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    1、-范文最新推荐- 电子信息工程毕业生英文简历范文 Basic information Name: XXX Sex: Male National: Han origin: Shaanxi Mizhi Date of birth: March 1984 Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members Profession: Electronic and Information Engineering Education: Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Engineering Hobbies: c

    2、omputers, sports Health status: good Contact Communication Address: Yanan University XXX postcode: 716000 EMIL: bd6XXXX Major award in the school during the 2003-2004 school year was outstanding party members Yanan University 2003-2004 school year to obtain the best students and cadres in Yanan Univ

    3、ersity and received second-class scholarship Yanan University was 2004-2005 individuals in social practice 2004-2005 University of access to good social practice yanan report Computer level Familiar with the principles of computer networks and security components Has been the National Computer Rank

    4、Examination C-2 Familiar with the Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, will use a simple assembly language programming Familiar with the computer data structure and the basic algorithm, will be a simple C language programming Database theory, principles of computer communications and mu

    5、ltimedia technology to understand Familiar with the Office family of business software and Visual Basic, Photoshop and other software The level of expertise Familiar with the MCS-51 series single-chip microcomputer system and a simple system development Familiar with the Pspise, EWB, Protel2003 99SE

    6、 and Matlab software Familiar with the commonly used electronic equipment and components and application Social practice Formed in 2002 and year-round to participate in the University of Electronics Association yanan appliances maintenance obligations Yanan University, 2003 to participate in the sum

    7、mer, science and technology, culture, public health three rural areas April 2005 to the transformer factory in Xian, Xian capacitor plant, Xian Software Park, Northwest Polytechnic University three Air Museum, SEG Electronic City for a week-long industrial trainee Yanan University in 2005 to partici

    8、pate in the summer, science and technology, culture, public health three rural areas In September 2005 Fiberhome Group Co., Ltd. Baoji industrial attachment Self-assessment Learning: hard careful, diligent in thinking, good at learning new knowledge Work: a strong sense of responsibility, with stron

    9、g organizational abilities and excellent sense of cooperation and innovation Advantages: passion, integrity, good interpersonal skills Job intentions Institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions Electronics, communications, computers and automation in areas such as Computer netw

    10、ork system Courses: circuit analysis of analog circuits digital circuit Automatic Control Engineering English signal high-frequency electronic circuits and systems of digital signal processing computer C language programming of computer communication technology applications based on electromagnetic

    11、field and microwave technology database theory and technology of electronic sensors and detection technology curriculum design TV Principle and technical single-chip interface technology theory and computer software based on electronic measurement Principle and Application of Microcomputer Principle

    12、s and Applications of analog integrated circuits integrated computer-assisted (e-EDA) Main Courses Basic subjects: English Advanced Mathematics Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Drawing the legal basis for general physics ideological and moral cultivation of the political economy of Marxist philoso

    13、phy outlined in Deng Xiaoping Theory and Three Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought Experimental Section: Analysis of the experimental electronic measurement circuit experimental physics experiment general digital circuit analog circuit experimental microcomputer experiment experiment experiment high-

    14、frequency circuits of color television VB experimental procedure of automatic control engineering experiments on the development of experimental aircraft MATLAB computer experiments based on C language programming experiment experimental monolithic the development of experimental systems Self-Taught

    15、: Modern Communication Principle programmable logic device computer operating system application of multimedia technology Modern digital system design single-chip micro-computer network technology and application of principles of computer Fate with the development and progress Basic CV Name: Lee xx

    16、Nationality: Chinese Current location: Guangzhou National: Han Exit and Entry: YUNFU tall: 165 cm 60 kg Marital Status: Single Age: 26 years old Training Certification: integrity badge: Job search intention and work experience Personnel types: ordinary job Position: indoor and outdoor decoration des

    17、ign: chief designer of the construction / real estate / property management supervisors decoration construction / real estate / property management professional associated with the I Work Experience: 3 Title: No Title Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time Monthly requirements: 3

    18、500 - 5000 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou Company nature: in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration Positions: chief designer (main) Job Description: The company is a real estate agency in Guangzhou enterprises designated by the contractor decora

    19、tion shop chain. I work and responsibilities: chief designer (main). Presided over the design and follow-up projects throughout all aspects of the work. Reasons for leaving: Looking for more room for development Company Name: Guangzhou City, Ho Fung Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. beginning

