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    1、Module 3 LiteratureDickens London HARRYNo.2 H.S.Look at the title of the passage.What do you expect the writer to say?Many of Dickens novels take place in London,so this passage may be about the novelist,his novels and the city London.Reading practiceLook at the following pictures and talk about wha

    2、t you know about the London of Victorian Times.Regent StreetCovent Garden柯芬园广场柯芬园广场The old City of London伦敦老城伦敦老城Somerset House萨默塞特宫萨默塞特宫the Law Courts皇家法庭皇家法庭Fast ReadingChoose one from the five words“rich,poor,new,general,environmental”to fill in each blank.Main ideaPara1 _relationship between Lon

    3、don and Dickens novelsPara2the _situation of London in the middle of the 19th centuryPara3living conditions of the _ in the East EndParas4,5,6places concerning life of the _ as well as Dickens worksPara7_ London is different from the old onegeneralenvironmentalpoorrichnew1.What was the relationship

    4、between London and Dickens novels?Dickens cast of characters live in London,the largest and richest city in the world.2.What does Dickens novels describe?Every chapter of his novels describes the sights,sounds,and smells of the city,and provides a social commentary of London life.Careful reading3.Wa

    5、s London used to be clean?No.Its filthy.4.What was your general impression on London in the middle of the 19th century?It was the largest and richest city in the world but was very filthy.5.What kind of place is the East End?Its Londons poorest district,where children wore rags for clothes and women

    6、 searched in dustbins for food.6.How many districts were London divided into,according to Dickens?It was divided into three districts.(the East End;the old City of London;the West End)7.Did he like the West End?Why?Yes,he did.He felt at home because he thought he would accomplish more with his drama

    7、 than with his novels.南华克南华克乔治乔治旅馆旅馆柯柯芬芬园园广广场场萨萨默默塞塞特特宫宫The East EndThe West EndThe Old City of London8.Why did few people miss London in the 19th century?Because much of it was very unpleasant to live inPassage Structurepart1(1-2)Dickens,his novels and the city London part2(3-6)three districts of L

    8、ondonpart3(7)New LondonThe structure and main idea of the passage Part Para.Main ideaPart 1Para1 Relationship between London and Dickens novels.Dickens novels describe the city and provide a _ _ of London life.Part 2Para2In the 19th century London was a _ cityPara3Londons _ district the East EndPara

    9、4,5Londons _ district.Para 6 The west End the _ district the London of governmentPart 3Para7London is very _ today.poorestrichsocial commentaryfilthytheatredifferentSouthwark,the Georage InnThe old city of London,Somerset House,Law Court,Covent Garden marketGroup work Retell the whole paras1-3 accor

    10、ding to the following words:The largest and richest;wealth;distribute;unfairly Filthy;air;the River Thames;pollute;causing disease and deathThe poorest;children;women;port;coaching stoplanguage points 1.distribute.among.把把.分配给分配给.distribute.to.distribution n.分配,分发,分送,分布分配,分发,分送,分布2.a social commenta

    11、ry 社会评价社会评价3.attain an acceptable standard of living达到可以接达到可以接受的生活标准受的生活标准4.suffer from遭受遭受5.a lack of缺乏缺乏6.be of concern(n.)=be concerned(adj.)be concerned about/for/that.担心担心be of no/great concern to sb.对于某人来说不对于某人来说不/非常重非常重要要have no concern with 和和无关无关7.further west 再往西再往西8.from all points of the

    12、 compass来自世界各地的来自世界各地的9.accumulate enormous wealth积累了大量的财富积累了大量的财富10.Close by are the Law Courts11.at market在市场在市场12.feel at home感觉自在感觉自在13.accomplish more tasks 完成更多工作完成更多工作14.mourn the passing of the old city哀悼古城的流逝哀悼古城的流逝15.light-lit-lit点燃点燃(v)16.feel-felt-felt感觉感觉(v)17.fall-fell-fallen vt.砍倒;击倒砍倒;击倒vi.落下;变成;来临;减弱落下;变成;来临;减弱Homework Finish the exercise on page39.LondonDickens London


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