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    1、目录2012年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2011年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2010年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2009年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2008年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2007年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2006年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2005年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2004年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2003年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2012年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解Paper OnePart I Vocabulary and Structure(15%)Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this pa

    2、rt.For each sentencethere are four choices marked A,B,C,D.Choose the one that best completesthe sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with asingle line through the center.1.It was very difficult to find the parts needed to do the job because of the_ way the store was organize

    3、d.A.logicalB.haphazardC.orderlyD.tidyB【答案】句意:由于店铺东西摆放杂乱无章,干活时找寻所需东西相当困难。haphazard随意的;无计划的;胡乱的。orderly整齐的;有组织的。【解析】2.Mississippi also upholds the Souths well-deserved reputation for warm,hospitable people;balmy year-round weather;and truly _ cuisine.A.destructiveB.horribleC.amiableD.delectableD【答案】句意

    4、:密西西比州也保持着南方人们热情好客、气候一年到头温暖舒适和菜肴真正美味可口的声誉。delectable美味的;使人愉快的。amiable和蔼可亲的;温和的。【解析】3.If she is stupid,shes _ pleasant to look at.A.at any rateB.by chanceC.at a lossD.by the wayA【答案】句意:如果说她比较愚蠢,但至少长得还不错。at any rate无论【解析】如何,至少。by chance偶然地,意外地。at a loss不知所措;亏本;困惑。by the way顺便地,附带说说。4.The mother was _

    5、with grief when she heard that her child was dead.A.fantasticB.frankC.franticD.frenzyC【答案】句意:那位母亲听说她的孩子死亡时悲痛欲绝。be frantic意为“发疯似的;发狂的;厉害的”,be frantic with为惯用搭配,指“为而发狂”。fantastic极好的;异想天开的;奇异的。frenzy为名词,指“狂乱;极度的激动;狂怒”。【解析】5.In your teens,peer-group friendships may _ from parents as themajor influence o

    6、n you.A.take controlB.take placeC.take upD.take overD【答案】句意:青少年时期,同龄者的友情可能会取代父母对一个人产生主要影响。take over from为常用搭配,意为“取而代之”。take control采取控制,掌控。take place发生,举行。take up开始从事;接受(提议);占用。【解析】6.Parents often faced the _ between doing what they felt was good forthe development of the child and what they could s

    7、tand by way ofundisciplined noise and destructiveness.A.paradoxB.junctionC.premiseD.dilemmaD【答案】句意:家长常常面临着这样一个两难境地:做有利于孩子成长的事还是他们能够忍受的没有管束的噪声和破坏。dilemma窘境;进退两难。paradox悖论;似非而是的论点。junction连接;交叉点。premise前提;上述各项;房屋连地基。【解析】7.There have been demonstrations on the streets _ the recent terroristattack.A.in

    8、the wake ofB.in the course ofC.in the context ofD.in the light ofA【答案】句意:最近的恐怖袭击事件后,人们一直在街上举行游行示威。in the wake of紧跟;随着;跟着。in the course of在期间,在过程中。in the context of在情况下;在背景下。in thelight of鉴于,按照;比照。【解析】8.Thousands of Medicare patients with chronic medical conditions have beenwrongly _ access to necess

    9、ary care.A.grudgedB.deniedC.negatedD.invalidatedB【答案】句意:数以千计有着慢性病的医保患者被不公平地拒绝获得必【解析】要的护理。deny access to为习惯用法,有“使无法获得”之意。grudge怀恨;妒忌;吝惜。negate取消;否定;使作废。invalidate使无效;使作废;证明错误。9.It has been proposed by many linguists that human language _,ourbiologically programmed ability to use language,is still not

    10、 well defined andunderstood.A.potentialityB.perceptionC.facultyD.acquisitionC【答案】题干两个逗号之间的内容是对“human language_”的解释说明,即“生来便具有的使用语言的能力”,因此横线部分应填入有“能力,才能”之意的faculty。故答案选C。【解析】10.Western medicine,_ science and practiced by people withacademic internationally accepted medical degrees,is only one of manys

    11、ystems of healing.A.rooted inB.originated fromC.trapped inD.indulged inA【答案】本句主干为Western medicine is only one of many systems ofhealing,两个逗号之间为定语成分修饰主语western medicine(西药学),指“西药学根植于科学,行医者有着受国际认可的医学学位”。虽然root in和originate from均有“来源于”之意,但此处强调的是“西药学是以科学为基础的”,因此root in更符合。trap in陷入;使困于。indulge in任凭自己沉溺于

