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    1、目录2011年河北大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2013年河北大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2014年河北大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2015年河北大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2016年河北大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2011年河北大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解Part I Vocabulary(10 points,0.520)Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentencethere are four choices marked A,B,C and

    2、 D.Choose the ONE that bestcompletes the sentence and write the answer on the answer sheet.1The doctors dont _ that he will live much longer.A.articulateB.anticipateC.manifestD.monitor【答案】B【解析】句意:医生预言他活不了太长的时间。anticipate预期,预料,与句意相符。manifest显示,表明。articulate清晰地吐(字),清晰地发(音)。monitor监听,监视;监测。2I suggest w

    3、e put the scheme into effect,for it is quite _.A.eligibleB.sustainableC.probableD.feasible【答案】D【解析】句意:我建议我们将计划付诸实施,因为它确实可行。feasible可行的,与句意相符。eligible有条件被选中的,有恰当资格的。sustainable可持续的,不破坏环境的。probable很有可能的。3The old gentleman was a very _ looking person,with grey hair andgold spectacles.A.respectfulB.resp

    4、ectedC.respectiveD.respectable【答案】D【解析】句意:这位老绅士是位值得尊敬的人,他头发灰白,戴着金丝边眼镜。respectable可敬的,有身份的,值得尊敬的,与句意相符。respectful表示尊敬的。respected被尊敬的。respective各自的。4This book is expected to _ the best-seller lists.A.promoteB.prevailC.dominateD.exemplify【答案】C【解析】句意:该书有望在畅销书排行榜上出现。dominate支配,占优势。promote提高,提拔。prevail盛行、

    5、流行,在语义上容易与书的畅销联系起来,但该词主要指时尚、疾病等的流行,且该词是不及物动词。exemplify举例说明,是的例证。5That part of the city has long been _ for its street violence.A.notoriousB.responsibleC.historical D.illegal【答案】A【解析】句意:城市的这个地区一直因街头暴力臭名昭著。notorious臭名昭著的。responsible对应负责的,有责任的。historical历史上的。illegal非法的。6Under the guidance of their teac

    6、her,the pupils are building a model boat_ by steam.A.towedB.pressedC.tossedD.propelled【答案】D【解析】句意:在老师的指导下,学生们在造一艘蒸汽模型船。propel推进,推动。tow(用绳索或链子)拖,拉。press按,压。toss扔,抛。7Having finished their morning work,the clerks stood up behind theirdesks,_themselves.A.expandingB.stretchingC.prolongingD.extending【答案】B

    7、【解析】句意:做完了上午的工作之后,职员们从桌后站起来伸懒腰。stretch伸展,拉长,拉紧。stretch oneself伸懒腰,为固定搭配,与句意相符。expand膨胀,扩大,扩张。prolong延长,拉长,拖延。extend延伸,延长。8Englands team,who are now superbly fit,will be doing their best nextweek to _ themselves for last years defeat.A.reviveB.retortC.revengeD.remedy【答案】C【解析】句意:英格兰队现在状态极佳,下周将会尽力一搏以报复

    8、去年输给的对手。revenge报复,为报仇。revenge oneself on sb.向报仇。revive(使)苏醒。retort反驳,回嘴。remedy补救,弥补。9If you want to get into that tunnel,you first have to _ away all therocks.A.haulB.transferC.repelD.dispose【答案】A【解析】句意:如果你想进入隧道,就必须把隧道前的所有岩石拖走。haul意为用力拖(拉)。repel逐退,驱逐。dispose安排,处理。snatch抢夺,攫取。10It took us only a few

    9、hours to _ the paper off all four walls.A.shearB.scrapeC.strokeD.chip【答案】B【解析】句意:我们只花了短短数小时就把四面墙上的纸都刮掉了。scrape刮,擦,与句意相符。shear剪(羊毛、头发等)。stroke抚摸。chip削(或凿)下(屑片或碎片)。11The famous scientist _ his success to hard work.A.impartedB.grantedC.ascribedD.acknowledged【答案】C【解析】句意:这位著名的科学家将自己的成功归功于勤奋。ascribe把归因于,与

    10、句意相符。impart给予(尤为抽象事物),赋予。grant同意,授予。acknowledge承认;对表示感谢。12It is difficult to _ of a plan to end poverty.A.speculateB.conceiveC.ponderD.reckon【答案】B【解析】句意:很难想出方案以消除贫困。conceive构想出,设想(与of连用),与句意相符。speculate推测,推断(与about/on连用)。ponder思索,考虑,沉思。reckon认为,估计。13Now the cheers and applause _ in a single sustaine

