根据“Nowadays, kuakuaqun or praise groups have become more and more popular on the Internet”可知,夸夸群是一个提供夸人服务的线上群,故选D。(C)Before going back to work one afternoon, Policeman Li took a big bite out of the red apple on his desk. He h

    26、ad no time to eat his lunch that day. He was busy dealing with a traffic accident report. It seemed that a man named Wang Jie had run a red light, running into another persons car. But he said that the light had been green when he drove across the crossing. Li decided to question Wang Jie again. May

    27、be he could get some more information about the accident. This time Wang Jie still insisted(坚持) that the light was green when he drove across the crossing. Li had no reason to doubt what Wang Jie said. He told Wang Jie that he was free to go. “Thank you so much, Policeman Li By the way, that green a

    28、pple on your desk looks delicious! I hope you enjoy it!” Wang Jie said with a smile. Li stopped for a moment. “Wait. Sit back down. I think we need to talk some more.”When Wang Jie described Lis red apple as being green, Li realized that Wang Jie must have run a red light.13. What color is the apple

    29、 on Policeman Lis desk?A. Red.B. Green.C. Colorful.D. Red and green.14. The underlined words “what Wang Jie said” mean _.A. Wang Jie had run a red lightB. Wang Jie didnt run into another persons carC. the light was green when Wang Jie drove across the crossingD. the green apple on the desk looked de

    30、licious15. What do you think of Policeman Li? A. He is lazy.B. He is clever.C. He is stupid.D. He is handsome.16. From the passage we can infer(推断)_.A. Wang Jie couldnt driveB. Wang Jie was a policemanC. Wang Jie stole somethingD. Wang Jie might be color-blind【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. D【解析】【分析】短文讲述了

    31、李警官处理一件交通事故,一个叫王杰的人闯了红灯,撞上了另一个人的车然而,他说,当他开车过马路时,灯是绿灯。李警官再次询问王杰,而王杰还是坚称自己没闯红灯,李警官没有理由怀疑王杰的话他告诉王杰他可以走了,但在王杰离开时,李警官改变了主意,因为他发现王杰是色盲。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据“Policeman Li took a big bite out of the red apple on his desk.”可知,李警官桌上的苹果是红色的,故选A。【14题详解】句意猜测题。根据“But he said that the light had been green when he drove

    32、across the crossing.This time Wang Jie still insisted(坚持) that the light was green when he drove across the crossing. Li had no reason to doubt what Wang Jie said.”可知,当李警官再次问询王杰时,他还是坚持自己之前说的,而他之前说的是“当他开车穿过十字路口时,灯是绿色的。”,所以句子“what Wang Jie said”指的是“当他开车穿过十字路口时,灯是绿色的。”,故选C。【15题详解】推理判断题。根据“Li stopped fo

    33、r a moment. “Wait. Sit back down. I think we need to talk some more.”When Wang Jie described Lis red apple as being green, Li realized that Wang Jie must have run a red light.”可知,李警官听了王杰把他的红苹果看成是绿苹果时,发现王杰是色盲,说明李警官很聪明,故选B。【16题详解】推理判断题。根据“When Wang Jie described Lis red apple as being green, Li realiz

    34、ed that Wang Jie must have run a red light.”可知,王杰把红苹果看成绿苹果,因为他是色盲,故选D。(D)More children in China are putting on weight. In 2018, 16 percent of Chinese children were overweight, according to the National Health Commission(NHC). Being too fat is bad for childrens health. According to the World Health O

    35、rganization (WHO), overweight children are more likely to develop diseases like diabetes(糖尿病)at a younger age. This can lead to a higher chance of earlier death. On Oct 23rd, the NHC, together with five other national departments, worked out a plan. The plan aims to reduce the growth of fatness amon

    36、g children aged 018 years by 70 percent from 2020 to 2030, Xinhua reported. Kids are putting on weight because of changes in their diet and lifestyle, according to experts. Too much schoolwork and greater use of electronic devices(电子产品)could also be a cause. According to the plan, teachers should no

    37、t allow their classes to run too late or too early. They should make sure that students have breaks and enough physical(躯体上的)activity. School students should have at least three hours of active physical activity each week. Parents should reduce their childrens use of electronic devices and stop thei

    38、r children from eating foods that are high in sugar, fat and salt.17. According to the WHO, we know _.A. 16% of Chinese children were overweight in 2018B. being too fat is good for childrens healthC. overweight children are more likely to develop diseasesD. fatness can lead to a higher chance of lon

    39、g life18. Which one is NOT experts opinion?A. We should reduce the growth of fatness among adults.B. Changing in childrens diet and lifestyle leads to being too fat.C. Too much schoolwork maybe leads to being too fat.D. Greater use of electronic devices could cause children to put on weight.19. Scho

    40、ol students should have active physical activity for _.A. three hours a dayB. more than three hours every dayC. at least three hours each weekD. less than three hours each month20. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Overweight isnt a problem.B. Say no to childrens getting too fat.C. Putting on we

    41、ight is necessary for the kids.D. Teachers should not allow their classes to run too late.【答案】17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述中国越来越多的儿童过于肥胖,介绍了儿童过于肥胖会带来的疾病,过于肥胖的原因以及解决的办法。【17题详解】细节理解题。根据“overweight children are more likely to develop diseases like diabetes at a younger age”可知,过于肥胖的儿童更容易患上疾病。故选C

    42、。【18题详解】推理判断题。根据“Kids are putting on weight because of changes in their diet and lifestyle, according to experts.”可知,据专家介绍,孩子们长胖是因为饮食和生活方式的改变,即B选项;根据“Too much schoolwork and greater use of electronic devices could also be a cause.”可知,过多的课业和更多地使用电子设备也可能是长胖的一个原因,即C选项和D选项;所以A选项不是专家的观点。故选A。【19题详解】细节理解题。

    43、根据“School students should have at least three hours of active physical activity each week.”可知,学生每周至少应有三小时的积极体育活动。故选C。【20题详解】主旨大意题。阅读全文可知,本文主要讲述中国越来越多的儿童过于肥胖,介绍了儿童过于肥胖会带来的疾病,过于肥胖的原因以及解决的办法,主要是为了呼吁人们重视儿童过于肥胖的问题,B选项符合。故选B。第二节:根据短文内容, 从六个选项中选择五个恰当的句子完成短文。请将箐案序号按要求涂在答题卡指定位置。 The Chinese fan is more like

    44、an artwork than a tool for cooling. It includes the art of carving, painting, handwriting, etc. _21_A silk fan is also called a “round silk fan”. _22_ And its decorated with paintings of beautiful women, flowers or birds. Its one of the earliest types of Chinese fan and popular with women of all age

    45、s. _23_ Its made of the feathers(羽毛) of several different sorts of bits, such as peacocks and geese. The fan handle(柄) is usually wooden. A folding fan is often made of paper. The fan handles and fan ribs(扇骨) are usually made of bamboo or wood. The material of the handles and the ribs is very import

    46、ant. _24_There are always beautiful paintings or handwriting on the fan. Why do Chinese people love fans so much? In ancient China, fans were a sign of beauty and knowledge. _25_ Learned men would fan themselves to show their deep thoughts, too.A. It decides the value of the fan.B. This type of fan is often made of silk.C. Most Chinese people dont like fans at all.D. Here are some common types of Chinese fan.E. Ladies would use fans to show their kindness.F. The feather fan is a w


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