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    1、 单选题(共10题;共20分) 1.(2分) Monday(星期一)is _ day of the week. A 、the first B、 first C、 the second D、 second 2.(2分) Please call us _ 85007596 A、with B、for C、 at D、on 3. My grandparents are so _ . My grandpa is 92 and my grandma is 89 A、 tidy B、 nice C、good D、 old 4 . Can your brother play the _ . A、 tennis

    2、 B、 violin C 、soccer D 、chess 5. Please call me _ 365-9877A、at B、or C、 in D、on 6. We usually_ in the kitchen A、 cook B、cooks C、 cooking D、 to cook7. Why does your teacher_ play basketball? -because he doesnt have much free time to play itA、 never B、always C、usually D seldom 8. Can you help me _ my h

    3、omework?A 、 with B、of C、 learning D、 about9Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends. _ WeChat?A、 or B、 and C、 so D、but 10. _? He can draw. A、 What does he do B、 Where does he paint C、 What can he do D、 What does he paint 11. 完形填空(共1题;共15分) I have a good friend. _Chinese name is

    4、Da Shan and his _ name is Mark Rowswell . He can_ English and French (法语). And he speaks Chinese very _. He likes China very much. Now he teaches English _Beijing. Da Shan _a big nose, big eyes_ short brown hair. He has a happy family. His wife (妻子) is from Sichuan ,China. They _two children. Da Sha

    5、n s father and mother are in Canada. But _ like China, too. And they often e to China. (1) A. He B, Him C. His (2) A. English B. French C. Chinese (3) A. e B. does peak C. es(4) A. speak B. speaks C. says(5) A. good B. nice C. .well(6) A.at B. to C.in(7) A.is B. are C. has (8) A. and B or C so (9) A

    6、. are B have C. is (10) A. they B。them C their12. 阋读理解 (共3题;共30分)A (1)、Gina has _ classes a day.A、three B、four C、five D、six(2)、Gina usually has PE._.A、in the morning B、in the afternoon C、in the evening D、on Wednesday(3)、From 10:30 to 11:00,Gina usually has _.A、a break B、music C、art D、math(4)、The thi

    7、rd class lasts(持续) _ minutes(分钟)A、thirty B、fifty C、fifty five D、thirty five(5)、Every week Gina has four _ classes.A、English B、history C、math D、geographyBTim: Hi Grace. Are you from South Korea(韩国)?Grace: No, Im from China. Tim: Oh, my mother is Chinese. She is from Shanghai. Are you from Shanghai? G

    8、race: No, Im from Beijing. Tim: Our new teacher is from Beijing, too. Oh, look! She is in red. Grace: Well, she is my mother. Tim: Oh, I see! When did you e to the USA? Grace: In February. Tim:Your English is great. Grace:Thank you. Tim: How old are you? Grace: TwelveTim: Im thirteen, But my sister

    9、Amy is twelve. When is your birthday? Grace: November 9th.Tim: Mine is on September 10th .Grace: So, is it your birthday today? Tim: Yes. Can you e to my birthday party this evening? Grace: Sure. (1)、 Who is a teacher? A. graces mother B. Graces father C Tims mother D、Tim s father. (2)、 Grace may be

    10、(可能是)Tims _. A. cousin B sister C、 classmate D. aunt (3)、 How old is Amy? A.13 B12 C.10. D.9.(4). graces birthday is in _. A, February B、May C、 September D、 November (5). We can know Grace _. A. likes red B、 is from Shanghai C, can speak English well D, has a party this eveningC(1)、Whats Lilys telep

    11、hone number?A、235-5687.B、202-5687.C、506-4587.D、247-8932.(2)、When is Amys birthday?A、On November 17th.B、On July 19th.C、On July 1st.D、On September 5th.(3)、Who can do Chinese kung fu ?A、Lily. B、Tom .C、Amy .D、Peter.(4)、What can Amy do?A、She can play soccer. B、She can play the guitar.C、She can dance. D、S

    12、he can swim.(5)、Which of the following is TRUE?A、Lilys last name is White.B、You can call Tom at 247-8932.C、Lily and Amy are classmates.D、Tom can make model planes.13. 填空题(共5题,共10分)(1) Lets make _(friend).他每天刷两次牙。(2) He _ _ twice a day.(3) Lets join the _ (sing) club.(4)、Rita usually eats lunch at_(5

    13、) What time_(do) your mom usually get up?14. 句型转换(10分)(1) I want to join the music club .(改为否定句)I_ join the music club(2)、I candraw.(对画线部分提问) _ can_ _?(3) 5)、Its iseight thirty-fivenow(对划线部分提问)_ now? (4) 1. My aunt is42 (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ aunt? (5) . My favorite festival isthe Spring Festival. (对划线部分提

    14、问)_ _ _ favorite festival? 15 补全对话2. 从栏中选出I栏各句的应答语。(10分)Whats that in English?_What color is the pen?_How are you?_Whos the girl?_Hes my brother, Jack_Is he your friend?_Good evening, Bob!_Wheres your key?_Are these Dales cards?_Have a good day!_IIAYes, they areBIm fine, thanksCOn the bookDIts a rulerEGood evening!FShe is KateGNo, he isntHIts blackIYou, tooJOh, I see.16 写作(共1题;共25分)假如你是 Peter Brown.下面是你的个人信息。请你根据所给的信息写一篇短文,介绍一下你自己。要求:1、用上下面所给的信息。2、字数:60左右。3、行文连贯、通顺 Name : Peter Brown Age(年龄):13Telephone Number: 58479122Family Member(成员): parents ,brother, sister Room: small ,tidy_


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