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    1、托福作文批改:托福强化口语讲义托福作文批改:、一、一 刖a一.托福考试口语题型介绍:一二题是开放性话题,内容涉及的都是最身边最生活的话题,要求考生流利清楚地表达出自 己的意思,这需要考生日常的积累,以及勤奋的练习,切记掐时间练习才最有效!二四五六题是口语部分的综合题目,也就是要考察考生读、听、说的综合能力,其中第三题 和第四题是阅读、听力和口语三者的结合;第五题和第六题是听力和口语的结合,因此这需 要考生必须狂做成套练习,掌握读、听、说的技巧,将其有机结合在一起!口语考试20分钟的时间,同学们,一定要自信地展现自己的实力!明确自己在准备时间内的主要任务,确定自己取得高分的目标!二.新托福口语考

    2、试的三大特征:1.重在听懂后的阐述和概括,机考口语一共20分钟,需要表达的部分只有五分半的时间,除去答题前的65秒准备时间以外,剩下的大约15分钟都在听材料上,因此托福口语考试确 实是听在前,说在后。TimeTask 1,2Task 3,4Task 5,6读文章时间无阅读材料45无阅读材料听材料时间无听力材料60-80100-110准备答案时间153020答题的时间4560602.加入了阅读和听力结合的综合任务,口语部分的第3,4题都是需要先读一个45秒左右 的文字材料,后听一个对话或演讲的一个部分,最后进行口语作答,依据所听所读进行材料 整合,归纳后输出答案。这正迎合了北美高校课堂授课的常见

    3、方式,以便学生更快适应上课 风格。3.允许作笔记。很多学生在听听力材料时没有养成作笔记的习惯,由于人的瞬间记忆极其 短暂,因此听完一段材料后能挤下的内容寥寥无几,因此建议考生在新托福备考时,培养 山边听边记的习惯,并加强听写和听力笔记技巧的训练。三.学生在应对新托福考试中有以下三个问题:1.认读单词能力较差,由于长期以来英语语音教学很分散,导致很多学生不会利用一定的 规则朗读,拼写或者记忆单词,所以很多学生的阅读能力明显高于听力和口语能力,主要 1托福作文批改:因为没有区别开它们的本质区别,即阅读技能是依于空间存在的,即“Space-Based”.表示文 章不会因为时间的推移而消逝,而听力是基

    4、于时间的,即Time-Based”,听完的东西不会再次 出现,因为不像阅读材料那样可以看到原文,所以提高听力的方法应该是分隔较长句子的意 群,然后把每个意群不断重复跟读,直到复述出整个句子为止。2.语音问题不容忽视。随着美音近年来的日益流行,很多学生在初高中时代的英音根深蒂 固,不熟悉美音和英音的区别和其他语音的特征,因此导致听力部分带来很大障碍。3.作为输出技能的口语部分练习的太少,缺乏持久的自我练习意识。很多考生平时没有重 视口语部分的练习,也没有比较科学的有效的方法进行自学,因此导致口语技能相比其他部 分稍逊色一些。同学们,希望并不遥远,只要你着眼于现在,勤加苦练,必修成正果!想跟你们说

    5、的是:跟着老师步伐,以托福考试为目标,前进,胜利就在前方,加油!If you keep w orking,a nd trust yourself a nd your tea cher,you w ill ha rv est a lot!If you keep ta lking Eng lish confidently a nd ca refully,you w ill ma ke it in Eng lish!If you exercise the Ora l ta sks by timing,you w ill ta ke on a better performa nce in the ex

    6、a mina tion.Come on,ev eryone!Ev ery one of you w ill succeed!2托福作文批改:教学进度表授课节次授课内容第一节托福总论+托福口语单科总论第:节Task 1绝大部分笫三节Task 3开始一Task 3讲完模板第四节Task 3讲例题Task 4开始-讲完task 4第五节Task 5讲听力要点Task 5模板、答案讲完第六节Task 6的第1-8种lx+2y,对完答案。Task 6的第9种lx+2y,对完答案。第七节Task 2讲完+Task 1扫尾用答题模版做习题第八节总复习,总结发音现象及英美音区别3托福作文批改:目录:一.托福及

