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    1、“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-GCT英语核心词汇解析“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gct-o山iue.cofn目录GCT英语核心词汇解析-1A.1B.19C.25D.54E.74F.101G.112H.1171.122J.129K.129L.129M.129N.1300.130P.131Q.132R.132S.133T.135U.136V.136W.137Y.137“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.g

    2、c/-GCT英语核心词汇解析A.01.abandon:基本含义及其用法:(1)-sb:放弃,抛弃不顾义务,忠诚或责任而不予支持或帮助;遗弃:Never abandon our friend in trouble.永远不要置朋友于危难之中而不 顾。(2)-sth:离弃,丢弃,通过离开、停止操作或不再居住而放弃,特别 是危险或迫近的威胁所导致的结果:The captain made the tough decision that they abandon the ship.船长做出 艰难的决定:弃船。-(3)abandon doing 放弃做某事:He abandoned smoking.(4)o

    3、neself to(doing)sth:使自己沉湎于(做).After they departed,he abandoned himself to drinking:自从他们分手以 后,他就一直沉湎于醉酒。(从这个意义上,abandon还可以用作名词,意思 是“狂热”)He abandoned himself to despair,to some extent.从某种意义上说,他 自暴自弃了。近义词:give up:give up doing 联想:quitdesert:(形近词)联想:deserve(应得(惩罚或者奖赏):you deserve it!);1“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinew

    4、ww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-dessert餐后甜点复习提醒:从2003到2006年的GCT考试中这个词还没有作为考点出现过,引起重视的程度为*02.access基本含义及其用法1.通道,入口,出口,2.The main access to(=entrance to)the building3.使用途径接近、进入、出去或使用的方法手段;通道4.The only access to the village is by boat.进入村庄唯一的途径就是驾 船。(2)The right to approach,enter,exit,or make use of:

    5、接近权,享用权,出 入权接近、进入、出去或使用的权力:5.has access to the restricted area;has access to classified material.有权进 入禁区/使用已归类的材料;To obtain access to(data or processes).接近,进入获得接触(数据或程序)的途径6.The tax inspector had/gained complete access to the company files 同类词汇/词形变异accessible:The resort is easily accessible by road,

    6、rail and air.(Be reached easily)Cove nt Garden has made some attempt to make opera accessible to a wider public.(Be understood easily)accessibility:Two new roads are being built to increase accessibility to the town centre.The accessibility of her plays(=the fact that they can be understood)means th

    7、at 2“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-she is able to reach a wide audience.复习提醒这个词需要注意两点:1、作为名词时候,所搭配的介词询;2、与 have/gain/obtain构成词组所具有的含义。该词在从2003到2006年的GCT考试中出现过3次:200409(表示2004年第9题,下同).The ATMs enable bank customers to access their money 24 hours a day and seven days a week ATMs ar

    8、e located.A.wherever B.whenever C.however D.whatever200517access先是出现在阅读理解的文章中“In some countries,like Japan,many people use their mobile phones to send e-mail message and access the Internet.”随 后又出现在该篇阅读理解的题目里:17.It is stated in the passage that Russia and China.A.ordinary telephone service is availa

    9、ble everywhereB.people prefer mobile phone to ordinary telephonesC.mobile are used in places without ordinary telephoneD.people use mobiles to send e-mail and access the Internet03.accompany基本含义及其用法 同类词汇3“严谨权伊可依蓑C*r f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gct-o血血company:wine accompnies the meal coexi

    10、staccomplice:同谋复习提醒04.accurate基本含义及其用法1、来自拉丁语accurate,其中词根cura是“注意”的意思,因为只有细心“注 意“,才能做到准确2、Conforming exactly to fact;errorless同类词汇accurate correct exact 均含“正确的”意思。accurate表示“准确的”,精确的”,指“通过努力,使事情达到正确”,如:She gave an accurate account of the accident.她对事故做了准确的描述。Is this watch accurate?这只表走得准么?(表走得是否准,暗