    20、and ending date :2005-06 2005-10 Company nature: in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration Positions: designer Job Description: Responsible for the design of home decoration, budget, and communication with customers. Reasons for leaving: Company Name: Guang

    21、zhou City, good home decoration building materials supermarkets Center beginning and ending date :2005-04 2005-06 Company nature: in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration Positions: design internship graduate Job description: Reasons for leaving: Company N

    22、ame: Guangzhou City Dongpu (盈彩美居) start-stop real estate construction site Date :2003-07 2003-09 Company nature: in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration Positions: Indoor外放Line Job Description: summer jobs Reasons for leaving: Company Name: Guangzhou City

    23、, the development of the Eastern (the Czech Republic & P factories) construction site beginning and ending date :2002-07 2002-09 Company nature: in their respective professions: Positions: Welder, security, miscellaneous works Job Description: summer jobs Reasons for leaving: Educational backgro

    24、und Graduate institutions: Institute of Business and Technology, Guangzhou, South China Highest level of education: college graduates - 2005-06-01 Studies by one: Environmental Art Department of Building and renovation of the Science II: By education and training experience: the termination of the s

    25、tart date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number 2002-09 2005-06, Guangzhou, South China Institute of Business and Technology Building and renovation大专毕业证 Language ability Foreign Language: English General Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: E

    26、xcellent The ability to work and other expertise There is a higher level of hand-painted capacity. Familiar with the Office of the design, the design of chain stores, home design. Proficiency in budget and pricing, good customer communication skills. Familiar with the site construction process, cons

    27、truction techniques, quality inspection. Have a good organization and management and coordination capabilities, text, language skills, independence and the idea of the programs ability to complete the design. Proficiency in AutoCAD, Photoshop, 3da MAX, Lightseape, software, results can be drawn maps

    28、 and drawings. Detailed personal autobiography Me: optimistic self-confidence to move ahead together what it preaches Name: XXX Sex: Female National: Han Political features: members Education: tertiary Profession: public relations secretary Graduate institution: Nankai University Department of Chine

    29、se The course: secretarial, clerical writing, public relations practices, school talks, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations language, application writing, political economy, philosophy, foreign culture, file management, such as Chinas cultural history. Another: Xu Guozhang E

    30、nglish self-study have been 1-4. Undergraduate education is the administration of academic qualifications and English II. And I have a driving license. I have in the international standard of the work of large-scale enterprises in four years of practical experience. Work experience: * 2004 - 2006 XX

    31、 company Ministry of Personnel Relations staff For the new factory to do the training of staff, making a daily briefing, the cause of all employee benefits management and coordination, the establishment of the basic information database for all staff input, maintenance, changes and inquiries, feedba

    32、ck from higher authorities from time to time the work of the Ministry of Personnel Management supervision of staff with a variety of application procedures for the processing of the case organization, preparation, presided over a variety of large-scale activities * Early in 2006 - the company now XX

    33、 Personnel in charge of The overall staff supervision and management services, employee benefits committee of the various activities, is responsible for nearly 5000 employees of a variety of welfare services such as: pay and benefits, training, etc. to report on time to the overall work of the highe

    34、r level and to develop work plans, supervision and management of all staff and the Ministry of Personnel communication Personal Profile: Work in large enterprises, so I learned a lot of schools do not have the knowledge and management skills. I use five Chinese fonts per minute input speed of 80-90

    35、words; English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability to achieve the level 4 (currently the administration of undergraduate academic education); than good social activities, more organized the experience of a variety of cultural activities; able to skillfully use Microsoft Office (such as:

    36、 Word, Excel, Exchange, PhotoEditer, Powerpoint, Frontpage, Ulead Iphoto Express, etc.) to carry out various functions of the Office of efficient day-to-day work; with several years of foreign work experience. I work in a serious and responsible and meticulous, and has a strong sense of responsibili

    37、ty and initiative. Hobbies: Is the backbone of the companys literature and art, has twice served as host of year-end celebration event, fashion show (fashion company team, the company carried out a number of performances), etc. In addition, like singing, skating and so on. My character: Moderate, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence. Contact Tel: 12345678 Email Address: 12345678 Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your company will feel that I am very suitable for this role candidates! 13 / 14


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