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    1、2009年无锡市初中毕业升学考试英语试题第I卷(选择题共55分)一、单项填空在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本题共15分,每小题1分)1. Which of those radios sounds?The smallest one.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best2.the teachers in their school is about 200 and onefourth of them areteachers.A. A number of; womenB. A number of; womanC. The number of; wo

    2、menD. The number of; woman3. It willus several years to learn a foreign language well.A. costB. takeC. spendD. use4.一It must be John who is in the office.I m sure itbe John. I saw him off at the rail way station just twenty minutes ago.A. won tB. mustntC. cantD. neednt5. If you cant decide which of

    3、the two novels to borrow,why dont you take?I wont read them this month.A. bothB. allC. anyD. either6. Hell use what he hasher a new dress.A. boughtB. to buyC. buyingD. been bought7.一Did you give Dick a call?I didnt need toIll see him soon.A. whenB. thoughC. untilD. because8. Its notgood idea to driv

    4、e for four hours withoutbreak .A. a; aB. the; theC. a; theD. the; a9.1 find this computer gameto play.A. enough easyB. easy enoughC. enough easilyD. easily enough10. Xiao Li said she would ratherjoin us.A. did notB. to notC. notD. not to11. Hello! Can I speak to Mr White?Sorry,he isnt here right now

    5、. Heto the theme park.A. will goB. was goingC. has goneD. has been12. Mr Lin gave the textbooks to all the studentstheones who had already taken them.A. exceptB. includingC. amongD. with13. Theythe train until it disappeared in the dis tance.A. sawB. watchedC. noticedD. realized14. The old lady didn

    6、t knowwhen the house caught fire.A. how to doB. how to do itC. what to doD. what to do it15. Excuse me, sir. Is the swimming pool open all day?. Only from 6. 30 p. m. to 9. 30 p. m.A. Yes, of courseB. Thats rightC. Sony, I,m not sureD. Sorry, I,m afraid not二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空

    7、白处的最佳选项。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good college and has everything that money can buy. The 16 is that the people in Jean s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite17.So Jean spends

    8、 a lot of her time on QQ. She likes being anonymous (匿名的),talking to people who do not18about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she19with quite often.Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and he lived in

    9、New York. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a20interest in rock music and modern dance. So they always spent hours talking happily on QQ and sometimes they even21the time. Of course they wanted to know more about each other. David sent her a picture of himself: he was a tall, good

    10、-looking young man with a big, happy smile.22time went by, they be came good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.When Jean s father told her that he was going on a busi ness trip to New York,she23him to let her go with him,so that she could give David a surprise for his birth

    11、day. She would 24him the latest DVD of their favourite rock sing er. But when she knocked on David s door in New York,she found that the special friend she had25to was a twelve year-old boy named Jim.16. A. reasonB. problemC. questionD. truth17. A. proudB. delightfulC. lonelyD. alone18. A. thinkB. t

    12、ellC. careD. know19. A. meetsB. worksC. playsD. connects20. A. commonB. differentC. sameD. mixed21. A. lostB. forgotC. choseD. watched22. A. SoB. BecauseC. AsD. Since23. A. allowedB. promisedC. askedD. liked24. A. lendB. returnC. recommendD. take25. A. writtenB. listenedC. saidD. replied三、阅读理解阅读下面的短

    13、文,然后根据短文内容选出最佳选项。(本大题共30分,每小题2分)AThis was one of the interesting games I liked best when I was a little girl. My sisters and I used to play it for hours at a time.We had twenty-six small pieces of cardboard. On each of these we had printed a letter of the alphabet (字母表).Before we started to play, we

    14、 decided what the game would be about. Let us imagine that we chose to play animals. One of us would then mix up (弄乱)the cards and turn over one of them. If the letter on the card happened to be C, we would try to think,as quickly as possible,of an animal which began with C,such as cat,cow,camel and

    15、 so on. The one who first gave the name of the animal received that card. This was done with each of the twenty-six cards. In the end the person who had the most cards won the game.26. Which of the following drawings is like the cardboard?27. How many cards do you need to win the game?A. All.B. Half

    16、.C. None.D. More than anyone else has.28. Why did the writer and her sisters like the game very much?A. It helped them to know more about animals.B. It helped them to remember the names of animals.C. They could learn something while they had a good time.D. They were working hard at English.BAbout te

    17、n men in every hundred suffer from colour blind ness in some way. Women are luckier. Only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. So some people say it is safer to be driven by women.There are different forms of colour blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He m

    18、ay think that red, orange and yellow are all shades (色调)of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green a strange world indeed.Colour blindness in humans is a strange thing to explain. In our eyes ther

    19、e are millions of very small things called cones . These help us to see in bright light and to tell differ ences between colours. There are also millions of rods,but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shapes but no colour.Some insects have favourite colours. Mosquitoes (蚊

    20、子) like blue but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract in sects,but a blue lamp will. In a similar way humans also have favourite colours. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colours by day,and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at nig

    21、ht. One day we may even learn more about the invisible (看不见的)colours around us.29. With the help of the cones, we can.A. see in a weak lightB. tell different shapesC. kill mosquitoesD. tell orange from yellow30. Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?A. Women are more careful.B. Th

    22、ere are fewer colour-blind women.C. All of them see everything in shades of green.D. None of them has trouble in recognizing(识别) colours.31. This passage is mainly about.A. colour and its surprising effectsB. danger caused by colour blindnessC. colour blindnessD. the invisible colours around usCDo y

    23、ou think there is too much noise in our city? If you live near an airport,you will be unhappy because a plane often makes a loud noise. The sound of planes or heavy vehicles is likely to cause deafness if heard continuously (不断地).However, most people in our city do not seem to mind noise. They like