    7、托福口语整体介绍二.托福口语题型介绍Ta skl N选1话题Ta sk2 2选1话题Ta sk3校园事务议论话题Ta sk4课文主题举例题Ta sk5学生困难解决题Ta sk6讲课内容总结题三.附录托福常用口语短语总结4托福作文批改:托福及托福口语整体介绍一.托福考试整体介绍(一)、托福的定义:TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)托福考试TOEFL iBT Internet Based Test(网考,互联网考试)(二)、托福考试报名流程:第1步、登陆教育部考试中心托福报名网http: 的主页”中确认支付成功。“查看已注册信息”申请转考。*复

    8、议:一科600rmb,只能复议作文口语(三)、托福考试流程及算分:Test SectionRa ng e of QuestionsTime Limit(Tota l:4 hours)Sca led Section Score(Tota l:120)1.Rea ding 阅读的,passages,12-14 questions each60/100 minutes0-302.Listening 听力/2 conversations,5 questions each且 lectures,6 questions each90/6。minutes0-30Brea k休息10 minutes3.Spea

    9、 king 口语2 independent speaking tasks4 integrated speaking tasks20 minutes0-30(raw points per question 0-4)4.Writing 写作1 integrated writing task20 minutes0-30(raw points5托福作文批改:1 independent writing task30 minutesper question 0-5)二.托福口语整体介绍(一)、大学对申请者托福口语单科成绩的要求:本、研叁22助教奖金二26医学法学师范商学类专业工26(二卜历年托福网考中国大

    10、陆地区考生总分及各科平均分:YEARSECTION SCORE MEANSTOTALSCOREREADINGLISTENINGSPEAKINGWRITING20062019182077200721191820782008201818207620092017182075(三)、你的目标=?(四人托福口语题型分类:6托福作文批改:(五)、托福口语高分回答的特征和低分回答的特征托福口语考试评分标准:按出题顺序和考查能力分类按话题选材分类I.Independent Ta sks 独立题(纯口语题)Task 1 Free-choice _话题Task 2 Paired-choice_话题Prefer A

    11、 or B _Agree or Disagree_II.Integ ra ted Ta sks 综合题(综合能力题)I.Spea king a bout Fa milia r Topics谈论_话题Task 1 Free-choiceTask 2 Paired-choiceII.Spea king a bout Ca mpus Situa tions谈论_话题i.Rea ding Listening Spea king 读听说综合题Task 3 Campus-related Issue&Task 3 Campus-related Issue&Students Attitude_题Task 4

    12、Term&Examples_题ii.Listening Spea king 听说综合题Task 5 Student-related Problem&Solutions_题Task 6 Summary_题Students AttitudeTask 5 Student-related Problem&SolutionsIILSpea king a bout Aca demic Course Content 转述_内容Task 4 Topic&ExamplesTask 6 Summary重要提示:考生必须用正式的讲述语言而非懒散的私聊语言说出自己的回答!评判指标口语高分回答的特征口语低分回答的特征1

    13、、采分要点Ta sk 1-2明确、完整、准确表达观点、理由 和细节。仅有论点,缺乏足够理由和细节 支持。Ta sk 3-6完整、准确地转述了必要信息。Task 3-6的回答,遗漏重要信息、有严重的错误或张冠李戴。2、整体构思(逻辑)句子间有连接词一逻辑关系清晰、信息能自然衔接一易于理解。句子间逻辑词不明显。听到的只 是单个句子。逻辑关系不清楚,难以理解。7托福作文批改:3、句词、语法的使用熟 练度、准确度在答题过程中,迅速、准确地取用 恰当、准确的句词、语法。语法:避免复杂的语法结构。选词:灵活;难度适中。词汇和语法结构单调;有明显的 用词错误和语法错误。由于语速 慢,给人以“不能迅速、准确取

