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    1、盐城市二二一年初中毕业与升学考试英 语 试 题注意事项:1. 本试卷包含第卷选择题(第1-45题)、第卷非选择题(第46-81题)两部分。本次考试时间为100分钟, 卷面总分为120分。考试形式为闭卷。2. 本试卷共8页, 在检查是否有漏印、重印或错印后在开始答题。3. 所有试卷必须作答在答题卡上规定的区域内, 注意题号必须对应, 否则不给分。4. 答题前, 务必将姓名、准考证号用0. 5毫米黑丝签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。一、单项选择(共15 小题。每小题 1 分, 计 15分从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 1. As an old saying goes,

    2、 “He who has never been to _ Great Wall is not a true man.”A. aB. anC. theD. /【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:俗话说:“不到长城非好汉”。考查冠词辨析。a不定冠词,表泛指,用于辅音音素开头单词前;an不定冠词,表泛指,用于元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词;/零冠词。“Great Wall”是普通名词构成的专有名词,独一无二的,其前应加定冠词the;the Great Wall“长城”。故选C。2. China successfully landed a spacecraft _ Mars in May, 2021.

    3、A. inB. onC. atD. for【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:2021年5月,中国成功在火星上着陆了一艘宇宙飞船。考查介词辨析。in在里;on在上;at在;for为了。landon着陆于,故选B。3. Read the book Cute Pets, _ you will know how to take care of your cat.A. orB. soC. andD. but【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:阅读可爱的宠物这本书,你会知道如何照顾你的猫。考查连词辨析。or或者;so所以;and和;but但是。“Read the book Cute Pets”与“you wil

    4、l know how to take care of your cat”是并列关系,用连词and连接,故选C。4. No one is _. The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop.A. carefulB. generousC. famousD. perfect【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:人无完人。关键是从错误中学习,永不停止。考查形容词辨析。careful仔细的;generous慷慨的;famous著名的;perfect完美的。根据“The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop”

    5、可知,没有一个人是完美的,关键是要从错误中学习,吸取教训,故选D。5. During Dr Mars last visit, he _ on 150 patients on the ORBIS plane.A. operatesB. is operatingC. will operateD. operated【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:在马尔医生最后一次访问时,他在奥比斯飞机上为150名病人做了手术。考查时态。根据“During Dr Mars last visit”可知,动作发生在过去,是一般过去时,故选D。6. Why are you laughing, Daniel? There i

    6、s _ funny in the newspaper. Come and see.A. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:Daniel,你为什么笑?在报纸上有件有趣的事情。来看看。考查复合不定代词辨析。anything任何事,用于疑问句和否定句;something某件事,用于肯定句;everything一切;nothing没什么事。根据“Why are you laughing”及“There is funny in the newspaper”可知,报纸里有趣的事情让他笑了,且此句是肯定句,故选B。7. Yu

    7、an Longping and his team have solved the problem of _ for many people.A. hungerB. healthC. pollutionD. population【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:袁隆平和他的团队已经解决了许多人的饥饿问题。考查名词辨析。hunger饥饿;health健康;pollution污染;population人口。根据“Yuan Longping and his team have solved the problem offor many people.”和常识可知,袁隆平和他的团队解决的是饥饿问题,故选A

    8、。8. The biggest challenge we all face is to prevent further environmental disasters. We _ take action before it is too late.A. canB. mustC. mayD. might【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我们面临的最大挑战是防止进一步的环境灾难。我们必须采取行动,否则就太晚了。考查情态动词。can能,会;must必须;may可能;might可能。根据“The biggest challenge we all face is to prevent further en

    9、vironmental disasters.”可知,问题比较严重,所以必须采取行动。故选B。9. Alice often _ the fun of doing DIY with us. She is so creative!A. sharesB. providesC. makesD. gives【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:爱丽丝经常和我们分享DIY的乐趣。她很有创造力!考查动词辨析。shares分享;provides提供;makes制造;gives给。根据“Alice often the fun of doing DIY with us”可知,是与我们分享这种乐趣,用share sth w

    10、ith sb表示“与某人分享某物”,故选A。10. Rainbows _ when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.A. produceB. producedC. are producedD. were produced【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:当阳光穿过天空中的小水滴时,彩虹就产生了。考查一般现在时被动语态。主语“Rainbows”与动词“produce”之间是被动关系,根据“passes”可知,句子用一般现在时,故此空应填一般现在时被动语态am/is/are done的结构,故选C。11. Cloth s