    11、含有人工校对的意思)correct为一般用语,指“正确的”,如:He gave correct answers to the questions.他对这些问题提出了正确的答案。exact表示“确切的”,“精确无误的”,指“与事实完全相符,如:His answer is quite exact.他的回答完全正确。4“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-注意,这三个词的反义词构成均是在它们前面加上否定前缀in:inaccurate incorrect inexactaccurate:accurately复习提醒05.accuse基本含

    12、义及其用法控告:to charge with a crime or error.accuse sb of sthThe police accused him of murder.警方指控他谋杀。The police accused him of stealing.警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。They accused him of taking bribes.他们控告他受贿。Mary was accused as an accomplice.玛丽被指控为同谋犯。Tom was accused as a murderer.汤姆被指控为杀人犯。同类词汇charge:The police charged h

    13、im with car theft.警方以偷车罪指控他。Critics charged the writer with a lack of originality.评论家指责这位作家缺少独 5“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-创性charge的另外一种含义:(与to,up to连用)记账;在帐册等上记入 Dont forget to charge the money of the shoes to my account.别忘了 把买鞋的钱记 在我的帐上。复习提醒06.acute基本含义及其用法1、尖的,尖锐的有尖点或尖端的Ha

    14、ving a sharp point or tip.(从物理的角度)2、敏锐的、聪明的:Keenly perceptive or discerning;penetrating(引申)acute observers:敏锐的观察者an acute sense of smell:敏锐的嗅觉;to have acute hearing:拥有敏锐的听觉3、严重的;关键的、决定性的:Of great importance or consequence;crucial:(弓 I 申)acute shortage of fbod:严重缺乏食物4 acute disease:急性病;acute patient:

    15、急性病人5、an acute angle:锐角(an obtuse angle:钝角)07.acquire基本含义及其用法6“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-1、获得;取得She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study.她认真学习而精通英语。Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society.有些人回到学校去接受教育

    16、,是想再取得一个学位或一张文凭,以增强自己在社会上的地位。2、拥有;得到Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in bom.抽烟喝酒往往是一种后天习得的嗜好,并不是生来就有的。同类词汇obtain/getacquisition n获得,获得物复习提醒08.adapt基本含义及其用法1、顺应、适应 To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.(使适 合,使适应某种特定用法或状况;)adapt to使适应;使适合adapt on

    17、eself to7“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-He adapted himself to the cold weather/the change.adapted themselves to city life;使他们适应城市生活;When he moved to Canada,the children adapted to the change very well.他移居加拿大后孩子们很能适应变化。2、改编;改装Here is a letter adapted from Lincoln Burrow,这里摘登一封Linc

    18、oln Burrow的回信,同类词汇cant accommodate myself to the new requirements;不能使自 己适应新的要求;adjusting their behavior to the rules;调整他们的行为以适应法规;conforming her life to accord with her moral principles;调整她的生活使之与 她的道德标准相符;made the punishment fit the crime;使开I 罚与罪状相符;couldnt reconcile his reassuring words with his ho

    19、stile actions.他的令人恢复信心的话与他充满敌意的行为不相一致复习提醒09.adequateadj 1、足够的8“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-We took adequate food for the holiday.我们为假期带足食品。The supply is not adequate to the demand.供不应求。An adequate water supply for city people is already a problem no government cantake lightly.给

    20、城市供给充足的水源已经成为所有政府不能掉以轻心的问题。2、恰当的;胜任的I hope you will prove adequate to the job.我希望你能胜任这工作。3、尚可的;差强人意的The performance was adequate.表演还算可以。10.affect基本含义及其用法To have an influence on or effect a change in:影响影响或使发生变化:Inflation affects the buying power of the RMB.通货膨胀影响美元的购买能力Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。T

    21、o affect x is to act upon a persons emotions:The adverse criticism the book received didnt affect the author one way or another.对这本书的敌对性评论丝毫没有影响该作家。9“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-(使)感动deeply affected by the news深深被这消息所感动同类词汇Influence implies a degree of control or sway over the