    12、;耽于。因此本题选A。【解析】11.When I asked if a black politician could win in France,however,heresponded _“No,conditions are different here.”A.ambiguouslyB.implicitlyC.unhesitatinglyD.optimisticallyC【答案】根据题干引号中的“No”可知,此处指“毫不犹豫、迅速地”作出回应。本句意为:当我问及在法国黑人政客是否有可能获选时,他毫不犹豫地回应道“不,在这里情况不一样”。unhesitatingly不踌躇地;迅速【解析】地。am

    13、biguously含糊不清地,不明确地。implicitly含蓄地;暗中地。12.The development of staff cohesion and a sense of team effort in theworkplace can be effectively _ by the use of humor.A.acquaintedB.installedC.regulatedD.facilitatedD【答案】句意:工作场合幽默的使用可以有效地促进员工凝聚力和团队精神的发展。facilitate促进;帮助;使容易。acquaint使熟悉;使认识。install安装;任命;安顿。regu

    14、late调节;控制。【解析】13.In both America and Europe,it is _ to tip the waiter or waitressanywhere from 10%to 20%.A.elementaryB.temporaryC.voluntaryD.customaryD【答案】句意:在美洲和欧洲,不管是哪儿都有给服务员消费金额10%到20%的小费的惯例。customary习俗的;习惯的。elementary基本的;初级的。【解析】14.Such an approach forces managers to communicate with one another

    15、 andhelps _ rigid departmental boundaries.A.pass overB.stand forC.break downD.set offA【答案】句意:这种方法迫使经理之间进行交流,从而有助于跨越部门之间的严格界限。pass over越过;忽略;回避。stand for代表;支持。break down消除;分解;拆除。set off出发;开始;引起。【解析】15.As a teenager,I was _ by a blind passion for a slim star I wouldnever meet in my life.A.pursuedB.sed

    16、ucedC.consumedD.guaranteedC【答案】句意:青少年时期,我对一位永远也不可能见到面的身材苗条的明星充满着盲目的热情。consumed充满的;对着迷的。seduce引诱;吸引;诱惑。【解析】16.His originality as a composer is _ by the following group of songs.A.exemplifiedB.createdC.performedD.realizedA【答案】句意:接下来的几首歌很好地诠释了他作为一名作曲家的独创性。exemplify举例证明;是的典型。【解析】17.They are going to Lon

    17、don,but their _ destination is Rome.A.ultimateB.primeC.nextD.cardinalA【答案】此处指“最终目的地”,可用final destination或ultimatedestination。ultimate最后的;极限的;首要的。prime最好的;首要的;最初的。cardinal基本的,最重要的。next destination(下一站)虽然搭配正确,但“他们要去伦敦了,但下一站是罗马”不符合语境,前后并不存在转折关系。因此本题选A。【解析】18.The poor old man was _ with diabetes and wit

    18、hout proper treatmenthe would lose his eyesight and become crippled very soon.A.sufferedB.afflictedC.inducedD.infectedB【答案】句意:这位可怜的老人受着糖尿病的折磨。若得不到适当的治疗,不久后他就会失明且不得不跛行。be afflicted with为固定搭配,意为“患;受折磨”。若此处用suffer则应为主动形式。induce诱导;引起;引诱。【解析】19.The bribe and the bridegroom were overwhelmed in happiness w

    19、hen theirfamily offered to take them to Rome to _ the marriage.A.terminateB.initiateC.consummateD.separateC【答案】句意:当家人提出带他们去罗马举办婚礼时,这对新人都喜不自胜了。consummate完成;使达到极点;圆房。terminate使终止;使结束;解雇。initiate开始;发起;使初步了解。【解析】20.Join said that the richer countries of the world should make a _effort to help the poorer

    20、 countries.A.futileB.glitteringC.franticD.concentratedD【答案】句意:约翰说世界上富裕的国家应该集中精力帮助贫穷国家。concentrated集中的;全神贯注的;浓缩的。futile无用的;无效的;没有出息的。glittering闪闪发光的。frantic狂乱的,疯狂的。【解析】21.The problem is inherent and _ in any democracy,but it has beenmore severe in ours during the past quarter-century because of the n

    21、earuniversal denigration of government,politics and politicians.A.perishableB.periodicalC.perverseD.perennialB【答案】本题逗号前首先承认这个问题在任何民主政治体系中都是固有的,之后指出“但过去25年间我们国家这方面的问题一直比较严重,原因就在于对我们政府、政治和政治家近乎全球范围的诋毁”,可知题干空格部分描述的是该问题的另一个特点,即“具有周期性(periodical)。perishable易腐坏的;易毁灭的;会枯萎的。perverse堕落的;倔强的。perennial多年生的;常年的