    14、用 词汇、句式和语法”的感觉。4、语音、语调、心态、音量、吐字语音非常准确。语调标准、有起伏;心理自信(正常)一大方一声音洪 亮、吐字清晰。语言节奏良好。多次重复明显的语音语调错误。整体印象是:不熟练。5、流利度语言熟练一流利。无大于3秒的中 断、不结结巴巴的。语言不熟练一不流利。有多处明 显停顿。句子和句子之间间隔太 长。6、语速语言熟练一在表达句词时,采用最 佳语速:适中略偏快、匀速,保证 了表达的高效。语言不熟练一语速缓慢旦不规则。语速太快一缺乏语气!(六卜口语各题型、各分数段评语的含义:Spea kingSkills口语技能Lev el水平Your Performa nce你的表现Sp

    15、ea king a bout fa milia r topics 谈论日常话题 Ta sk 1,2Good(3.5-4.0)(26-30)Your responses indicate you are able to speak in English about your personal experiences and opinions in a mostly clear and coherent manner.Your speech is clear with only occasional errors.Grammar and vocabulary are strong and incl

    16、ude only a few errors.You can elaborate fully on your ideas and have a strong overall communication.你的回答显示出你能用英语非常清晰、连贯地讲述你的经历和 观点。你的回答是清晰的,偶有瑕疵。你的语法和词汇水平是 高的,只有一些小错误。你能把你的思想充分地展开论述,你 的交流能力是强大的。Fa ir(2.5-3.0)(18-25;Your responses indicate you are able to speak in English about your personal experien

    17、ces and opinions in a mostly clear and coherent manner.Your speech is mostly clear with only occasional8托福作文批改:errors.Grammar and vocabulary are somewhat limited and include some errors.At times,the limitations prevent you from elaborating fully on your ideas,but they do not seriously interfere with

    18、 overall communication.你的回答显示出你能用英语非常清晰、连贯地讲述你的经历和 观点。你的回答是清晰的,只是偶有瑕疵。你的语法和词汇水 平稍低,有些错误。这些语法和词汇方面的局限阻碍了你充分 地表述你的思想,但这些局限不会严重地影响你与他人的交 流。Limited(1.5-2.0)(10-17)Your responses indicate some difficulty speaking in English about everyday experiences and opinions.Listeners sometimes have trouble understa

    19、nding you because of noticeable problems with pronunciation,grammar,and vocabulary.While you are able to respond partially to the questions,you are not able to fully develop your ideas,possibly due to limited vocabulary and grammar.你的回答显示出你在用英语讲述你的日常经历和观点时遇到 一些困难。由于你在发音、语法和词汇方面有明显错误,听者 有时不太容易听懂你的回答。

    20、可能是由于你在词汇和语法方面 的局限,导致你只能部分地回1答出问题,却不能充分表达你的 思想。Wea k(0-1.0)(0-9)Your responses are incomplete.They include little or no information about the topic.Your speech is often difficult for listeners to understand,and the meaning is unclear.你的回答不完整。其中未包含或只包含了少量与本话题有关的 信息。听众一般很难听懂你的回答。你的回答的意思含糊不清。Spea kingS

    21、kills口语技能Lev el水平Your Performa nce你的表现Spea king a bout ca mpus situa tions 谈论校园情景Ta sk 3,5Good(3.5-4.0)好(3.5-4.0)(26-30)Your responses indicate an ability to speak effectively in English about reading material and conversations typically encountered by university students.Overall,your responses are

    22、clear and coherent,with only occasional errors of pronunciation,grammar,or vocabulary.你的回答显示出你能用英语有效地谈论大学生经常接触到的 阅读材料和对话。从整体上来看,你的回答是清晰、连贯的,9托福作文批改:只是在语音、语法或词汇方面偶有瑕疵。Fa ir(2.5-3.0)(18-25;Your responses demonstrate an ability to speak in English about reading material and experiences typically encoun

    23、tered by university students.You are able to convey relevant information about conversations,newspaper articles,and campus bulletins;however,some details are missing or inaccurate.Limitations of grammar,vocabulary,and pronunciation at times cause difficulty for the listener.However,they do not serio