    22、thinking and actions,as well as the emotions,of another:influence所表示的影响包含着“力量”,比如“他是个有影响的人物”。有时 它包含着“诱使”的意思。No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.谁也不能避免受到广告的影响。复习提醒11.annoy基本含义及其用法To cause slight irritation to(another)by troublesome,often repeated acts.使生气,使烦恼用烦人的,通常是重复性的行为使(别人)生气To ha

    23、rass or disturb by repeated attacks.打搅,干扰,扰乱用屡次的攻击使人厌烦或打扰annoy with sb生的气annoy at sth讨厌某事be annoyed with sb.for/at sth.对(某人)为(某事)而生气Were annoyed at his arrogant treatment of his old friends.他用这种傲慢的态度对待老朋友,我们都感到气愤。10“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-同类词汇botherirritate复习提醒12.annual基本含

    24、义及其用法1 每年的,年度的每年循环或举行一次的:Recurring,done,or performed everyyear;yearly:an annual trip to Paris.一年一度的巴黎之行;annual ring:年轮2、全年的、一年的 0 relating to,or determined by a yearan annual income 年收入/an annual report:年度报告3、年刊,年鉴(monthly月刊daily日报)同类词汇yearly复习提醒13.alter基本含义及其用法1 变更、修饰 To change or make different;mo

    25、dify:Weve had to alter some of our plans.Although long-distance phone calls are going up,the charge for local calls will not alter.Giving up our car has radically altered our lifestyle.11“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-2、修改衣服改(服装)使之更为合身To adjust(a garment)for a better fit.I took t

    26、he coat back to the shop to have it altered.同类词汇change;adjust复习提醒特别注意:alternationSuccessive change from one thing or state to another and back again.交替从一种事物或状态变为另一种事物或状态并再变回来的一系列变化the alternation of crops作物的轮种the alternation of day and night日夜的交错14.apparatus基本含义及其用法1、(指有专门用途的成套)仪器、器械、设备、装置alarming a

    27、pparatus:报警装置2、(政府)机构the state apparatus:政府机构同类词汇equipment12“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-office equipment办公室设备复习提醒15.apparent基本含义及其用法1、可看见的2、显然的、明白的bvious3、看似的,表面上的an apparent disadvantage:表面上的劣势apparent difference:表面上的差异13“严谨权伊可依蓑C*r f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gct-

    28、oM同类词汇obvious apparently复习提醒16.appoint基本含义及其用法:任命、约定、预定appointed her the CEO of the company.任命她为公司的执行总裁.Appoint a date for the meeting:指定一个会议时间同类词汇appointment:约会、制定Do you have any appointment this weekend?Disappoint:使失望、使扫兴Geoffrey was a little disappointed by this but he did as his boss asked.”杰弗里因

    29、此感到有点扫兴,但他还是按照老板的要求做了。”disappointed:感到失望的disappointmenr:失望14“严谨权伊可依蓑C*r f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gct-oM复习提醒17.appropriate基本含义及其用法适当的;合体的properbe appropriate forA dirty face is not appropriate for the school photograph.脸脏了不适合照学生像。Vt.1、拨出(款项)作特殊用途 to appropriate funds for education 2、挪用(

    30、未经许可)Lee always appropriated my books and never returned it.Lee经常擅自拿走我的书本,并且从不归还。同类词汇复习提醒与形近字的辨析:appreciate:感激approxlinate:近似的,大约的15“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-18.arouse基本含义及其用法唤醒;鼓励;引起The odd sight aroused our curiosity.怪异的景象激起了我们的好奇心。(=provoke)provoke sb.*s interest 引起某人兴趣ar

