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    1、Unit1-Unit2 错题整理一、 根据句意和中英文提示写单词。(20)1. The basket is (nearly)full of apples.2. Sandy likes drawing.She wants to win in the drawing (match).3. my stay in England,I visited many interesting places.4. My English teacher is really an (极好的)teacher.5. This term every one of us will bee (working very hard

    2、).6. Sun Yang is one of the best (游泳者)in China.7. We should (believe) our best friends because they are honest.8. When Im really (not interested),I spend a few hours reading books.9. I think Amy is my (real)friend.10. It is said that he is 1.86 metres in .11. You should be more (耐心的)with your grandf

    3、ather when he is sick.12. It is to say “Thank you” when someone has helped you.13. My cousin always wears a on his face and I like talking with him.14. I want to (talk about sth with sb) something strange about Tom with you.15. I think its difficult for me to learn another (语言).16. Kathy always make

    4、s (更少的)mistakes than the other students in her class.17. Would you please drive (more quickly)?My plane is taking off.18. I think (物理) is a little difficult for girls to learn well.19. Tony scored the (最少的)goals of us three.20. The school for girls turned into a one last year.Boys and girls study to

    5、gether.二、 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。(40)1. She has a sense of (humorous).We are happy to be with her.2. Can you tell your good friend everything about (you).3. I (choose) the yellow pair of shoes for my sister as a birthday present just now.4. Someone (knock)at the door.Go and have a look,Lucy.5. Im sure Susan

    6、(keep)secrets for me because she is my best friend.6. The girl is as (shy)as her sister.They are both afraid to speak to others.7. The weather is even (bad)today. We have to stay at home.8. We trees on the hill next week,arent we?9. Listen!How wonderfully the girl (play) the piano!10. She hopes she

    7、(travel) around the world some day.11. (do) sports for an hour every day is good for our health.12. Look! How (careful) Tom is listening to the teacher in class!13. I like swimming and Liu Zige is one of my (hero).14. The meeting (end)very early today,so Mr Black is at home and watching TV now.15. T

    8、he twins (discuss)the difficult Maths problems this evening, wont they?16. Its 12:00 now. Tom with his parents (have)lunch.17. If it (not rain) tomorrow, well help clean Shuihui Park.18. She (visit)her grandparents next Sunday,isnt he?19. We should always speak (polite) to our parents.20. When somet

    9、hing (worry) me, I can tell Sandy about it.21. The uniform (fit) her perfectly last year,but it is too small for her now.22. Is table tennis (popular) game of all the sports in our country? Maybe it is.Im not sure.23. Her (smile) face told us that she was very happy at that moment.24. If you are so

    10、(happy),why dont you change your job?25. Though the weather was getting (bad), the boys decided not to change their camping.26. Smiles on the (swim) faces showed how they enjoyed the race.27. Tom plays tennis (well) of all the students here.28. Emma failed her exams.I think she should work much (har

    11、d).29. Why not (go) sightseeing in the mountains?30. Listen! How beautiful the music (sound)!31. He is (polite),so I dont want to make friends with him.32. There are at (much) four puters at home.They are enough.33. We hace lunch and spend 20 minutes (chat) in the dining room.34. I cant walk any (fa

    12、r). Lets stop and have a rest.35. Our English teacher (wear) a new tie yeaterday.36. They will stay here for at (little) two weeks.37. I just keep (worry) about the result of my Chinese test because I didnt do well enough.38. It rained heavily yesterday, so my father (drive) me to school.39. He (fin

    13、ish) his homework in ten minutes.40. Tony, (not play) too many puter games! They are bad for your study.三 单项选择。(30)1. Summer is here. The days are getting .A. Long and long B.long and longer C.more and more long D.longer and longer2. His parents made him at home all day. I made him very .A. to stay;