    24、usly interfere with overall communication.你的回答显示出你能用英语谈论大学生经常接触到的阅读材 料和对话。你能转述与对话、报章和校园通知相关的信息。然 而,你漏掉了一些细节,这导致你的回答不太准确。在语法、词汇和语音方面的局限,有时会给听者造成理解上的困难。尽 管如此,这些局限不会严重地影响你与他人的交流。Limited(1.5-2.0)(10-17)Your responses indicate that you have some difficulty speaking in English about information from conve

    25、rsations,newspaper articles,university publications,and so on.While you are able to talk about some of the key information from these sources,limited grammar and vocabulary may prevent you from fully expressing your ideas.Problems with pronunciation make it difficult for listeners to understand you

    26、at times.你的回答显示出你在用英语谈论来自对话、报章、大学通知的 信息的时,遇到些困难。然而,你还是可以讲出其中的一些关 键信息的。语法和词汇方面的局限,使你不能充分地表述你的 思想。语音方面的问题使得听者难以听懂你的回答。Wea k(0-1.0)(0-9)Your responses are incomplete.They include little or no information about the topic.Your speech is often difficult for listeners to understand,and the meaning is uncle

    27、ar.你的回答不完整。其中未包含或只包含了少量与本话题有关的 信息。听众一般很难听懂你的回答。你的回答的意思含糊不清。Spea kingSkills口语技能Lev el水平Your Performa nce你的表现10托福作文批改:Spea king a bout a ca demic course content 谈论学术内容 Ta sk 4,6Good(3.5-4.0)(26-30)Your responses demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively in English about academic topics typical

    28、 of first-year university studies.Your speech is mostly clear and fluent.You are able to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to explain concepts and ideas from reading or lecture material.You are able to talk about key information and relevant details with only minor inaccuracies.你的回答显示出你能用英语就大一阶

    29、段学术话题和他人进行 有效交流。你的讲话非常清晰、流利。你能用恰当的词汇和语 法解释在阅读材料和讲课中出现的概念和观点。你能非常准确 地谈论关键信息和相关细节。Fa ir(2.5-3.0)(18-25;Your responses demonstrate that you are able to speak in English about academic reading and lecture material,with only minor communication problems.For the most part,your speech is clear and easy to

    30、understand.However,some problems with pronunciation and intonation may occasionally cause difficulty for the listener.Your use of grammar and vocabulary is adequate to talk about the topics,but some ideas are not fully developed or are inaccurate.你的回答显示出你能用英语谈论学术阅读材料和讲课内容,偶 有交流障碍。从整体来看,你的回答清晰、易懂。然而,

    31、一些 语音、语调问题可能会给听者在理解上造成困难。在谈论学术 话题时,你的语法和词汇的使用都没有什么问题,只是在表述 一些要点时一,你表述得还不够充分或表述错了。Limited(1.5-2.0)(10-17)In your responses,you are able to use English to talk about the basic ideas from academic reading or lecture materials,but,in general,you include few relevant or accurate details.It is sometimes d

    32、ifficult for listeners to understand your responses because of problems with grammar,vocabulary,and pronunciation.Overall,you are able to respond in a general way to the questions,but the amount of information in your responses is limited and the expression of ideas is often vague and unclear.在你的回答里

    33、,你能用英语谈论简单的学术阅读材料和讲课信 息。可你的答案所包含的准确的相关信息并不多。你在语法、词汇和发音方面的错误,导致听众有时会难以听懂你的回答。从整体来看,你能回答出大致的要点,但你回答的信息量较少。11托福作文批改:你的思想表述得含糊不清。Wea k(0-1.0)(0-9)Your responses are incomplete.They include little or no information about the topic.Your speech is often difficult for listeners to understand,and the meaning

    34、 is unclear.你的回答不完整。其中未包含或只包含了少量与本话题有关的作 息。听众一般很难听懂你的回答。你的回答的意思含糊不清。Testing ProcessI.Independent Ta sks-Spea kingQuestion 1 Free-choicego there.If you could live abroad,where would you go?Explain why you wouldPreparation time:15 secondsResponse time:45 secondsQuestion 2 Pa ired-choiceSome people thi