    11、d roar.A.mingledB.concentratedC.assembledD.permeated【答案】A【解析】句意:此时此刻,欢呼声和掌声融合成了一阵持久不衰的鼎沸轰鸣之声。mingle混合,常与with连用。concentrate集中。assemble组装。permeate渗透。14Improved consumer confidence is _ to an economic recovery.A.crucialB.subordinateC.cumulativeD.satisfactory【答案】A【解析】句意:增强消费者的信心是经济复苏的关键。crucial决定的,至关重要的

    12、,与句意相符。subordinate下级的,级别低的;次要的,从属的。cumulative累积的,渐增的。satisfactory令人满意的。15Although the body is made up of many different tissues,these tissues arearranged in _ and orderly fashionA.incredibleB.intricateC.internalD.initial【答案】B【解析】句意:尽管人体由许多组织构成,但这些组织是以一种复杂而有序的方式排列的。intricate 意为错综复杂的,复杂精细的,如:anintrica

    13、te instrument(复杂的仪器)。incredible难以置信的。internal意为内部的。initial最初的。16If you work under a car when repairing it,you often get very _.A.waxyB.slipperyC.stickyD.greasy【答案】D【解析】句意:钻到车下修车,衣服上会沾上很多油污。greasy有油渍的,有油污的。waxy似蜡的;光滑的。slippery滑的。sticky黏性的,黏的。17The damage to his car was _;therefore,he could repair it

    14、himself.A.considerableB.appreciableC.negligibleD.invisible【答案】C【解析】句意:他的汽车受损很小,因此他可以自己修理。negligible微不足道的,极小的。considerable相当大的,相当多的。appreciable可觉察出的,明显的。invisible看不见的,无形的。18My sister is quite _ and plans to get an M.A.degree within oneyear.A.aggressiveB.enthusiasticC.considerateD.ambitious【答案】D【解析】句意

    15、:我的姐姐很有抱负,她计划一年之内考取文科硕士。ambitious雄心勃勃的,有野心的。aggressive有进取心的;侵略的,好斗的。enthusiastic热情的。considerate体贴的,考虑周到的。19The manager tried to wave aside these issues as _ details that wouldbe settled later.A.versatileB.trivialC.preliminaryD.alternate【答案】B【解析】句意:经理试图把这些事情放在一边,认为它们不过是些无关紧要的细节,可以之后再处理。trivial不重要的,琐碎

    16、的,与句意相符。versatile多才多艺的。preliminary初步的,预备的。alternate交替的,轮流的。20His _ was telling him that something was wrong.A.intuitionB.hypothesisC.inspirationD.sentiment【答案】A【解析】句意:他的直觉告诉他,好像哪里不对劲。intuition直觉。hypothesis假设。inspiration灵感。sentiment情绪,情感;观点。Part II Error Correction(10 points,110)Directions:This part

    17、consists of a short passage.In this passage,there arealtogether 10 mistakes,one in each numbered line.You may have to change aword add a word or delete a word.Mark out the mistakes and put thecorrections in the blanks provided.If you change a word,cross it out andwrite the correct word in the corres

    18、ponding blank.If you add a word,put aninsertion mark()in the right place and write the missing word in the blank.If you delete a word,cross it out and put a slash(/)in the blank.Write youranswers on the answer sheet.【答案与解析】1hadhas(时间状语now提示这里应用现在时,所以had改为has。)2directlyindirectly(句意:现在人类有能力离开地球,到达以前只

    19、是间接了解到的世界。)3intoonto/on(into表示到内。on表示在表面。我们常说地球表面,行星也一样,因此用on。)4tooso(so.as to太以至于。)5planetplanets(other后跟不可数名词或可数名词复数。)6headmind(keep.in mind固定搭配,记住。)7littlemuch(上段we must keep in mind the billions of dollars we might spend incarrying out the project,说明将过多人口转移到月球上的项目将要花费几十亿美元。说明我们将投入巨资在太空探索项目上。)8co

    20、nsiderconsidering(considering在句首引导句子,意为考虑到。)9theythey(money and resources在后面的定语从句中做主语,关系代词that指代的就是money and resources。因此不需要they。)10arrivingarriving at(或 reaching)(arrive为不及物动词。arrive at表示达成(协议);作出(决议);得出(结论)等。reach a conclusion表示得出结论。)Part III Cloze(10 points,0.5 X 20)Directions:There are 20 blanks

    21、 in the following passage.For each blankthere are four choices marked A,B,C and D on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Write youranswers on the answer sheet.Most people would be 1 by the high quality of medicine 2 to mostAmericans.There is a lot of

    22、 specialization,a great deal of 3 to theindividual,a 4 amount of advanced technical equipment,and 5 effort notto make mistakes because of the financial risk which doctors and hospitalsmust 6 in the courts if they 7 things badly.But the Americans are in a mess.The problem is the way in 8 health carei