    31、ouse suspicion:引起猜疑arouse sbs enthusiasm:激发某人的热情(=stir up)The story stirred the boys imagination.同类词汇复习提醒形近词辨析ariseraiserosearouse19.assess基本含义及其用法1、估价、估计(=evaluate)damages were assessed at 1000 RMB.损失估计达一千元人民币。16“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-Assess ones efforts:评价某人的工作2、对某人(的财产

    32、)征税:assess a tax on sbs property.同类词汇复习提醒形近词;access衍生词:assessable:可估定的、可评价的20.assume基本含义及其用法1、(自己)承担(=take upon oneself)to assume responsibility:承担责任assume another9s加bts:承继别人的债务assume office:就职2、假设、假定(-suppose)He is not a fool as you assumed to be.他并不想你想的那么傻。.Assume the price will riseSuppose we win

    33、 the lottery.假设我们赢了 彩票。同类词汇assumption:假设形近词:consume:消费 consumptionresume:重新开始;回复resumption:17“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-。建复习提醒21.astonish基本含义及其用法(感到)惊讶、震惊I am astonished at what I fbund.我对我之所见感到震惊。同类词汇surpriseastoundamazeshock衍生词astonishmentamazementsurprise复习提醒22.attempt基本含义

    34、及其用法基本含义:努力、尽力18“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-用法:常常与to连用I attempted to finish the whole novel in one sitting.我试图一口气看完这本小说。An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.一名宇航员将试着离开停着的宇宙飞船,然后再回到里面去。同类词汇try hardendeavor:endeavored to improve the q

    35、uality of life:努力改善生活品质to make an effort.复习提醒名词与动词同形:attemptan attempt on one5s life:对某人生命的攻击she made an attempt to cook the dinner for her husband.23.attached to基本含义及其用法:加上;连上;附上attach label to parcel给包裹贴标签Very little prestige attaches to this position.几乎没有什么尊严属于这个职位 依恋;喜欢19“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct-

    36、 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-He is very attached to that old picture.他很喜欢那幅旧画。I am attached to my family.我对我的家依依不舍B24.bankrupt基本含义及其用法go out of business;unable to pay ones debts.Many small businesses went bankrupt during the recession.经济萧条期间,许多小企业都破产了。The company went bankrupt because of its poor mana

    37、gement.那家公司因经营管理不善而宣告破产。复习提醒名词 形式:bankruptcybankrupt以及它的名词形式bankruptcy在历次GCT考试中未曾出现。应 该重视。20“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-25.belong to基本含义及其用法1、belong to sth:to be a member of a group or an organization.Mary belongs to the football club.玛丽是足球俱乐部的(成员)。2、belong to sb:to be the pro

    38、perty of sb;be owned by sb 属于;It has belonged to our family for many years.这个东西成为我们家的家产已经很多年了。复习提醒1、belong to没有被动用法,某物属于某人不能使用be belonged to这 样的形式。2、belongs:名词,财物,尤其是指随身携带的财物。Have an eye on your belongs,please.请注意您的随身物品。3、GCT历年真题中未出现过此考点。26.benefit-get sth.better from基本含义及其用法D.1、helpful/kindly deed;

    39、益处、善事It is said jogging is of great benefit to human health.据说慢跑对于人的身体健康很有裨益。What the mother did is for the childrens benefit.2、津贴、救济金21“严谨权伊可依核f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-The company provides medical benefits.这家公司提供医疗津贴。vi.benefit from 从.获益The whole country benefits from the skilled

    40、and educated workers.vt.to help someone:对.有利The policy changes mainly benefit cities of the West.同类词汇反义词:damage复习提醒GCT历年真题中未出现过此考点27.blast-explode基本含义及其用法vt.炸开Theyve blasted away the rock to build the new road.=explode(explosion)短语:1、At fiiU blast:全力以赴He was working at full blast in order to complet

    41、e the order before the holidays.他正在全力以赴地工作,以期在假期前把定单上的事情处理完。2、Full blast 最大量played the stereo at full blast.3、Blast off:发射22“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-To take 叫 as a rocket复习提醒GCT历年真题中未出现过此考点28.block-stand in the way基本含义及其用法1、To stop or impede the passage of or movement throu

