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    初中英语新目标八年级(下册)Unit 3 词汇专练+答案.docx

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    初中英语新目标八年级(下册)Unit 3 词汇专练+答案.docx

    1、一. 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。1. Lets _(打扫)the floor. Its too dirty.2. Please take out the _(垃圾).3. I hate to do the _(洗碗)after supper.4. -I dont like the mutton. -_ (也不) does Bob.5. My friend _ (邀请) me to go to his parents house.6. Can you _(折叠)the clothes for his mother?7. Everyone should develop the abili

    2、ty of _(独立).8. Ann was watching TV _ (而) I was cooking.9. Young persons from 13 to 19 years old are called _(青少年).10. Ann _ (借出) me her bike yesterday. I will give it back tomorrow.二、根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1. S_ you are available now, I need your help to finish making this card.2. Its important for us to d

    3、_ good learning habits.3. I t_ the ball to Linda, but she didnt catch it.4. Could you please p_ me the knife on the table? -OK. Here you are.5. Helen and I are next-door n_ . We always go to school together.6. She feels upset because her i_ keeps her from doing any outdoor activities.7. It is not e_

    4、 to just learn from textbooks. You should learn more from your life.8. Now students are under a lot of s_ from both their studies and parents.9. That restaurant often p_ us with different kinds of delicious food so we always go there for dinner.10. Mary is very i_, because she began to do many thing

    5、s by herself when she was a little girl.三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. When did your daughter finish _ (write) the composition?2. We did the same work, but he got more money than me. It was _(fair) for me.3. His grades _(drop) because he spent too much time playing computer games.4. China is a _(develop) countr

    6、y.5. Could you please buy some _(snack) for me?6.As parents, we should let our children understand the idea of _(fair).7. We should do our part in _ (keep) our school clean and beautiful.8. Many people think doing chores is womans job, but I dont mind _ (do) chores.9. You have to brush your teeth at

    7、 _(little) twice a day.10. The girl is old enough _ (make) her bed.四、根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 不要在游戏上花费太多时间。Dont _ _ _ time _ computer games.2. 小时候我总是生病。When I was young, I was _ _ _ _.3.他记下地址以便不忘了它.He wrote down the address _ _ _ _ forget it.4. 听他讲话就是浪费时间。Its _ _ _ _ to listen to him.5. 你没有必要现在离开这里。Ther

    8、es _ _ for you _ _ here now. 6. 结果,我们没有赢那场比赛。_ _ _, we didnt win the game.7. 万物生长靠太阳。All living things _ _ the sun for growth.8. “你为什么在这儿?”她惊讶地问。“Why are you here?” she asked _ _.9. 最多锻炼,身体越好。_ _ we exercise, _ _ our health will be.10. 我不想做家务,他也不想做。I dont want to do chores, _ _ _.五、选择填空:1._ eat safe

    9、ly, I think we had better make some food by ourselves instead of buying some.A.As a result B.Because ofC.In order to D.Thanks to2.-Do you like rock music or light music?-_. I like Beijing Opera.A.Either B.None C.Both D.Neither3.Its _ that you make him finish the work in such a short time because he

    10、is new at doing such work.A. lucky B. traditionalC. possibleD. unfair4.Learn to relax. Too much _ may not be good for your health.A. joy B. stress C. space D. situation5.Next Sunday were going to visit the _ children in the hospital.A. sick B. ill C. healthy D. happy六、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。

    11、每空限填一词,每词限用一次。dish,care,hate,chore,invite,out,boring,borrow,help,toLaura and I are good friends and we often play together.Yesterday when I went to her home to 1._ some books,she was feeding her pet dog. I 2._ her to my party.She told me she would love 3._ ,but she had to take 4._ of her mother beca

    12、use she was ill in bed.It is true that Laura is a good and 5._ girl.She often helps her mother do 6._ .Every day before meals,she always sets the table.After meals,she washes the 7._ .Then she sweeps the floor and takes 8._ the rubbish.But Laura 9._ washing the clothes because she thinks it is 10._

    13、.参考答案:一、1.sweep 2.rubbish 3.dishes 4.Neither5.invited 6.fold 7.independence8.while 9.teenagers 10.lend二、1.Since 2.develop 3.threw 4.pass5.neighbor 6.illness; enough 8.stress9. provides 10.independent三、1.writing 2.unfair 3.dropped4.developing 5.snacks 6.fairness7.keeping 8.doing 9.least 10.to make四.1. spend too much; on2. ill all the time 3. in order not to4. a waste of time5. no need; to leave6. As a result 7. depend on8. in surprise 9. The more; the better10. neither does he 五、CDDBA六、1.borrow 2.invited 3.to 4.care5.helpful 6.chores 7.dishes 8.out9.hates 10.boring


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