    23、s organized and 9 .10 to public belief it is not just a free competitionsystem.The private system has been joined a large public system,becauseprivate care was simply not 11 the less fortunate and the elderly.But even with this huge public part of the system,12 this year will eat up84.5 billion doll

    24、arsmore than 10 per cent of the U.S.budgetlargenumbers of Americans are left 13 .These include about half the 11 millionunemployed and those who fail to meet the strict limits 14 income fixedby a government trying to make savings where it can.The basic problem,however,is that there is no central con

    25、trol l5 thehealth system.There is no 16 to what doctors and hospitals charge fortheir services,other than what the public is able to pay.The number ofdoctors has shot up and prices have climbed.When faced with toothache,asick child,or a heart attack,all the unfortunate person concerned can do is 17

    26、up.Two-thirds of the population 18 covered by medical insurance.Doctorscharge as much as they want 19 that the insurance company will pay thebill.The rising cost of medicine in the U.S.is among the most worrying problemsfacing the country.In 1981 the countrys health bill climbed 15.9 percentabout tw

    27、ice as fast as prices 20 general.1A.compressedB.impressedC.obsessedD.repressed2A.availableB.attainableC.achievableD.amenable3A.extensionB.retentionC.attentionD.exertion4A.countlessB.titanicC.broadD.vast5A.intensiveB.absorbedC.intenseD.concentrated6A.run intoB.come intoC.faceD.defy7A.treatB.dealC.man

    28、euverD.handle8A.whichB.thatC.whatD.when9A.to financeB.financedC.the financeD.to be financed10A.ContraryB.OpposedC.AverseD.Objected11A.looking forB.looking intoC.looking afterD.looking over12A.whichB.whatC.thatD.it13A.overB.outC.offD.away14A.forB.inC.withD.on15A.overB.onC.underD.behind16A.boundaryB.r

    29、estrictionC.confinementD.limit17A.to payB.payingC.to be paidD.to have paid18A.is beingB.areC.have beenD.is19A.knowingB.to knowC.they knowD.known20A.inB.withC.onD.for【答案与解析】1B impress给留下深刻印象。由本句中的high quality可知这里的动词应是表示肯定意义的词。compress压缩。obsess迷住,该词太过夸张。repress压制(感情等);镇压。2A be available to可供利用,可获得的。3C

    30、 这里表示对个人的关心。attention注意,关心。extension 延长,延续;推迟。retention保留,保持。exertion努力,尽力;发挥,运用。4D vast巨大的。可以用来形容体积,数量,程度,及强度。近义词enormous。比如:vast amounts of investment巨额的投资。countless无数的,修饰可数名词。titanic 巨大的,常形容体积。broad宽的,宽广的。5C intense与intensive都可表示强烈的,集中的。但两者意思上有差别。当用来描述人的感情或活动时,intense 通常指由内在倾向而来的力量或专心,它特别适于描写感情状态

    31、,如intensepleasure/dislike/loyalty。而intensive更常用于指行为的强度和程度是由外部强加的:intensive bombing强烈的爆炸,intensive training密集的训练。所以形容efforts时,用intense更为合适。6C 句意:如果医生和医院未恰当处理问题,就会被告上法庭,面临财务上的危机。face面临。run into遇到(问题、困难等)。come into进入。defy违逆,违抗。7D handle处理。treat治疗。deal表示处理时,必须与with连用。maneuver操纵。8A 定语从句先行词为the way时,关系代词用

    32、in which/that/省略。9B finance和organize是并列关系,用其过去分词形式。finance给提供资金。10A be contrary to与相反。oppose反对。averse不愿意的;反对的。object to反对。11C 句意:私人医疗并不是为那些没钱的人和老人服务的。look after照顾。12A Which引导一个非限定性定语从句,修饰名词this huge public partof the system。非限定性定语从句不能用that修饰。13B leave out忽略,不考虑。14D limit一般与on搭配,表示对的限制。15A control与ov

    33、er搭配,表示对的控制。16D limit 指时、空、程度、量等方面的“限定”,其内涵是如果超出了这种限度就会受罚或遭到令人不快的后果。此外,这个词也常用来表示局限。There is no limit to.固定句型,表示对没有限制。17A 动词不定式作表语。18B population指某国或某区域的人口总数时,谓语动词用单数形式。当指人口的一部分,即用百分数修饰时,谓语动词用复数形式。另外因为是一般事实,用一般现在时。19A 非谓语know与主语doctors是主动关系,因此用现在分词形式。20A in general总的来说,一般来讲。Part IV Reading comprehens

    34、ion(40 points)Section A(30 points,215)Directions:There are 3 passages in this section.Each passage is followed bysome questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are fourchoices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best Choice.Writeyour answers on the answer sheet.Passage OneHow