    11、hoes became popular during the Ming Dynasty, _ in Sichuan province.A. hardlyB. nearlyC. reallyD. especially【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:布鞋在明代开始流行,尤其是在四川。考查副词辨析。hardly几乎不;nearly几乎;really真地;especially尤其。分析“Cloth shoes became popular during the Ming Dynastyin Sichuan province.”可知,此处表示进一步强调,故选D。12. Last September, T

    12、hunderstorm was shown _ Cao Yu, one of Chinas greatest playwrights.A. rememberB. rememberingC. rememberedD. to remember【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:去年九月份,雷雨上映了是为了纪念中国最伟大的剧作家之一曹禺。考查非谓语动词根据“Thunderstorm was shown Cao Yu, one of Chinas greatest playwrights”可知,雷雨上映的目的是为了纪念伟大的剧作家,用动词不定式表目的,故选D。13. Hello! Id like to s

    13、peak to the Customer Service Department. Please _ and Ill put you through.A. hold onB. carry onC. come onD. go on【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:你好!我想和客户服务部通话。请不要挂机,我帮你接通。考查动词短语辨析。hold on不挂断电话;carry on继续;come on快点;go on继续。根据“Id like to speak to the Customer Service Department.”和“Ill put you through”可知,是别挂断电话,故选A。14

    14、. Jim is planning a trip to Shanghai this weekend, but still doesnt decide_. Why not take the high-speed railway? Its fast and comfortable.A. who will he visitB. what he will doC. how hes going thereD. whom is he going with【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:吉姆计划这个周末去上海旅行,但还没决定怎么去那里。为什么不坐高铁呢?又快又舒服。考查宾语从句。从句是宾语从句,用陈述语序,

    15、排除A和D选项。根据答语“Why not take the high-speed railway”可知,是还没有决定出行的方式,用how引导宾语从句,故选C。15. China has done a great job of dealing with poverty(贫困). _. Were so proud of being Chinese.A. FantasticB. Dont mention itC. I have no ideaD. Good luck【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:中国在解决贫困问题上做得很好。太好了。我们为自己是中国人而感到骄傲。考查情景交际。Fantastic极好

    16、的;Dont mention it别客气;I have no idea我没有任何想法;Good luck好运。根据“Were so proud of being Chinese.”可知是对上文对方陈述的事实的评价,且是好的评价。故选A。二、完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。Red Packets in Chinese CultureGiving Hongbao (red packets) is a tradition in China. Traditional red pockets are often decor

    17、ated with gold Chinese characters(汉字), such as _16_ and wealth.How red packets are usedDuring Chinese New Year, _17_ is (are) put inside red packets which are then handed out to younger generations by their parents, grandparents, relatives, and even close neighbours and friends.The _18_Red represent

    18、s luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. That is _19_ red packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations. How to give and receiveGiving and receiving red packets is a _20_ act. Therefore, red packets are always _21_ and received with both hands. Someone who receives a red packet

    19、at Chinese New Year or on his or her birthday should not _22_ it in front of the giver. _23_, things are different at a Chinese wedding, where the guests usually give the red packets to the attendants and sign _24_ names on a large scroll ( long piece of paper). The attendants will open the packets

    20、at once, _25_ the money inside, and record it on a register(登记簿) next to the guests names. The amount(数量)The amount of money is relative to your relationship to the person who receives-the _26_your relationship is, the more money is expected. Anyway, it is not the amount of the money that matters, b

    21、ut the care and love you hold for others .What not to giftCertain amounts of money are to be _27_. Anything with a four is not good because four sounds similar to _28_ in Chinese. Even numbers(偶数), except four, are better than odd-as good things are believed to come in _29_. For example, gifting 20

    22、is better than 21.The money inside a red packet should _30_ be new. Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste. Hongbao is a symbol of love from others, as well as a sign of good luck.16. A. praiseB. dreamC. happinessD. advice17. A. paperB. moneyC. lettersD. notes18. A. colo

    23、urB. sizeC. shapeD. history19. A. whenB. whyC. howD. where20. A. strangeB. simpleC. smartD. serious21. A. presentedB. filledC. coveredD. gathered22. A. watchB. hideC. openD. accept23. A. MoreoverB. HoweverC. OtherwiseD. Besides24. A. hisB. theirC. yourD. our25. A. countB. changeC. chooseD. collect26

    24、. A. worseB. harderC. closerD. wider27. A. avoidedB. increasedC. affordedD. returned28. A. birthB. fearC. deathD. envy29. A. groupsB. rowsC. teamsD. pairs30. A. sometimesB. neverC. seldomD. always【答案】16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. D【解析】【分析】本文是

