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    1、盘锦市 2020 年初中毕业升学考试英 语 试 卷(考试时间 190 分钟试卷满分 100 分) 第卷选择题 (共 44 分) . 单项选择 (每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项, 并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。1. Tea is_ popular drink around the world. A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Guide dogs can help the blind go _ the street safely. A. aboutB. acrossC. aboveD. between3. The book on the d

    2、esk isnt mine. Is it _?A. yoursB. yourselfC. youD. your4. Aunt Lucy put the plant near the window_ it could get enough sunlight. A. as ifB. even thoughC. as long asD. so that5. Lisa called me while I_ in the bathroom. A. have taken a showerB. am taking a showerC. was taking a showerD. will take a sh

    3、ower6. We _ stop our cars when the traffic lights turn red. A. canB. mustC. mayD. might7. Peter _ first prize in the speech competition. We were proud of him. A. beatB. wonC. lostD. took8. If our school _ the pop singer to the concert next week, we will be happy. A. will inviteB. invitedC. invitesD.

    4、 is inviting9. Martin got the job at last. _lucky man he was!A. What aB. How aC. WhatD. How10. Could you tell me _?Im not sure. Lets go and ask our teacher. A. that I can spend my holidayB. how can I do better in my lessonsC. whom can I make friends withD. which senior high I can choose. 完形填空 (每小题 1

    5、 分, 共 10 分) 根据短文内容, 从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项, 并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。Do you do chores around your house? Can you cook 11 your parents?To stress (强调) the importance of hardworking spirit education(劳动教育) among students of different ages, the Chinese government released a guide-line (发布指导方针) in March. The guidelin

    6、e 12 students to respect (尊重) work. Students should learn basic life skills and develop good working habits through such education. The government has been trying to stress the importance of hardworking spirit education. 13 , this has been overlooked (忽 略) in recent years. Many teens dont value the

    7、importance of working hard and arent 14 doing so. Some are even bored with hard work. According to a study of nearly 3, 000 students, only 22 percent of primary and middle school students 15 everyday chores around the house. The study was done by Ningbo Evening News in March. Schools and 16 play an

    8、important role in teaching students about the value of working hard, the guideline says. Primary and middle schools should 17 students with hardworking spirit classes every week. Schools can also hold activities to give students real-world 18. For example, schools can teach children the way to plant

    9、 trees on Tree Planting Day. Parents, as childrens first teachers, should also help children to learn 19 to do chores at home. Students should master one or two life skills every year. These skills can include cooking, tidying rooms and washing 20 own clothes. They should have enough life skills to

    10、deal with problems when they grow up. 11. A. at B. to C. for D. of 12. A. encourages B. warns C. orders D. forces 13. A. Also B. Besides C. Then D. However14. A. angry withB. nervous aboutC. afraid ofD. interested in15. A. help withB. look forC. get toD. think of16. A. familiesB. hospitalsC. factori

    11、esD. farms17. A. bringB. affordC. provideD. refuse18. A. futureB. experienceC. pleasureD. advice19. A. whereB. whatC. howD. who20. A. myB. herC. theirD. our. 阅读理解 (每小题 1. 5 分, 共 24 分) (A) 根据短文内容, 从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项, 并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。Passage 1A recent report shows many peoples habits have changed dur

    12、ing the period of staying at home. Although everyday social lives have returned now, some habits still remain in our daily life. 21. From the report we know many people have online classes at _. A. 8:00 a.m. B. 8:00 p.m. C. 9:00 a.m. D. 9:00 p.m. 22. According to the report, people order food with m

    13、obile phones to _. A. stay away from others B. save some money C. get the food faster D. keep the food fresh 23. The report says _ is more popular now. A. keeping pets B. travelling abroad C. learning languages D. eating at restaurants 24. In which part of a newspaper can we probably read the report

    14、? A. School World. B. Social Life. C. Sports Field. D. Science StudyPassage 2Micah is my 12-year-old daughter. We used to do many things together. But these days, “Im good” is about all she says to me, which means “Leave me alone”. I wondered why she didnt want to do things with me. When I set table

    15、 for dinner one evening, I heard Micah shout, “Mom, come quickly!” I rushed out and found a little baby bird on the ground. My eyes went up to the branches (树枝) . For the last few weeks we had watched the birds make a nest and lay eggs there. “The wind must have blown him out of the nest, ” I said.

