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    1、Book5 Unit1短语造句1. put forward 例句:He put forward a great idea in the meeting.2. draw a conclusion 例句:Without evidence you cant draw a conclusion.3. Prevent from 例句:My parents prevent me from playing puters all day.4. link to 例句:I-phone4 cell phones can link to the Internet.5. cure sb. of sth. 例句:The

    2、doctor cured him of his toothache.6. be absorbed in 例句:Tom was so absorbed in playing puter games that he forgot to have the meal.7. blame sb for sth 例句:Dont blame the kid for his mistakes, he is too young.8. Neither nor 例句:The hotel is neither spacious(宽敞的) nor fortable. 9. Every time 例句: Every tim

    3、e he es back to his hometown, he will call on his former teachers.10.not only but also 例句:I can not only play the piano but also can play the violin.11.suggest doing sth. 例句:The doctor suggested him doing more exercise .12.make up ones mind 例句:I have made up my mind to learn English well.13.lead to

    4、例句:His laziness led to his failure in the exams.14.make sense 例句:What you did make sense a lot to me.15.encourage sb. to do sth. 例句:Our teacher always encourage us to read more books.16.make great contributions to 例句:Dr Yuan have made great contributions to our country.17.contribute to 例句:Doing exer

    5、cises contributes to building up our health.18.apart from 例句:Apart from sport, I have many other hobbies.19.be strict with例句:Our headteacher is always strict with us.20.Only if 例句:Only if you work hard can you make progress.Book5 Unit2短语造句be made up of 例句:Our earth is made up of sea and land.2 break

    6、 away from 例句:You must break away from the habit of smoking.3 to ones credit 例句: To her credit, she made a great progress in the exam.4 Its worthwhile to do sth. 例句:Its worthwhile to go to visit the Great Wall.5 be proud of 例句: As a Chinese, I am very proud of my country.6 to ones surprise 例句:To my

    7、surprise, he send me a gift on my birthday.7 take the place of 例句:Nobody can take the place of my dear mother.8 to ones delight 例句:To his delight, he finally passed the final exam.9 instead of 例句:Instead of giving up, she worked hard and managed to go to college.10 set an example to例句: My parents se

    8、t a good example to me . Book5 Unit3短语造句1 take up例句: I want to take up doctor as my career in the future.2 remind sb. of sth例句: The diary reminds me of my past experience.3 be lack of例句: Jack isnt stupid, actually he is just lack of confidence.4 be rich in例句: Our country is rich in all kinds of reso

    9、urces.5 give a impression on sb例句: His speech gave a strong impression on the audience.6 be worried about例句:Scientists are worried about the problem of global warming.Book5 Unit4短语造句1 be eager to do sth. 例句: Jane is eager to make progress in the final exam.2 focus on例句: You must focus your mind on d

    10、oing your homework.3 depend on/ rely on例句: Now that you have grown up, you shouldnt always depend on your parents. 4 in order to例句:He repeated his words in order to make himself understood. 5 in case 例句:Youd better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.6 make sure例句:Make sure you take some note

    11、s in class and you can learn some knowledge.7 be good for例句:Doing some sports is good for our health.Book5Unit5短语造句1 fall ill 例句:If you fall ill, you ought to go to see a doctor.2 get injured例句:Jack hurt himself and got badly injured in the football match.3 save ones life例句: It was Johns quick actio

    12、n and first aid that saved Mrs Smiths life. 4 protectagainst例句: The body guard protect his boss against attack.5 over and over again例句: I have read this novel over and over again.6 a variety of例句:There are a variety of books in the bookshop.7 play a vital/ important role in例句: Rechard played a vital

    13、 role in the teams success.8 It is/was .that例句: It was in the school that I studied ten years ago.9 a number of I have read a great number of books.10make a difference例句:Knowing how to save ones life can really make a difference.11have a knowledge of例句: Its necessary for us to have a knowledge of fi