    42、gh;妨碍,封锁,阻塞阻止或妨碍穿越或移动;阻碍:The police have blocked the road.警察已经封锁了道路。My nose is all blocked up and I can hardly breathe.我鼻子塞了,气都透不过来。2、n障碍to put up a road block设置路障Recently the professor often has a memory block.近来教授常常出现记忆不起的情况。同类词汇obstruct:复习提醒2005GCT21-25阅读理解的文章中出现一次。用作动词,相当于obstruct.29.boast-exagg

    43、erate基本含义及用法23“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-。建1、自夸;We confide in our strength,without boasting of it;we respect that of others,without fearing it.我们自信于自己的力量,这并非自夸;我们也重视别人的力量,但并 不畏惧.It is nothing to boast of.这没有什么可夸耀的。=brag:He bragged that his father was the most successful stock

    44、broker onWall Street.他吹嘘说他父亲是华尔街最成功的股票经纪人。2、以拥有而自豪The town boasts four swimming pools.这座城镇以拥有四个游泳池而自豪。The library boasts first edition of Shakespeare.这个图书馆以藏有初版的莎士比亚集而自豪复习提醒历年GCT考试中尚未出现此考点。30.browse基本含义及用法1、To inspect something in a leisurely and casual way:一 随意 观看:browsing the gift shops for souven

    45、irs.漫步礼品店搜寻纪念品24“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-2、go over quickly:To read something superficially by selecting passages at random:浏览文章:browsed the evening paper 浏览晚报;3、放牧、吃草=feed;graze复习提醒历年GCT考试中尚未出现此考点。31.bunch of-group of基本含义及用法1、a bunch of grapes;一 串葡萄 a bunch of keys 环上的一串钥匙

    46、a bunchof flowers一束花=cluster2、n.A group of people usually having a common interest or association:一 帮,一伙有共同兴趣或合作关系的一群人:My brother and his bunch are basketball fanatics.我兄弟和他的伙伴们都是篮球迷复习提醒历年GCT考试中尚未出现此考点。32.burst-blast explode基本含义及用法25“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-To come open or

    47、fly apart suddenly or violently,especially from internal pressure.爆裂,炸破突然或剧烈的开裂或炸开,尤指由内部压力而引起的To explode.使爆炸突然burst out laughing;burst into tears.突然大笑起来;突然哭起来To emerge,or arrive suddenly:突然地出现、发生或到达burst out of the door.突然出现在门边To come apart or seem to come apart because of overwhelming emotion:由于不可抑

    48、制的情感而爆发:I thought his heart would burst with happiness.我猜想他心中的快乐快要爆发出来复习提醒:历年GCT考试中尚未出现此考点。C33.cancel-remove基本含义及用法To annul or invaKdate.取消,使无效The sport meeting is cancelled because of the bad weather.26“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-。建She cancelled her order.她取消 了 订单。To equalize

    49、 or make up for;offset:抵消,中和补偿或弥补;抵消Todays decline in stock price canceled out yesterdays gain.今天股票价格下跌,抵消了昨天的收益复习提醒:历年GCT考试中尚未出现此考点。34.capture基本含义及用法1、捕获The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city.罪犯在企图逃离这座城市时被捕获。=catch/.arrest/seize2、记录;以影片、文字等保存原状The state visit by the premier c

    50、aptured the headlines of all newspapers.总理的国事访问各报都用大标题登出。In his traveling report,he tried to capture the beauty of the Great Waterfalls.他努力在他的这篇游记中记录下大瀑布的美复习提醒:2003GCT3140,完型填空中出现一次。35.casual基本含义及用法27“严谨权伊可依蓑f onlinewww.gct- 考 GCT就上 GCTOnline www.gc/-1、Suited for everyday wear or use;informal.轻便的,非正


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