    16、“No, it was Mr. Whiskers, our cat. You let him go outside!” Micah said. I realized she was right. So I said sorry and put the bird back. As soon as we went inside, she began to search for what to feed it on the computer carefully. And I found she focused on the screen more than ever before. She didn

    17、t even have dinner with me. “It needs a name,” Micah said. “ How about Chance? I think he has a good chance of living with your help.” I said. “I like it,” said Micah. Early the next morning, I got up to mix the bird food that Micah found on the Internet. But Chance didnt need it, because his mother

    18、 was back! Weeks later, we went to check on Chance. The nest was empty. Chance was standing proudly on a branch. He has grown up! Then I realized Micah wasnt a little girl any longer. She is her own person. 25. From the first paragraph, we can know that Micah _ these days. A. feels lonely at home B.

    19、 wants to stay by herself C. spends much time with mom D. has a fight with mom 26. The little baby bird was made onto the ground by _. A. the wind B. the cat C. the branch D. the mother bird 27. The underlined phrase “focused on” means _. A. had a look at B. took risks ofC. played a part inD. paid a

    20、ttention to28. The best title for the passage is _. A. Chance of growing upB. Freedom of a birdC. Wish from a girlD. Love from motherPassage 3Well - known Chinese writer and translator Yang Jiang passed away at the age of 105 on May 25, 2016. But four years later, many people are still remembering h

    21、er by posting Yangs photos on the Internet. Having studied in the UK and France, Yang was good at both English and French. And she started learning Spanish at the age of 48 in order to translate a great work-Don Quixote (唐吉诃德 ) . As a result, Yang finished the translation of Don Quixote over a perio

    22、d of 10 years. Published in 1979, it was regarded as the best translation of the classic in China. She thought about every word and sentence when she did translation. Yang only translated about 500 words at a time when most translators can translate as many as 2,000 words or so a day.Yang is known f

    23、or her writings as well as her translation achievement. She published Six Chapters of My Life in 1981 and Baptism ( 洗 澡 ) in 1988.Baptism is about the lives of Chinese intellectuals (知识分子) in the 1950s. It was praised highly by both the readers and other writers. But Yang said, “Baptism was just an

    24、experiment to test myself and see if I am able to write novels.”Though Yang herself considered her works as attempts (尝试) , each of her attempts was a success. These attempts showed her calm and simple state of mind rather than the desire (渴望) for fame or wealth.Without doubt, Yang will long be reme

    25、mbered for her great achievements.Her great works and the selfless spirit may be her greatest wealth left to us.29. According to the passage, Yang mastered at least _ foreign language(s).A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 430. Yang only translated about 500 words at a time because _.A. she was a new hand in translating

    26、B. she was too old to translate fastC. she was busy with her writingsD. she was careful with her translation31. Baptism was _. A. thought to be a good novelB. to test Yangs translating abilityC. published in 1981D. a story from Yangs own life32. The passage is mainly about _. A. Yangs stories about

    27、translationB. Yangs two well-known writingsC. Yangs great achievementsD. Yangs desire for fame and wealth(B) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文意思完整、 连贯, 并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。 (每个选项限用一次) Passage 4Have you ever heard of Earth Day (April 22) ? The first Earth Day was in 1970. In that year, about 20 millio

    28、n Americans walked to the streets, colleges, and hundreds of cities, calling on people to protect the Earth. People were beginning to worry about what they were doing to the environment. 33. _In 2007, people from over 150 countries organized more than 4, 000 big events for Earth Day. This made it po

    29、ssible for more people to realize the necessity(必要性) of protecting the environment. 34._ There are still many thousands of smaller, local events in the week around Earth Day. These events deal with environmental problems in the neighborhood. Nowadays the WWF has made a list of simple things that eac

    30、h person can do to help save the environment. For example, we can print both sides of paper while using the printer. We can also turn off the computer while not using. The message that the WWF wants to give us is clear. 35. _We cant say “The problem is too big. I cant fix it. ” We can make a big dif