    22、;四季不断的。因此本题选B。【解析】22.As is known to all,_ commodities will definitely do harm to ourlife sooner or later.A.counterfeitB.fakeC.imitativeD.fraudulentB【答案】句意:众所周知,假冒伪劣产品迟早会危害我们的生活。fake和counterfeit都有“假冒的,伪造的”之意,其区别在于fake强调与某有价值或重要的东西很像,但相像的程度或精度没那么高;而counterfeit强调和真实的东西模仿得惟妙惟肖、一模一样,以欺骗他人,带有违法性质,尤其指非法制造货

    23、币等。由此可知此处用fake来形容假冒伪劣产品更合适。【解析】23.It would be _ to think that this could solve all the areas problemsstraight away.A.subtleB.feebleC.nastyD.naiveD【答案】句意:认为这样就可以马上解决该地区的所有问题就太过天真的。naive天真的,幼稚的。subtle微妙的;精细的;敏感的。feeble微弱的;虚弱的;薄弱的。nasty下流的;肮脏的;脾气不好的。【解析】24.It is surprising that such an innocent-looking

    24、 man should have _such a crime.A.confirmedB.clarifiedC.committedD.conveyedC【答案】句意:看起来毫无恶意的一个人竟然会犯下这种罪,这真是太不可思议了。commit a crime为固定搭配,指“犯罪”。【解析】25.Humans are _,which enables them to make decisions even whenthey cant justify why.A.rationalB.reasonableC.hesitantD.intuitiveC【答案】句意:人类倾向于凭直觉行事,有时作出的决定即便他们自

    25、己也不能说出个所以然来。intuitive直觉的;凭直觉获知的。rational合理的;理性的。hesitant迟疑的;踌躇的;犹豫不定的。【解析】26.More than 100 _ cats that used to roam the streets in a Chineseprovince have now been collected and organized into a tram to fight rodentsthat are destroying crops.A.looseB.tamedC.wildD.strayD【答案】题干中that used to roam the st

    26、reets in a Chinese province为定语从句修饰主语cats,可知此处指的是“一百多只走失的/迷路的猫”。stray迷路的;离群的;偶遇的。tamed驯服的;平淡的;乏味的。【解析】27.To say that his resignation was a shock would be an _ it causedpain.A.excuseB.indulgenceC.exaggerationD.understatementD【答案】该句破折号后的pain比之前提到的shock程度更深,因此该句指:说他的辞职使大家感到震惊有点轻描淡写了,事实上这件事给大家带来了痛苦。【解析】2

    27、8.Here the burden of his thought is that the philosopher,aiming at truth,must not _ the seduction of trying to write beautifully.A.subject toB.carry onC.yield toD.aim atC【答案】题干中以aiming at truth来描述philosopher的宗旨,因此空格处指:哲学家不应让步于写出更优美文章的诱惑。yield to让步于;使自己受到的支配;(使)陷入。subject to使服从,使遭受。carry on经【解析】营;继续进

    28、行;争吵。29.I found the subject very difficult,and at one time thought I should haveto give it up,but you directions are so clear and _ that I have succeededin getting a picture we all think pretty,though wanting in the tender grace ofyours.A.on the pointB.off the pointC.to the pointD.up to a pointC【答案】

    29、空格处于其前面的clear并列,描述的是对方的指导(directions),根据空格后that从句提到的“I have succeeded in”并结合选项,可知此处指对方的指导很清晰很到位。to the point切中关键;切题。on the point即将的时候;即将的。off the point离题;不切要领。up to a point在一定程度上,有一点。【解析】30.They both watched as the crime scene technicians took samples ofvarious fibers and bagged them,dusted for fing

    30、erprints,took pictures andtried to _ what could have happened.A.rehearseB.reiterateC.reinforceD.reenactD【答案】题干中描述了犯罪现场技术人员进行取样、找寻指纹和拍照,而其目的在于重现案发时的场景。reenact再次展现,再现,重现。rehearse排练,排演。reiterate重申;反复地做。reinforce加固;使更结实;加强。【解析】Part Reading Comprehension(40%)Directions:There are four reading passages in

    31、this part.Each passage isfollowed by some questions or unfinished sentences.For each of them thereare four choices marked A,B,C.and D.Choose the best answer and thenmark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line throughthe center.(1)In 1896 a Georgia couple suing for damages in t

    32、he accidental death of theirtwo year old was told that since the child had made no real economiccontribution to the family,there was no liability for damages.In contrast,lessthan a century later,in 1979,the parents of a three year old sued in New Yorkfor accidental death damages and won an award of$

    33、750,000.The transformation in social values implicit in juxtaposing these twoincidents is the subject of Viviana Zelizers excellent book,pricing thePriceless Child.During the nineteenth century,she argues,the concept of the“useful”child who contributed to the family economy gave way gradually tothe

    34、present-day notion of the“useless”child who,though producing noincome for,and indeed extremely costly to,its parents,is yet consideredemotionally“priceless.”Well established among segments of the middle andupper classes by the mid-1800s,this new view of childhood spreadthroughout society in the late