    35、 should one read a book?In the first place,I want to emphasize thequestion mark at the end of my beginning sentence.Even if I could answerthe question for myself,the answer would apply only to me and not to you.The only advice,indeed,that one person can give another about reading is totake no advice

    36、,to follow your own instincts,to use your own reason,to cometo your own conclusion.If this is agreed between us,then I feel at liberty toput forward a few ideas and suggestions because you will not allow them torestrict that independence which is the most important quality that a readercan possess.A

    37、fter all,what laws can be laid down about books?The battle ofWaterloo was certainly fought on a certain day;but is Hamlet a better playthan Lear?Nobody can say.Each must decide that question of himself.Toadmit authorities.however heavily furred and gowned into our libraries andlet them tell us how t

    38、o read,what to read,what value to place upon what weread,is to destroy the spirit of freedom which is the breath of thosesanctuaries.Everywhere else we may be bound by laws and conventionsthere we have none.But to enjoy freedom,if this old statement is pardonable,we have of courseto control ourselve

    39、s we must not waste our powers,helplessly and ignorantly.Spraying water around half the house in order to water a single rose-bush;wemust train them,exactly and powerfully,here on the very spot.This,it maybe,is one of the first difficulties that faces us in a library.What is“the veryspot”?There may

    40、well seem to be nothing but a conglomeration and huddleof confusion.Poems and novels,histories and memoirs,dictionaries andblue-books;books written in all languages by men and women of all tempers,races,and ages jostle each other on the shelf.And outside the donkey brays,the women gossip at the pump

    41、,the colts gallop across the fields.Where arewe to begin?How are we to bring order into this multitudinous chaos and getthe deepest and widest pleasure from what we read?1Which of the following is true about the question raised at the beginningof the passage?A.The author does have a universally corr

    42、ect answer to the question.B.The author implies that she is not interested in the question.C.The author thinks there may be different answers to the question.D.The author wonders if there is any point in asking the question.2A good reader should,according to the author,be able to _.A.maintain his ow

    43、n viewpoints concerning readingB.take advice from everybody instead of any one personC.share his experiences ill reading with othersD.take the suggestions other people give him3In comparing Hamlet with Lear,the author means that _.A.Hamlet is better than LearB.Hamlet is no any better than LearC.Both

    44、 plays are good worksD.There is no way to tell which is better4To the author,the advice in reading given by authorities is _.A.the most important for readersB.unlikely to be helpful to readersC.our guidance in choosing what to readD.only useful in the libraries5What is“one of the first difficulties

    45、that face us in a library?”(Paragraph2)A.We may become too excited to be quiet in the library.B.We do not make best use of the library books.C.We may get totally lost as to what to choose to read.D.We cannot concentrate on our reading in the library.【答案与解析】1C 由第一段第三句Even if I could answer the questi

    46、on for myself,theanswer would apply only to me and not to you.可知,对于这个问题作者有自己的答案,但只适用于他本人,并不适用于别人。说明这个问题的答案因人而异。2A 由第一段第四句The only advice,indeed,that one person can giveanother about reading is to take no advice,to follow your own instincts,touse your own reason,to come to your own conclusion.可知作者认为阅

    47、读时不要听别人的建议,应跟随自己的直觉,运用自己的理性头脑,得出自己的结论。也就是说作者要有自己独立的见解。3D 由该句后面两句Nobody can say.Each must decide that question ofhimself.可知作者认为对于像“戏剧哈姆雷特是否比李尔王好”这种问题,个人心中自有答案,所以没法判断哪个更好。4B 由第一段倒数第二句可知,阅读时听官方建议只会毁掉自由的理念。说明作者对此持否定态度,所以A、D排除。D项“只在图书馆有用处”并未提到。5C 综合第二段内容可知,作者认为图书馆中书的种类过于繁多,以至于不知道Where are we to begin该怎么开

    48、始。说明作者认为在图书馆最大的困难是不知道读哪些书。Passage TwoLet us suppose that you are in the position of a parent.Would you allow yourchildren to read any book they wanted to without first checking its contents?Would you take your children to see any film without first finding outwhether it is suitable for them?If your

    49、answer to these questions is“yes”,then you are extremely permissive.If your answer is“no”,then you areexercising your right as a parent to protect your children from what youconsider to be undesirable influences.In other words,by acting as a censoryourself,you are admitting that there is a strong ea

    50、se for censorship.Now,of course,you will say that it is one thing to exercise censorship wherechildren are concerned and quite another to do the same for adults.Childrenneed protection and it is the parents responsibility to provide it.But whatabout adults?Arent they old enough to decide what is goo


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