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    2、本合同如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可依法向_仲裁。7.其他事项本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可协商补充,经双方签字确认后生效。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_签字日期:_以上为互联网广告合同范本,双方应严格按照合同内容履行各自义务,确保广告的有效发布和效果达到预期目标。Internet Advertising Contract. Parties:Party A: (Advertiser Name)Address:_Legal Representative:_Contact number:_Party B: (Advertising Agency Name)Address:_Lega

    3、l Representative:_Contact number:_. Contract Content:1. Advertisement ContentParty A entrusts Party B to create and publish internet advertisements, with specific content as follows:_.2. Advertisement FeeThe advertising fee Party A pays to Party B is _ (in words) RMB, payment method is _, and paymen

    4、t deadline is _.3. Advertisement PlatformThe advertisement will be published on _ platform, with specific publication time on _.4. Advertisement Effect and ReportParty B will provide detailed reports to Party A based on the advertisement publication situation and effect, and both parties can coopera

    5、te or adjust based on the report.5. Breach of Contract LiabilityIf either party fails to fulfill the contract obligations, they shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract and compensate the other party for any resulting losses.6. Dispute ResolutionIn case of disputes arising from

    6、this contract, the parties shall resolve them through friendly consultation; if no agreement can be reached, arbitration may be sought from _.7. Other MattersIf there are any matters not covered by this contract, the parties may negotiate supplements, which shall come into effect after being signed

    7、and confirmed by both parties.Party A (seal):_ Party B (seal):_Date of signature:_The above is a sample of an internet advertising contract, and both parties should strictly fulfill their respective obligations according to the contract content, ensuring the effective publication of the advertisemen

    8、t and achieving the expected goals.-第二篇:互联网广告合同范本互联网广告合同一、甲方信息:(广告主名称):地址:_联系人:_电话:_邮箱:_二、乙方信息:(广告代理商名称):地址:_联系人:_电话:_邮箱:_三、合同内容:1. 广告内容:甲方委托乙方制作、发布互联网广告,具体内容为_。2. 广告费用:广告费用总额为_(大写),乙方应在签订合同后的_日内收到甲方支付的广告费用。3. 广告发布平台:广告将发布在_平台上,并保证广告的及时性和准确性。4. 广告效果评估:乙方将在广告发布后进行广告效果的评估,并定期向甲方提供效果报告,双方共同商讨后续合作方案。5.

    9、违约责任:如果任何一方违反合同内容,需对对方承担相应的违约责任,并支付相应的违约金。6. 保密条款:双方应对涉及商业秘密的信息进行保密,未经对方许可不得泄露。7. 解决争议:双方如在合同履行过程中发生争议,应先通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,可向_机构申请仲裁。8. 其他事项:本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商决定,视同合同的有效部分。甲方签署人:_ 乙方签署人:_签署日期:_以上为互联网广告合同范本,双方签署后应严格履行合同条款,确保广告的顺利发布和效果的实现。Internet Advertising Contract. Party A Information:(Advertiser Name):Ad

    10、dress:_Contact Person:_Phone:_Email:_. Party B Information:(Advertising Agency Name):Address:_Contact Person:_Phone:_Email:_. Contract Content:1. Advertisement Content:Party A entrusts Party B to create and publish internet advertisements, with specific content as follows:_.2. Advertisement Fee:The

    11、total advertising fee is _ (in words), and Party B shall receive the payment from Party A within _ days after the contract is signed.3. Advertisement Platform:The advertisement will be released on _ platform, ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of the advertisement.4. Advertisement Effect Evaluatio

    12、n:Party B will evaluate the effect of the advertisement after its release, and regularly provide effect reports to Party A for discussion on follow-up cooperation plans.5. Breach of Contract Liability:If either party violates the contract content, they shall bear the corresponding liability for brea

    13、ch of contract and pay the corresponding liquidated damages.6. Confidentiality Clause:Both parties shall keep confidential information related to trade secrets and shall not disclose it without the other partys permission.7. Dispute Resolution:In case of disputes during the contract performance, the

    14、 parties shall first try to resolve them through friendly negotiation; if no agreement can be reached, arbitration can be sought from _.8. Other Matters:Matters not covered in this contract shall be decided by mutual agreement and considered as an integral part of the contract.Signature of Party A:_

    15、 Signature of Party B:_Date of Signature:_The above is a sample of an internet advertising contract. After both parties have signed, they should strictly adhere to the terms of the contract to ensure the smooth publication of the advertisement and the achievement of its effects.-第三篇:互联网广告合同范本互联网广告合同

    16、合同编号:_甲方:公司名称:_地址:_联系人:_电话:_邮箱:_乙方:公司名称:_地址:_联系人:_电话:_邮箱:_一、合同内容:1. 广告内容:甲方委托乙方制作互联网广告,包括具体广告内容为_,广告标语为_,广告链接为_。2. 广告费用:广告费用总额为_(大写),乙方应在签订合同后的_日内收到甲方支付的广告费用,并准时发布广告。3. 广告发布时间:广告将于_日开始发布,并持续发布_天,确保广告的传播效果。4. 广告效果评估:乙方将根据广告发布效果提供详细报告给甲方,并协商后续合作方案。5. 违约责任:如任何一方未履行合同义务,需对对方承担相应的违约责任,并支付相应的违约金。6. 法律适用:本

    17、合同的签订、履行、变更、解释和争议解决均适用_的法律。7. 其他事项:本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可协商补充,经双方签字确认后生效。合同签署人(甲方):_ 合同签署人(乙方):_签署日期:_以上为互联网广告合同范本,双方应严格遵守合同内容,确保广告的有效发布和效果的实现。Internet Advertising ContractContract Number:_Party A:Company Name:_Address:_Contact Person:_Phone:_Email:_Party B:Company Name:_Address:_Contact Person:_Phone:_Email

    18、:_. Contract Content:1. Advertisement Content:Party A entrusts Party B to create internet advertisements, including specific content as follows:_, advertisement slogan:_, advertisement link:_.2. Advertisement Fee:The total advertising fee is _ (in words), and Party B shall receive the payment from P

    19、arty A within _ days after the contract is signed, and publish the advertisement on time.3. Advertisement Release Time:The advertisement will begin to be released on _ and will continue to be published for _ days to ensure the spread of the advertisement.4. Advertisement Effect Evaluation:Party B wi

    20、ll provide detailed reports to Party A based on the effect of the advertisement release, and negotiate follow-up cooperation plans.5. Breach of Contract Liability:If either party fails to fulfill the contract obligations, they shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract and pay the

    21、 corresponding liquidated damages.6. Applicable Law:The signing, performance, modification, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this contract shall be governed by the laws of _.7. Other Matters:If there are any matters not covered in this contract, the parties may negotiate supplements, which

    22、shall come into effect after being signed and confirmed by both parties.Signature of Contract Party (Party A):_ Signature of Contract Party (Party B):_Date of Signature:_The above is a sample of an internet advertising contract. Both parties should strictly abide by the contract content to ensure the effective publication of the advertisement and the achievement of its effects.


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