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    1、五年级下册知识点英语五年级下册知识点一 Prince 王子 princess 公主Fairy fairiesBecause clothes /z/Room mushroom /u/Before after 反义词Late early Be bad for be good at Let sb. do 加动词原形Eg. Let me help you.Have to do has to do Eg. I have to go now.Helen has to do her homework.动词原形 三单形式Come comes Have has Go goesdo doesput puts fi

    2、t fitspick pickstake takesunderstand understandstry triesfly fliesleave leaves二1 Have a good time 2 Have a lot of fun 3 there be 某地有就近原则Have /has 某人有There is a pencil in the box. Tom has a big box.4 let sb. do 让某人做某事Let me help her.Let Tom wash clothes.5 I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.否定句 I h

    3、ave some nice clothes and shoes.肯定句6 She has to go to bed.She doesnt have to go to bed.7put on Take offTry on Put on your coat = put your coat onPut it on ()put on it ()cant =can not dont = don not 8why are you so sad?Because I cant go to the party.Why cant you go to the party?Because I dont have an

    4、y nice clothes or shoes.9why +be +主语+形容词Why are you so sad?Why is Tom so tired?Why +情态动词+主语+动词原形Why can you sing this song?Why +助动词+主语+动词原形Why do you go to school late?Why +一般疑问句Why do you like drawing ?9 fit 合适It fits me . It doesnt fit.10 特殊疑问句 :特殊疑问词+一般疑问句特殊疑问词有:why what where when who whose whic

    5、h 11现在进行时:Be +doing 表示正在进行的时间:now look listenI am writing now.Look! The children are playing .12 about 关于;大约Read about Talk about Know about Leran about 13 would you like one ?=Do you like one ?Would like =want She would like to have some milk.Id like to go to the party.I want to go home14 they look

    6、 so niceHe looks so nice 15be good for vegetables are good for us.Be bad for Unite 2 1 Far from 2 the moonthe sunon sun road near far from city cities 城市town 小镇country 国家countryside 农村by + bus bike train metro ship caron +foot rideyoung-old2live in 城镇Live on 街路Live nearLive far from3how +一般疑问句 (问做某事

    7、的方式)How can she go to Beijing4where +一般疑问句Where does she live?5 I come to school by busMy father go to work by carHelen goes to school on foot He goes to park by bike 6 on the street /roadIn the playground Through the treesAll through the town7the cat behind the doorThe car on the street8wheel /v/Wh

    8、ere /w/9ride rides ridingRiding bikes is my hobbyI want to ride a bikeLike riding 10 show/give/write/send sth to sbShow sb sth11want to do Would like to do12bobby wants /would like to show his bike to sam13bobby is too young to ride to school14think so I dont think soI think sam is right8:25 eight t

    9、wenty-fiveTwenty-five past eightUnite 31Asking getting taking walking turning stopping Get on get offTurn right turn leftTurn on turn off/under Full hungry3metro /train bus station 4next to + sb /sth/sp6along Go along this street Walk/drive along7on your right /left8how do I get to the cinema /book

    10、shop/hospital/zoo/liberaryUnite 3How do I /how can I get to sp.?Get here /there/home3 excuse me, how do I get to excuse me ,where is can you tell me the way to 4 人名 街 路名 城市站名 等不需要加the5 易错的词组和句子In the book/shoe shopSo many /too manyYou can see the book shop on your rightThe book shop is on your right

    11、6they get in a taxiGet on Get in 小型车7at the bus stopat no.1 bus shop8wait They wait for bus at the bus stop.Waitor男服务员 waitroos女服务员9in /on the street In the playground11祈使句Dont turn right12 tell the way 指路Ask the way 问路13lets wait for the bus stop.14 nancy walks along the street15no = not a /any16do

    12、nt be late againUnite 4 1see a/the doctorFeel look smell taste sound+形容词Take Medicine/pills Toothache headache stomache 2Let sb do sth4Brush ones teeth 5ours theirs yours his hers 的 6whats wrong with sbWhats the matter with sbWhats wrong with sb7have a cold 感冒8what should sb doSb should do9 shouldnt

    13、 =should notYour father shouldnt smoke here10 一般将来时be going to 11摄氏度 centigrade华氏度 Fahrenheit 11 动名词做主语Drowing pictures is very interesting 12 in 月份 季节On 星期 具体某天At 具体时间 几点13 动宾 come to see him Hear wellSwim well 14 hurt My arm hurtsMy legs hurt 15listen to Hear16want =would like to do Be happy to do

    14、17 point at sb./sth近距离指Point to sb./sth 远距离19how do you feel How does he feel 拓展练习1Helen comes out from metro station2How do I get there3You can go to the park by metro4Shall we go to the cinema5Tom has a teethache6doing Go /like /be good at +doing How about =what aboutHave a doing lessons7wash the

    15、dishes8grow flowers9garden 花园Park 公园In the garden10sweet 形容词 甜的名词 糖Unite 52it is Saturday morningCook breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper4fruit 不可数5he always help me I an helping him 6现在进行时be doingAt the moment 此时此刻Eg.1Look the children are playing here2Nancy is reading a book.Be动词提前My mum is doing housew

    16、ork3否定句Be not doingI am not talking Unite 61smell The cake smells good.2meat fruit vegetable3tomato potato4wait for sb/sth5be ready/happy/angry to doI am sad to tell you.6look for 找Find找到7love likeI love /like swimmingLike 通常一般现在时,没有现在进行时It is six oclock in the evening.It is Sunday morning.Unite 73

    17、it is Monday.What day is it? It is 16th of june.What date is it?When is his birthday? His birthday is on the second of may.4 hero heroes以o结尾的复数加es5number Bus no.1 1路公交6answer to do/doingBobby always answers questions.7start doingTom start writing.8go in 进入Go /drive /run away9come out from 10 thank y

    18、ou so /very much Have a great/good timeHave a lot of /lots of fun11非重读闭音节Visiting answering opening listeningUnite 81+do 情态动词can may should could would Let please 2+ to do Want /would like 3+doing Go like be good at have a lesson 4Eg.theyd like to watch a filmEating too much is bad for usWould you like to go climing with her.Let him wash the dishes


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