    25、一篇说明文,向我们介绍有关中国红包文化的相关信息。【16题详解】句意:传统的红包通常都装饰着金色汉字,如幸福和财富。praise赞扬;dream梦想;happiness幸福;advice建议。根据常识可知,红包意味着好的事物,象征着幸福和财富,故选C。【17题详解】句意:在春节期间,钱被放在红包里,然后他们的父母,祖父母,亲戚,甚至是亲密的邻居和朋友把红包发给年轻的一代。paper纸;money钱;letters信;notes笔记。根据常识可知,新年红包里会放钱,故选B。【18题详解】句意:颜色colour颜色;size尺寸;shape形状;history历史。根据“Red represent

    26、s luck and good fortune in Chinese culture.”可知,本段介绍红包的颜色,故选A。【19题详解】句意:这就是为什么在春节和其他庆祝活动中使用红包的原因。when何时;why为什么;how如何;where哪里。分析“That isred packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations.”可知,此处强调红包是红色的原因,故选B。【20题详解】句意:收发红包是一种严肃的行为。strange奇怪的;simple简单的;smart聪明的;serious严肃的。根据“Therefore,

    27、 red packets are alwaysand received with both hands.”给红包和收红包用双手,可知,收发红包是一种严肃的行为,故选D。【21题详解】句意:因此,红包总是用双手来送和收。presented颁发;filled填满;covered覆盖;gathered聚集。根据“Therefore, red packets are alwaysand received with both hands.”可知,与用双手接红包对应的是用双手送红包,故选A。【22题详解】句意:在春节或生日时收到红包的人不要当着送礼者的面打开。watch观看;hide隐藏;open打开;a

    28、ccept接受。此处与后文“The attendants will open the packets at once”形成对比,不会马上打开红包,故选C。【23题详解】句意:然而,在中国的婚礼上就不一样了,客人通常会把红包发给服务员,并在一个礼单上签名。Moreover此外;However然而;Otherwise否则;Besides此外。根据“things are different at a Chinese wedding”可知,两句话构成转折关系,前者不能当着给红包的人拆红包,而婚礼则不一样,故选B。【24题详解】句意:然而,在中国的婚礼上就不一样了,客人通常会把红包发给服务员,并在一个礼

    29、单上签名。his他的;their他们的;your你的/你们的;our我们的。此处指参加婚礼的人,“他们的”符合语境,故选B。【25题详解】句意:服务员会立即打开红包,数里面的钱,并把它记录在客人名字旁边的登记簿上。count数;change改变;choose选择;collect收集。根据“and record it on a register”可知,数好钱再把金额登记在册,故选A。【26题详解】句意:钱的多少与你和接受者的关系有关你们的关系越亲密,期望得到的钱就越多。worse更差;harder更难;closer更近;wider更宽。根据“theyour relationship is, th

    30、e more money is expected”可知,关系越亲近,给的红包就越大,故选C。【27题详解】句意:特定数额的钱是要避免的。avoided避免;increased增加;afforded买得起;returned归还。根据“Anything with a four is not good”可知,有些数字需要避免,比如含有4的数字。故选A。【28题详解】句意:任何有4的东西都不好,因为4在中文里听起来和死很像。birth出生;fear害怕;death死亡;envy嫉妒。根据“because four sounds similar toin Chinese”和常识可知,4在中文里听起来和死

    31、亡很像,故选C。【29题详解】句意:偶数,除了4,都比奇数好,因为人们相信好事成双。groups组;rows排;teams队;pairs双。根据“Even numbers(偶数), except four, are better than odd-as good things are believed to come in”可知,人们相信好事成双,故选D。【30题详解】句意:红包里的钱应该是新的。sometimes有时;never从不;seldom很少;always总是。根据“Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in b

    32、ad taste.”把钱折叠或者用皱了的钱不好,可知,红包里的钱应该总是新的,故选D。三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。AThe following is adapted from a promotional film about Yancheng.Here, you can come and go as you please._Here, cars are manufactured, as well as happiness. Here, we open the door toward the future by

    33、upgrading industries.Here, agriculture is about scientific cultivation, and also for tourism and education._Here, we live in harmony with nature._Here, the spirit of the Iron Army is remembered and carried forward._Here, a modern city is being built and enriched with passion.Here, broaden your horiz

    34、on and open your heart. Welcome to Yancheng!31. Whats the main purpose of the film?A. To introduce Yancheng to the world.B. To show the sights of Yancheng.C. To explain the history of Yancheng.D. To describe the development of Yancheng.32. “Here, it is a paradise for animals and also animal lovers.”