    31、ference, if we all do something like this all the time. 36. _ Climate (气候) change is the biggest challenge to the future of humans. The world needs us and our actions for Earth Day 2020. Climate change has caused so many serious problems. We must work together to solve them. Like American writer Ern

    32、est Hemingway said, “The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for. ”A. Each of us is responsible for acting, even in small ways. B. So they set up Earth Day to tell everyone about their worries. C. This year the theme for Earth Day 2020 is climate action. D. But Earth Day is not just about big e

    33、vents.第卷非选择题 (共 56 分) . 词语运用 (每小题 1 分, 共 16 分) (A) 根据句子意思, 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空, 并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。37. The artist made paintings with flowers and _ (leaf) from his garden. 38. China is the _ (three) country in the world to send a person into space. 39. The _(high) of the mountain can change over time. 40. W

    34、e should depend on _ (we) when parents arent at home. 41. I fell in love with the beautiful city and its _ (friend) people. 42. Students are _ (plan) to volunteer in the Sunshine Home for Children. (B) 根据短文内容, 用方框中所给单词填空, 使短文意思完整、 连贯, 并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。 (每个单词限用一次, 有两个多余的单词) turned yet easily fun becaus

    35、e bookcases when and instead on famous celebrateSome moving libraries have been built in different countries. People can get or download (下载) books 43._when they are on the way. Comic books were put on trains, buses, trams and subways in cities around the UK earlier this year to 44. _ 80 years of Ma

    36、rvel Comics (漫威漫画公司) . In Bucharest, people set up a poetry (诗 歌) library on a tram. Passengers are able to read poetry books written by 45._ writers while they are listening to music. They get great 46. _from the moving tram libraries. Carriages (车厢) on two subway trains in Beijing were 47. _into e

    37、-book libraries where passengers could download books. To give the trains the feel of a library, people decorated (装 饰) the walls with book covers. This made the walls look like 48._. People in the Netherlands can travel on trains for free during the countrys book week each year. Passengers can just

    38、 show a book 49. _of buying a train ticket. In Greece, the government has built mini libraries at the bus stop to allow passengers to read 50._ they wait for the bus. They can also borrow books and read 51. _ their trip. Those books can be returned at a later date. In New York, passengers on the sub

    39、way can download free short stories, poems 52._ other reading materials to their computers or smart phones. Libraries on public transportation can not only spread the happiness of reading but also improve lives. 55._ What did they do when they waited for the turkey to cook?. 任务型阅读 (每小题 2 分, 共 10 分)

    40、根据短文内容, 简略回答短文后所提出的问题, 并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。Thanksgiving is a day for family members and friends. When I lived in France, my friends and I decided to have a “friendsgiving” in November because we were so far away from our homes. We decided to have the dinner at my friend Graces apartment in Paris. But it

    41、was difficult to get a turkey because French people dont have Thanksgiving. The day before our “friendsgiving” dinner, Grace and I went to different markets to look for a turkey. It took us hours, but we finally found one.The next day, everyone brought different foods to share. While we waited for t

    42、he turkey to cook, we played cards and told stories. Suddenly we heard a loud sound BANG! We all ran to the kitchen. The water pipes (水 管) underGraces kitchen sink (水 槽) were broken. The kitchen was filling with water very fast. “Everyone, take the food up to the roof (屋 顶) at once!” Grace shouted.

    43、We ran to the roof with all the food. Grace ran outside to turn off the water. Thats when we realized the turkey was still in the oven. We ran back to the kitchen, found some gloves, and pulled the turkey out of the oven. In the end, we had an amazing “friendsgiving” dinner on the roof of the house

    44、with all of our good friends. The turkey was a little darker but still delicious. Life is full of the unexpected. Sometimes small problems can become sweet memories. I will never forget this “friendsgiving” dinner. 53. When did the writer and his friends have a “friendsgiving” in France?_54. Was it easy for them to get a turkey?_55. What did they do when they waited for the turkey to cook?_56. Where did they have the “friendsgiving” dinner in the end?_57. How was their “friendsgiving” dinner according to the passage?_. 完成句子 (局部翻译每小题 1 分, 整句翻译每小题 2 分, 共 10 分)


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