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    1、人教版英语七下U1-3练习U1 Can you play the guitar?一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. I like singing and I want to j_ the music club、2. Can you h_ the kids with swimming?3. We often s_ in the river、4. Can you s_ English?5. Miss White t_ us history and we all like her、二、 完成对话。一空一词。A: Welcome to the Students Center、 Can I help

    2、 you?B: Yes、 Im Jane、 From your ads I know you need _ at the old peoples home、 Can I have a try?A: Sure、 Are you good with old people?B: Yes、 Its fun to work _ them、 I can talk to them and play games with them、 They can _ me their interesting stories、A: That sounds great、 Can you do some housework?B

    3、: Yes、 I always help my parents with housework _ school、 Why do you ask me this question?A: You know, it s difficult for old people to make the rooms _、 So their things are everywhere、B: Oh, thats easy for m、A: Well, our center _ needs you to help with music for students、 Can you sing _ dance?B: Yes

    4、, Im good at music、 I can _ them music、 I want to be a musician when I grow up、A: I think you can be the right student we want、 _ can you work?B: How about _? Im busy from Monday to Friday、A: OK、 Thanks for joining us、三、 短文填空,每词限用一次。also, some, say,interest, they, too,club, talk, so, you, piano, bas

    5、ketballHello, Im Zhang Zifeng、 My English name is Wendy、 I am an actress, but I am _ a middle school student in Beijing、 We have a school show on October 10th every year、 There are some _ in our school, like the music club, the art club and the sports club、 The students from the clubs usually show _

    6、 talents(才艺) at the show、Today, its October 8th the _ school day after a long vacation、 Some students from Class Three are _ about the school show this year、 Jim says “I can play the drums、 Jiang Meng, you can play the _、 And Sam, you can play the guitar、 I want to sing with you two、”“OK,”_ Jiang Me

    7、ng、 “And Lin Han can do kungdo、 We can ask him to show with us、” All of them say, “Great!”“And I can sing, too,” says Sam、 “_ I want to sing when playing the guitar、 I also want to ask my English teacher Ms、 Green to dance when I sing、 What about you, Liu Yang?”“Music isnt my favorite,” says Liu Yan

    8、g、 “But I like drawing、 I want to draw _ music、 OK?”“Sure,”says Sam、They all think the school show will be very _、四、 选出合适得句子完成短文。My name is Jack、 I like music、 And Im in a band (乐队) with other three boys in our school、 _ We always have great shows in school music festivals、 But Bill, one of the boys

    9、 in our band, wants to leave Chengdu、 _ And he must leave with his parents、 Now we need a new musician、Jet is my friend、 _ He can sing and play the trumpet, but he cant dance well、 And we only need a musician who can dance、 Jet is not happy and I want to help him、_ There Mr、 Brown, a great music tea

    10、cher, teaches him how to dance、 Now Jet can dance very well and he is in our band、 _ Please come and see us、A. He wants to join our band、 B、 Well have a show in the music room next Sunday、C、 Because his parents will go to America、 D、 He thinks its difficult to dance、E、 After school, I take Jet to th

    11、e dancing class、 F、 Our band is great、U2 What time do you get up?一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Linda and her brother often b_ their teeth at 7:30、2. The boy wants to watch TV at n_、3. There are f_ students in my class, twenty girls and twenty boys、4. I have many friends, but Betty is my b_ friend、5. A q_ pas

    12、t six in the afternoon is 6:15 p、m、二、 完成对话,一空一词。Alan: Hi, Rick!Rick: Hi, Alan! Lets _ home together、Alan: OK! Tomorrow is Sunday、 What _ do you usually get up on Sundays?Rick: _ 8:00 a、m、Alan: What do you usually do on Sunday _?Rick: I do _ homework in the morning、 Then I do some cleaning in the aft

    13、ernoon、Alan: Do you watch TV in the afternoon?Rick: Yes, but not often、 I like to _ sports with my friends、Alan: We want to have a basketball match tomorrow、 Do you want to go with us?Rick: OK、 That _ good、 Well, whats the time?Alan: What _ eight oclock?Rick: Thats a little early、 But I will _ up ea