    35、 can be put in _.A. B. C. D. 33. What might be the best title for the film?A. Old Yancheng.B. Busy Yancheng.C. Natural Yancheng.D. Loving Yancheng.【答案】31. A 32. C 33. D【解析】【分析】本文改编自一部关于盐城的宣传电影,向我们介绍盐城。【31题详解】主旨大意题。本文改编自一部关于盐城的宣传电影,向我们介绍盐城。故选A。【32题详解】推理判断题。根据“Here, we live in harmony with nature”可知,我

    36、们与自然和谐相处,题干中“Here, it is a paradise for animals and also animal lovers.这里是动物的天堂,也是动物爱好者的天堂”与自然相关,故选C。【33题详解】最佳标题题。本文主要向我们介绍盐城,包括盐城的变化、工业、自然等方面,且根据结尾“Here, a modern city is being built and enriched with passion.Here, broaden your horizon and open your heart.”的描述,选项D“充满爱的盐城”符合主题,故选D。B Derek RedmondIt

    37、was the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992; the semi-final of the 400 metres. The sun was shining and the crowd were ready for a great race. The British athlete Derek Redmond was a top runner: he had a very good chance of winning a medal.The race began. At first, Derek was running well. Then, after

    38、about 150 metres, he felt a pain in his leg. He fell down on one knee. He had a bad injury and couldnt carry on. The other runners went past him and finished the race.After about five seconds, Derek got up and started to run again, on one leg only. Some organizers tried to stop him but he kept going

    39、. The crowd stood up and started to clap. Then another man came onto the trackDereks father, Jim. His father put his arm around him and said, “Derek, you dont have to do this.” Derek replied, “Yes, I do. I have to finish.” And so together they walked the last 50 metres and crossed the line.When he f

    40、inally crossed the line, Derek was crying and 60,000 people were cheering him. Gerlinde KaltenbrunnerIn the summer of 2010, mountaineer Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner was almost at the top of a mountain called K2 in Nepal. She was trying to climb the 8,61l-metre mountain for the fifth time and this time she

    41、 was climbing with her friend Fredrik Ericsson,It was about 7 oclock in the morning and it was snowing a little. The two climbers were getting ready to go up the last 400 metres. Fredrik was trying to tie some rope but he slipped and fell past Gerlinde. He fell 1,000 metres and was killed._ K2 was n

    42、ow a very sad place for her, and she thought perhaps she would never climb the mountain.But there was something very important that she wanted to do: K2 is one of 14 mountains in the world that are 8,000 metes or higher, and her dream was to climb them all.So in August 2011 she went back to Nepal an

    43、d K2, and tried again. This time, she got to the top. Her dream was complete.34. What information is mentioned in the first story?A. The time Derek spent on the race.B. The person who crossed the line with Derek.C. The speed Derek ran for the first 150 meters.D. The names of the runners who went pas

    44、t Derek.35. Which of the following can be put in _.A. Gerlinde went back to base-campB. Gerlinde went on climbingC. Gerlinde tied some rope to the rocksD. Gerlinde wanted to try again36. What did the two main characters have in common?A. They both came from Britain.B. They both failed the 400-metre

    45、race.C. They both had the dream to climb high mountains.D. They were both brave people who didnt give up.37. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A. The most important thing is to win the race.B. When things go wrong, we must stop at once.C. When we start something, we should try to finish.D.

    46、 We shouldnt start a race if we think we cant win.【答案】34. B 35. A 36. D 37. C【解析】【分析】本文通过讲述运动员Derek Redmond在比赛时腿伤复发,但是他还是坚持冲向了重点线,和登山家Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner在登山时失去了自己的好朋友,但是她还是仍然克服了自己的心理障碍实现了自己的梦想。【34题详解】细节理解题。根据“And so together they walked the last 50 metres and crossed the line”可知,第一个故事里提到了和Derek一起冲向终点的人,也就是他的爸爸,故选B。【35题详解】句意猜测题。根据上一段“He fell 1,000 metres and was killed.”可知在第一次攀爬中,失去了朋友,所以她回到了大本营,A选项“Gerlinde回到了大本营”符合,故选A。【36题详解】推理判断题。通读全文可知,这两个人的共同特点都是遇到了某些困难,但是最终都没有放弃,故选D。【37题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者想通过运动员Derek Redmond


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