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    初中英语新目标七年级(下册)Unit 11 词汇专练+答案.docx

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    初中英语新目标七年级(下册)Unit 11 词汇专练+答案.docx

    1、一、单词拼写A.根据句意和首字母提示,写出单词。1.Carols father is a f _.He has to feed the cows every day.2.I like life in the city, but my parents like life in the c_.3.The robot is very e_. Its not cheap4.There are many f_ in my garden in spring.5.You will need a tour g_ if you visit a new city.6.Yesterday, I went to th

    2、e history m _ with my classmates.7.Its d _ here. I cant see anything8.To save birds, we should g_ more trees9.Peter is good at all his subjects. He is an e_ student.10.I dont think there is still anything I have to buy .I have e_ I want.B.根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1.My parents are working on the _(农场)2.Do you ha

    3、ve _(任何事情) to say?3.Look! Some farmers are _(种植) tomatoes there4.It was an _(极好的) vacation and I really enjoyed it5.We are feeding chickens and they are _(摘) apples6.My uncle lives in the _(乡下)二、单项填空1.Im afraid we get lost.Dont _ .I take a map with me.A.forget B.think C.study D.worry2.Hi,Diana,how w

    4、as your summer holiday? _ !I enjoyed myself in the sea very much.A.Good idea B.Wait a minuteC.Thats too bad D.Pretty good3.Eric _ some apple trees on the farm last weekend.A.grow B.grows C.grew D.is growing4.We had fun _ basketball after school yesterday.A.played B.to play C.play D.playing5.Before t

    5、he movie started,I found my movie ticket was lost.But _ ,my father helped me find it.A.luckily B.easily C.firstly D.early6. _ were you last night?I was at home.A.How B.What C.Where D.Why7.I _ a new watch.I _ it last month.A.have;bought B.had;buyC.have;buy D.had;bought8.I got up late this morning _ I

    6、 was late for school.A.or B.because C.but D.so9.It rained all day when I went to the beach. _ .A.Its fun B.Thats too badC.Thanks a lot D.Thats great10.How _ your last trip to Mount Huang?A.are B.was C.is D.were11.You called me when I was in a noisy supermarket,so I didnt _ you.A.listen B.listen to C

    7、.hear D.hear to12.On my 13th birthday,my parents bought me a new bike as my birthday _.A.visit B.gift C.cake D.wish13.In the trip,we went boating,climbed the hills and visited a museum. _ ,it was an exciting trip.A.In all B.In the endC.At last D.All in all14.The watch is nice but its too _.I dont ha

    8、ve so much money to buy it.A.special B.popular C.cheap D.expensive15.Emily always wanted to be a tour _ ,because she likes traveling very much.A.guide B.doctor C.teacher D.robot三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子或对话完整、通顺1.-Did you get your lost watch back, Mrs. Smith?-Yes. _(luck), I found it under my bed.2.Miss

    9、Lin _(speak)very quickly. I couldnt follow her3.We want to buy some _(flower) for our teachers on Teachers Day.4.Miss Liu went to the supermarket this morning, but she didnt buy _(something)5.Lindas father is a _(farm). He is working on his farm now6.My uncle _(grow) some vegetables behind his house

    10、 last year.7.My father _(pick) some apples and put them into the box.8.I _ (feed) the chickens on my uncles farm. It was interesting.四、按要求完成下列句子。1.There is something important in todays newspaper.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ important in todays newspaper?2.Mary did her homework yesterday evening.(改为一般疑问句)_ Mary _

    11、 her homework yesterday evening?3.I wentto the zoo near my home.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you go?4.We had a lot of fun in the park.(改为同义句)We _ _ _ _ in the park.5.I wrote a long letter last night.(改为否定句)I _ _ a long letter last night.五、补全对话A:Hi,Grace.1._B:Hello,Jill.It was great.A:Really?What did you do?B:2._ Th

    12、e sea water was really blue.A:3._B:Yes,there were.A:Did you play volleyball on the beach(海滩)?B:Yes.4._A:Who did you play with?B:5._A:Oh,thats great.A.How is it going?B.I just swam in the sea.C.Did you buy any gifts?D.Were there any beaches?E.My parents,sisters and brothers.F.How was your summer vaca

    13、tion?G.I often played volleyball after dinner.六、用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文feed, horse, exciting, on, pick, be,countryside, farm, show, milkWe went on a school trip yesterday. We went to the 1._ and visited a farm. The bus ride 2._ slow but fun. Mr. Green told us many interesting stories 3._ the way. When we

    14、got there, the 4._ were busy working on the farm. Uncle John met us and 5._ us around. First he taught us how to 6._ a cow. Then he taught us how to ride a 7._. He taught us how to 8._ chickens, too. At the end of the day, Uncle John took us to 9._ strawberries and asked us to take them home. It was

    15、 really a(n) 10._ day. We all enjoyed the trip very much.参考答案一、A.1.farmer 2.country 3.expensive 4.flowers 5.guide 6.museum 7.dark 8.grow 9.excellent 10.everythingB.1.farm 2.anything 3.growing 4.excellent 5.picking 6.Countryside二、DDCDA CADBB CBDDA三、1.Luckily 2.spoke 3.flowers 4.anything 5.farmer 6.grows 7.picked 8.fed四、1.Is there anything 2.Did; do 3.Where did 4.had a great/good/nice/wonderful time 5.didnt write五、FBDGE六、1.countryside2.was3on4.farmers5showed6.milk 7horse 8.feed 9pick10.exciting


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