    35、-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries asreformers introduced child-labor regulations and compulsory education lawspredicated in part on the assumption that a childs emotional value madechild labor taboo.For Zelizer the origins of this transformation were many and complex.Thegradual erosion of ch

    36、ildrens productive value in a maturing industrialeconomy,the decline in birth and death rates,especially in child mortality,and the development of the companionate family(a family in which memberswere united by explicit bonds of love rather than duty)were all factorscritical in changing the assessme

    37、nt of childrens worth.Yet“expulsion ofchildren from the cash nexus,although clearly shaped by profound changesin the economic,occupational,and family structures,”Zelizer maintains,“was also part of a cultural process of sacralization of childrens lives.”Protecting children from the crass business wo

    38、rld became enormouslyimportant for late-nineteenth-century middle-class Americans,she suggests;this sacralization was a way of resisting what they perceived as the relentlesscorruption of human values by the marketplace.In stressing the cultural determinants of a childs worth,Zelizer takes issuewith

    39、 practitioners of the new“sociological economics”who have analyzedsuch traditionally sociological topics as crime,marriage,education,andhealth solely in terms of their economic determinants.Allowing only a smallrole for cultural forces in the form of individual“preferences”,thesesociologists tend to

    40、 view all human behavior as directed primarily by theprinciple of maximizing economic gain.Zelizer is highly critical of thisapproach,and emphasizes instead the opposite phenomenon:the power ofsocial values to transform price.As children became more valuable inemotional terms,she argues,their“exchan

    41、ge”or“surrender”value on themarket,that is,the conversion of their intangible worth into cash terms,became much greater.31.It can be inferred from the passage that accidental-death damage awardsin America during the nineteenth century tended to be based principally onthe _.A.earnings of the person a

    42、t time of deathB.wealth of the party causing the deathC.degree of culpability of the party causing the deathD.amount of money that had been spent on the person killed32.It can be inferred from the passage that in the early 1800s children weregenerally regarded by their families as individuals who _.

    43、A.needed enormous amounts of security and affectionB.required constant supervision while workingC.were important to the economic well-being of a familyD.were unsuited to spending long hours in school33.Which of the following alternative explanations of the change in the cashvalue of children would b

    44、e most likely to be put forward by sociologicaleconomists as they are described in the passage?A.The cash value of children rose during the nineteenth century becauseparents began to increase their emotional investment in the upbringing oftheir children.B.The cash value of children rose during the n

    45、ineteenth century because theirexpected earning over the course of a lifetime increased greatly.C.The cash value of children rose during the nineteenth century because thespread of humanitarian ideals resulted in a whole sale reappraisal of the worthof an individual.D.The cash value of children rose

    46、 during the nineteenth century becausecompulsory education laws reduced the supply,and thus raised the costs ofavailable child labor.34.The primary purpose of the passage is to _.A.review the literature in a new academic subfieldB.present the central thesis of a recent bookC.contrast two approaches

    47、to analyzing historical changeD.refute a traditional explanation of a social phenomenon35.Zelizer refers to all of the following as important influences in changingthe assessment of childrens worth except changes in _.A.the mortality rateB.the nature of industryC.the nature of the familyD.attitudes

    48、toward reform movements【答案与解析】31.A 关于19世纪在美国意外死亡保险的基础,原文并未明确给出。但文章首段给出的例子指出一对夫妇起诉要求为他们两岁孩子的意外死亡偿付赔偿金被拒绝,被告知原因是“the child had made no real economiccontribution to the family”,即还不能为家里挣钱,因此答案选A。32.C 题干中的关键信息为1800s,原文第二段第二句提到“During thenineteenth century,she argues,the concept of the“useful”child whocon

    49、tributed to the family economy gave way gradually to the present-daynotion of the“useless”child”,其中the nineteenth century对应1800s,可知19世纪时期,孩子会有助于家庭经济情况的改善。C项与之表达意思相符。33.B 题干中的关键信息为sociological economists,文章最后一段出现了与之相对应的“sociological economics”,该段第二句提到“thesesociologists tend to view all human behavior

    50、 as directed primarily by theprinciple of maximizing economic gain”(这些社会经济学家把人的一切行为解释为试图获取最大的经济利益),因此B项(19世纪儿童以金钱衡量的价值得到提升,原因在于儿童一生能获得的收入有较大增长)最符合社会经济学家的观点。34.B 该题问及本文写作目的。文章首先通过两个例子引出儿童以金钱衡量的价值问题,接着提到Priceless Child这本书把这两个例子联系起来讲述了the transformation in social values。随后本文便围绕该主题展开,阐明了该书作者Zelizer在该著作中


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