    14、rly、 See you tomorrow、Alan: See you、三、 短文填空,每词限用一次。three, homework, work, at, the, bus, go, after, bed, have, you, schoolTom and his sister Amy are students、 Tom _ to school every day, and Amy does, too、 Some of _ friends walk to school、 Tom and Amy _ home at five in the afternoon、 They do their _ b

    15、efore dinner、 And they play computer games _ dinner、 They usually go to _ early in the evening、 Tom and Amy have _ meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner、 They have breakfast _ home、 On school days, they have lunch at school、 They usually _ dinner at home、 Their father comes home from _ at six and

    16、 their mother cooks dinner at half past six、 They have a happy family、四、 选择合适得句子完成短文。Mike is my good friend、 I want to say something about his daily life、 _ He brushes his teeth and takes a shower、 He has breakfast at 6:30、 Then he runs、 At 7:10, he goes to school、 He takes the No、 10 bus to school

    17、with his sister、 He gets to school at 7:40、 _ Class begins at 8:00、 He has four classes in the morning、 Mike has lunch at about 12:00 at school、 _ he has two classes in the afternoon、 The classes finish at 4:00、 _He goes home at 5:00、 After dinner, he does his homework at 7:00 in the evening、 Then h

    18、e plays the guitar、 _ At about 9:00, he goes to bed、 He is happy every day、A. He doesnt like to be late、 B、 He plays it very well、C、 He gets up at 6:00 every day、 D、He likes watching TV、E、 The he plays games with his friends、 F、 He likes the food very much、U3 How do you get to school?一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成

    19、单词。 1. Fifty and thirty is e_、2. The students in one small village often c_ the river to go to school、3. There is no b_ and the river runs too quickly for boats、4. Thirty m_ is half an hour、5. He l_ for school at 7:30 every morning、二、 完成对话,一空一词。A: Hi, long time no see、B: Hi, Bill、A: Can you tell me

    20、something about your _?B: OK、 A: _ do you get to school?B: By bus、 I usually _ home at about 7:30 and walk to the bus stop、 Then the school _ comes at about 7:40、A: How _ is it from your home to school?B: Its about 20 kilometers、A: How long does it _ you to get to school by bus?B: It takes about _ a

    21、n hour、A: Thirty minutes is really a long time、 What do you _ of the trip?B: Oh, its interesting _ I always talk with my classmates、 What about you?A: Oh, I _ to school、 My home isnt far from school、B: You are lucky! Walking is good exercise、三、 完成短文,每词限用一次。Dear Jenny,Today is Sunday、 I dont go to sc

    22、hool、 I _ at home、 Im writing to you now、 My school is not _ from my home, so I _ to school、 Every day, I go to school at 7:30 in the morning、 We have four _ in the morning、 We read and write _ at school、There are fifty-five students in _ class、 Four of them are Americans、 The other students are Chi

    23、nese、 The Chinese people _ friendly、 Now I have _ Chinese friends、 My classmates are all my friends、 They _ us Chinese、 Most of them go to school by bus、 I can _ a little Chinese now、 What about your new school life?Yours,Kate四、 选择合适得句子完成短文Bradley Walker is thirty years old、 He is a teacher in Rockw

    24、ood High School、 _ But the gas (汽油) price is very high、 Now he finds what he can do with the high gas price、 Its his horse, Pumpkin、_ It only takes him ten minutes to drive there but forty minutes to ride there、 _ Where does he leave the horse when he has classes? He leaves Pumpkin in a villagers ho

    25、use、 Its next to the school、 “It saves gas,” says he、“_ And I also have fun doing it、 Its nice out、 I can see nice things around and think about what to do on the horse、”_ They want to have a try、A. If I ride Pumpkin to school five days a week, Ill save 25 dollars、B. He rides Pumpkin to and from school this week、C. So he gets up early and comes home late this week、D. He drives to school from Monday to Friday、E. Many of Bradleys students think his idea is great、F. Bradley lives about 8 kilometers from his school、


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