    35、nk it is more fun to spend time with friends in restaurant or cafes,others think it s more fun to spend time at home.Which do you think is better,explain why?Preparation time:15 secondsResponse time:45 seconds12托福作文批改:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Use specific reasons and exa

    36、mples to support your answer.Students should not be allowed to take their cell phones into classrooms.Preparation time:15 secondsResponse time:45 seconds II-i.Integ ra ted Ta sks Rea ding Listening Spea kingQuestion 3 Ca mpus-rela ted Issue&Studenfs AttitudeReading Time:45 secondsA student s proposa

    37、lA student proposes to the university to change the policy that prohibits eating in classrooms.At first students are not allowed to enjoy their meals in classes,especially in the morning classes and in the late afternoon classes.There are two reasons for advocating eating in classrooms.Firstly,when

    38、the students feel hungry,eating some snacks can help them get more energy,therefore be more concentrated.Secondly,if students are allowed to eat in classes,they can hold some class parties when the semester is over.It is a good way to get together and to have celebration.The man expresses his opinio

    39、n of the student s proposal.State his opinion and explain the reasons for holding that opinion.Preparation time:30 secondsResponse time:60 seconds13托福作文批改:Question 4 Term&Exa mplesReading Time:45 secondsFlowIn psychology,the feeling of complete and energized focus in an activity is called flow.Peopl

    40、e who enter a state of flow lose their sense of time and have a feeling of great satisfaction.They become completely involved in an activity for its own sake rather than for what may result from the activity,such as money or prestige.Contrary to expectation,flow usually happens not during relaxing m

    41、oments of leisure and entertainment,but when we actively involved in a difficult enterprise,in a task that stretches our mental of physical abilities.Explain flow and how the example used by professor illustrated the concept.Preparation time:30 secondResponse time:60 secondsII-ii.Integ ra ted Ta sks

    42、Listening Spea kingQuestion 5 Student-rela ted Problem&SolutionsThe woman discusses two possible solutions to the man s problem.Describe the problem and the two solutions.Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.Preparation time:20 secondsResponse time:60 seconds14托福作文批改:Ques

    43、tion 6 Summa ryUsing points and examples from the talk and describe the two different definitions of tools given by the professor.Preparation time:20 secondsResponse time:60 seconds15托福作文批改:Ta sk 1 Free-choice 话题OutlineA.Testing Purpose of Ta sk 1:TYPE1.有形的谈论对象2.抽象的谈论对象英文l.person(16.56%)2.pla ce(11.

    44、67%)3.ta ng ible object(14.72%)4.inta ng ible object(34.36%)5.ev ent or a ctiv ity(22.70%)I1文DescribeDescribe=Describe=模板代号T-D-2S-CT-2S-CExamples::1.Person1.Describe a person that you look up as a role model.Explain how this person influence your life.Include details and examples to support your res

    45、ponse.2.Describe a person who is very important to you in your life.Explain why you think this person is important to you.Include details and examples to support your response.3.Describe a person who positively influenced your life.Explain how this person influenced your life.Give specific reasons a

    46、nd details to support your explanation.2.Place1.Please describe a place that you would like to visit but you have not been to.Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.2.You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks.Which country would you like to visit?Use detail

    47、s and examples to support your opinion.3.Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation.Explain why it is a good place for you to relax.Don,t forget to include details and examples in your explanation.16托福作文批改:3.Tangible object1.Choose one of the following and explain why you like it most:fic

    48、tions,magazines and poems.2.Choose one of the forms of the technology in the list and tell why it has great impact on peoples lives in your country?Airplane,computer or television.3.Describe a book that is the most useful to you.4.Intangible object1.Describe a job career or profession which you wish

    49、 to pursue.Explain why this job is your ideal job.Include reasons and details to support your response.2.Describe a special job that you have hand in the past or one that you would like to do in the future.Explain why?3.Choose one of the following work of art and explain why you like it most:comedy

    50、stage play and musical play.5.Event or activity1 Describe a celebration,public event or moment that is most important to you.Explain why it was impressive to you.Include reasons and examples to support your response.庆 祝活动2 Describe a ceremony or public event that you attended.Explain why it was memo


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