    24、to enjoy music when they are doing uninteresting jobs. It is a new danger because pop music, when played through powerful amplifiers (放大器),can reach 120 decibels (分贝)at a distance of five feet. A continuous noise of over 85 decibels can cause deafness. It was discovered that many young people inAmer

    25、icacould hear no better than 65-year-old people.In the past we used to think that only workers in very noisy places would become deaf. For example, when news papers and books are being printed,the noise level is over 85 decibels,and some of the workers become deaf. Today,how ever, scientists believe

    26、 that 10 percent of the workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise.Sometimes noise of less than 85 decibels can make some people tired and stressed. We all know that too much noise makes life difficult and unpleasant. It can do great harm to peoples health and prevent people from working wel

    27、l. Work ers in noisy offices are not as efficient (效率高的)as those in quiet offices. Noise makes people less efficient. Can anything be done to reduce or control noise?InBritainthe government has made several laws to reduce noise. Though the government has spent a lot of money in making airports and m

    28、ain roads quieter, many people think that there are still not enough laws. For example,there are no laws to control the noise of machines. InJapan,Americaand Nor way there are such laws. As a result, workers can be given compensation (赔偿)if they become deaf.32. Some workers become deaf because of.A.

    29、 hard workB. a continuous noise of over 85 decibelsC. powerful amplifiersD. uninteresting jobs33. Noise below the level of 85 decibels.A. can affect some people s moodsB. cannot do any harmC. can cause sudden deafnessD. can make office workers efficient34. InBritainthere are laws to.A. stop workers

    30、from becoming deafB. control the noise of machinesC. keep down noiseD. help deaf workers in need35. Who can be given compensation if they become deaf?A. American workers.B. British workers.C. Both American workers and British workers.D. None of the above answers.DMary picked up a pencil and a piece

    31、of paper, saying, Now,you want to earn money for the autumn camping trip,right? Tom, her brother, nodded. He wasnt able to go last year because he hadnt earned enough money during the summer. This year he came up with a plan.He made a necklace for his mother that everyone admired. They were surprise

    32、d to learn that Tom had made it for her. Why not make more necklaces and sell them?OK, said Mary, The first thing you need to do is to figure out(计算)how much you have now.I have $20.00 inthe bank, and $7.25 inmy room, explained Tom.That gives you a total of $27. 25 , said Mary, That is called your c

    33、apital. The next thing you need to know is how much it will cost you to make each necklace.Well,the pet shop will give me all the feathers the birds lose. Ill have to buy the beads (小珠子)and string, said Tom.Mary wrote on the piece of paper:CAPITAL$27.25EXPENSESFeathersno costString for 10 necklaces$

    34、2.50Beads for 10 necklaces+ $15.00Total$17.50How much do you think you can sell such a necklace for? asked Mary.Hmm, Tom looked thoughtful and said, There s a shop in town that sells almost the same kind of necklace for $7.50. If I charge(要价)$6. 00,people will think that s a bargain.OK. If you sell

    35、each necklace for $6. 00, youll make a good profit(利润)on each then, said Mary.Hurray! Tom cried, If I sell 20 necklaces, Ill have enough from the profit for the camping trip and $10. 00 left over.36. Which word best describes Mary?A. Confident.B. Generous.C. Helpful.D. Outgoing.37. The underlined wo

    36、rd bargain in this story means.A. something sold cheapB. something sold expensiveC. something made at homeD. something made by children38. How much would Tom have to spend on the camping trip?A. $47.45.B. $75.C. $85.D. $102.25.39. How did Tom know how much he would have left over after paying for th

    37、e camping trip?A. He took the cost of the trip from the profit he would make on 20 necklaces.B. He added the cost of the trip to the profit he would make on 20 necklaces.C. He asked Mary for the answer.D. He took the cost of each necklace from the amount of money he had to begin with.40. Whats the b

    38、est title for this story?A. How to Make Necklaces.B. How to Sell Necklaces.C. How to Make a Plan.D. How to Earn Money for a Trip.第II卷(非选择题共45分)四、单词拼写(本大题共10分,每小题1分)(A)根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。1,The three( spaceman ) of Shenzhou VII Spaceship were warmly welcomed in Hong Kong.2. Daniel s mother has devote

    39、d( she) to the teaching of Home Economics.3. What an( enjoy) journey they had the day before yesterday!4. The(humour) story made all of us laugh.5. His poor eyesight is a(advantage) to him.(B)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。6. Mr Green received a present from his friend, but he didnt(接受)it.7. The camera was one

    40、 of the great(发明)in the second half of the 19th century.8. You have to be(耐心的)if you are waiting at the end of a long queue.9. The noise in the street(干扰)my reading just now.10. The truth of the news is beyond(怀疑).五、动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)1. No country( make ) such great progress asChina

    41、in the past thirty years.2. Usually the thunder( hear) after the lightning.3. You( not know) what the pear tastes like if you dont eat it.4. Shortly after he knew some English, he went on(teach) himself French.5. The little girl will give the flowers to the hero when he(appear).6. Sometimes clouds a

    42、re so thick that they do not let much sun shine( come) through.7. In the old days the working people in our country(look ) down on.8. The engineer( search) for some information on the Internet in the study while his wife was cooking in the kitch en.9. I dont think Aunt Wu would mind( take) care of o

    43、ur children while we re away.10. The old scientist was awarded a gold medal for what he( do)for the development of modem science since the mid-twentieth century.六、缺词填空先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。(本大题共6分,每格0.5分)Millions of words have been w(1 ) about young people in theUSA. There are reasons for this great i(2) in their ideas, feelings and actions.Today there are about seven million Americans in colleges and universities (大学).Young person u(3 ) twenty-five make up nearly half of the American


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