    14、 unhappy B.stay;happy C.to stay;happy D.stay; unhappy 3. If you have problems sleep at night, a glass of hot milk.A. of;drink B.about;drinking C.with; drink D.to; drinking4. Shanghai is any other city in China.A. small than B. as small as C.bigger than D.as big as 5. I never feel when I stay with hi

    15、m because he is such a man.A. boring;bored B.boring;funny C.bored;boring D.bored;funny6. This English newspaper is very easy for students because there are new words in it.A.little B. a little C.few D.a few7. The boy seemed when he heard the bad news. A.angry B.angrily C.happy D.happily8. I enjoy re

    16、ading articles Mo Yan China.A. with;in B.of;on C.about; to D. by;from9. Mary is a Grade 8 student. That is, she is in .A. 8 Year B.grade 8 C.the 8 grade D.the 8th year10. Do you know the boy under the big tree?A. lay B.lies C.lying D. to lie11. Thanks for helping me my English.I an much better it no

    17、w.A. for;with B.with;at C.with;for D.to;at12. Every time the exam is over, I will the result(结果).Take it easy(放轻松)!Grades are not our whole life.A. be worried about B.be pleased with C.be good at D.be willing to 13. Of the two shirts, Id like to choose the one to save some money for a cap.A. cheapes

    18、t B.cheaper C.more expensive D.expensive14. Of the three TV programmes, which one do you think is ? I think A Bite of China is.A. interesting B.more interesting C.the most interesting D. most interesting15. The two children look and their grandpa is looking at them.A. happy;happily B.happy;happy C.h

    19、appily;happy D.happily;happily16. Mr Li made Tom his homework after school. This made Tom .A. to do; sad B.do;sadly C.do;unhappy D.did;unhappy17. Whats your maths teacher like? .A. Hes twenty-seven years old. B.He works in our school.C.Hes humorous and helpful. D.He likes Physics and Biology.18Shall

    20、 we go fishing at six oclock tomorrow evening? .Will seven oclock be OK?A. Sure,its up to you B.Sure,no problem C.Sorry, I cant make it D.Sorry,Im not available today19. School ends on Friday. So the students have more time to have fun.A. more earlier B.much earlier C.much more earlier D.much early2

    21、0. Can I your bike? With pleasure.But dont it to others. A.lend;borrow B.borrow;lend C.lend;lend D.borrow;borrow21. Mary looks so slim. Yes,she eats the meat and the vegetables of us.A. least;fewest B.least;most C.most;fewest D.fewest;most22. Jane did her homework among all of us.A. more slow B.the

    22、most slowly C.more slowly D.more slow23. We try to spend money doing things.A. fewer;good B.fewer;better C.more;less D.less;better24. Excuse me,would you please speak a little more ? Sorry, I thought you could follow me.A. sadly B.quickly C.politely D.slowly25. If you prefer the red evening dress, y

    23、oull have to pay 30 dollars,because its made of silk. OK.Here you are.A. other B.the other C.more D.another26. In our school library, there a number of books on science,and in these years the number of them growing larger and larger.A. are;is B.is; are C.have; are D.has;is27. Of all the students, Ma

    24、ry donates(捐赠) money to Project Hope every year.But she seldom buys nice things for herself. A.the most B.more C.the least D.less28. The baby is sleeping. Can you talk in a low ?A. secret B.word C.noise D.voice29. Did you see Alice this morning?Yes.But she was in a hurry. She didnt even say hello to

    25、 me when she walked me.A.past B. pass C.passed D.through30.The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Nanjing.A.more B.very C, so D. Much四句型转换。(10)1.Do you believe your mothers words?(改为同义句)Do you believe your mother ?2. The boys drawing is worse than any other one in his class.(改为同义句)The boys drawing is of all the drawings in his class.3. Among all the subjects, I like Geography best.(改为同义句) all the subjects, is Geography.4. He often listens to my problems carefully. (对划线部分提问) he often to your problems?5. I run much faster than my sister. (改为同义句)My sister runs than me .


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