    14、rst aid.12treatas例句:We treat our headmaster as our best friend.13there is no doubt that例句:There is no doubt that well make great progress if we work hard.14with the aid of例句:With the aid of our teacher, we made great progress in the exam.15 with the development of例句:With the development of economy,

    15、great changes have taken place in our country.Book6 Unit1短语造句1 concentrateon例句:The little boy concentrated all his energy on the math problem.2 by coincidence例句:By coincidence, I have bought the same book as her.3 a great deal例句:Your friendship means a great deal to me.4 break away from例句:I advise y

    16、ou to break away from the bad habit of smoking.5 would rather例句: He would rather work all day long than do nothing.6 aim at例句:She worked hard, aiming at getting high marks in the exam.7 attempt to例句:He attempted to make a friend with her, but failed.8 be eager to do sth例句: I am eager to make a progr

    17、ess in the final exam.9 appeal to例句:What the teacher said in class appealed to Tom.10the way of doing sth. 例句:Speaking is the best way of learning English.Book6 Unit2短语造句1 make sense例句:What you have done makes sense a lot to me.2 run out of 例句:What a pity! I run out of money that I earned so fast!3

    18、get /be used to例句:I cant get used to getting up so early in a cold day.4 look forward to例句:Theyre looking forward to going abroad to earn money.5 try ones best例句:We tried our best to win the basketball match.6 be likely to例句:He is likely to bee the president in the campaign.7 be interested in例句: The

    19、 little boy was interested in reading history.Book6 Unit3短语造句1 due to 例句:He made a great progress due to his hard work2 be addicted to例句:Nowadays many teenagers are addicted to playing puter games.3 be accustomed to例句: Most students have been accustomed to new campus life.4 quit sth./doing sth. 例句:T

    20、he doctor advised Mr Smith to quit smoking as soon as possible.5 feel like doing sth. 例句:I feel like making a journey to Tibet.6 feel ashamed of例句:The boy felt ashamed of his mistakes. 7 stress the importance of例句:Our teachers often stress the importance of learning method.8 ban sb from doing sth. 例

    21、句:The government ban people from smoking in public place. 9 it is time to do sth. 例句:Its time to prepare for the exam. 10in spite of例句:In spite of that bad weather, she went to school as usual.11get into例句:If you get into a bad habit, its hard to get rid of it.12share with例句:Id like to share my happ

    22、iness with my friends.13take risks例句:Its illegal to take risks to hunt for wild animals.14a cure for例句:The doctors want to find a cure for cancer.15be embarrassed about 例句:She was embarrassed about telling a lie to her teacher.16be disappointed at/with例句:I was disappointed at the oute of the match.B

    23、ook6 Unit4短语造句1 a large amount/ quantity of 例句:He spent a large amount of time in solving the problem.2 result in例句:The burning of fossil fuels result in the global warming.3 be opposed to例句:People who love peace would be opposed to the war.4 build up例句:Doing more exercises can build up a strong bod

    24、y.5 There is no doubt that例句: There is no doubt that puters play an important role in our daily life.6 put up with例句:I can hardly put up with the noise you make!7 have effects on例句:Factory pollutions have bad effects on the environment.8 so/as long as例句: As long as you work hard , youll succeed soon

    25、er or later.Book6 Unit5短语造句1 pared with例句: pared with the marks last week, you really make a progress. 2 be suitable for例句:The novel isnt suitable for kids to read.3 have a gift for 例句:Beethoven has a gift for music.4 be anxious about 例句:Now scientists are anxious about the problem of population.5 v

    26、ary from to例句:The weather varies from hour to hour in the mountainous area.6 to ones surprise例句: To our surprise, she has changed a lot in her character.7 protect from例句:The trees can protect the soil from being washed away.8 do damage to例句: Smoking does a great damage to our health.9 keep on doing sth. 例句:If you keep on practising speaking English every day, you will improve your oral English quickly.


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