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    1、新目标七年级英语(上)期末试卷Part 听力部分(20分)一、听对话,选图片(共5分,每小题1分)A、C、B、A、C、B、A、C、B、A、C、B、A、C、B、( )1、( )2、( )3、What does Mary like?( )4、What does he want to buy?( )5、Where is the woman from?二、听小对话,选答案(共5分)( )6、What kind of movie does Tony like?A、edies B、Thrillers C、Documentaries( )7、Whats Marys favorite fruit?A、Bana

    2、nas B、Apples C、Oranges( )8、Whats Peter doing now?A、Hes watching CD B、Hes cleaning the room C、Hes eating lunch( )9、Whos Jims best friend?A、John B、Sam C、Tim( )10、Can the boys play the drums?A、No, they cant B、Yes, they can C、I dont know三、听短文,选答案(共10分,每小题2分)( )11、When does Jim get up?A、6:30 B、7:30 C、8:3

    3、0( )12、Does he run after breakfast?A、Yes, he does B、No, he doesnt. C、I dont know( )13、Which number bus does he take?A、The number 8 bus. B、The number 18 bus. C、The number 80 bus( )14、What does he do after school?A、He plays the guitar B、He plays volleyball C、He plays basketball( )15、What time does he

    4、go to bed?A、10:00 B、9:00 C、9:30Part 读写做部分(80分)一、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)( )1、 “f” and “u” are in the word “fun”. A. An, a B. An, an C. A, a D. A, an( )2、 is your father?Hes fine. A. What B. Where C. How D. How old( )3、 What color your shoes? Blue.A. is, Its B. is, Is C. are, Their D. are, Theyre( )4、 Lets g

    5、o soccer ball with the boys.That sounds great.A. to playing B. and playing C. play D. and play( )5、We need a lot of every day.A. vegetables B. meats C. broccolis D. apple( )6、Jim like basketball. He puter games. A. dont, like B. doesnt, likes C. dont, likes D. doesnt, like( )7、 these two boys your b

    6、rothers?No, my friends.A. Are, its B. Is, its C. Are, theyre D. Is, theyre( )8、I want the box to my room.A. to put B. take C. to have D. to take( )9、May I have a look your new watch?A. at B. for C. after D. with( )10、Look! Some broccoli in the box. Some apples in the bag.A. are, are B. is, is C. are

    7、, is D. is, are( )11、This is a picture of family.A. Jim B. Jims C. Jims D. Jims( )12、Her birthday is February.A. in B. on C. at D. for( )13、Paul usually goes to the movie weekends.A. on B. in C. to D. for( )14、 Can I help you? .A. Yes, I can B. No, I cannot C. Yes, I do D. Yes, please( )15、Mary can

    8、play guitar but she cant play chess.A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the D. a, a( )16、 are the pants? Theyre 50 dollars.A. How B. How much C. Where D. What( )17、He likes but he doesnt like .A. thriller, edy B. thrillers, edies C. thriller, edies D. thrillers, edies( )18、The baby is only ten .A. month old

    9、 B. months years old C. months old D. monthes years( )19、 What can Cindy do? She can .A. swims B. swimming C. to swim D. swim( )20、Thanks your photo of your family.A. for B. of C. to D. at二、按要求完成句子(共5分,每空0.5分)1. The puter and the CD are on the table.(对划线部分提问) the puter and the CD?2. Theyre apples.(改

    10、为单数形式) apple.3. They can play the guitar well.(改为否定句) They the guitar well.4. Julia likes ping-pong very much.(改为一般疑问句) Julia ping-pong very much?5. Jim wants to watch TV on Sunday. (改为否定句) Jim to watch TV on Sunday.三、情景对话,匹配答应字母(共10分,每小题1分)( )1、How do you spell “puter”?( )2、Is she your friend?( )3、

    11、Can she play the violin?( )4、Where do you live(居住) ( )5、Does Betty have a soccer ball?( )6、How much is the red coat?( )7、What time is it?( )8、What color is the cat?( )9、When is your birthday?( )10、Why does he like math? A: Its 5. B: No, she cant. C: No, she isnt. D: No, she doesnt. E: Its nine thirt

    12、y. F: Its black. G: Its in January. H: I live in Anji. I: Because its interesting.J: C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R.四、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)Su Yuji is busy 1 happy. 2 favorite subject is puter. Every day, Su gets up at 5:30 a.m. and rides her bike 3 twenty minutes 4 school. She studies hard, and even 5 books during brea

    13、ks(课间休息)! Like many students, Su has a lot of 6 . 7 school, she helps her mum 8 the meal. On weekends, she helps wash clothes. She can cook when she is 9 . Su wants 10 a teacher when she grows up.( )1、 A. and B. but C. or D. so( )2、 A. Su . B. Her C. Shes D. Hes( )3、 A. in B. on C. for D. ( )4、 A. g

    14、et to B. to get . C. to get to D. gets to ( )5、 A. read B. reads C. watches D. sees( )6、 A. homework B. homeworks . C. home works D. home work( )7、 A. Before B. After C. When D. At( )8、 A. cooking B. with . C. have D. at( )9、 A. eight . B. eight year old C. eight-years old D. eight-years-old( )10、A.

    15、 do . B. to do C. be D. to be五、阅读理解(20分)(A)聪明而又好学的你,可能早就读过中文版的老虎与猴子的故事,那么就请你来读英文版的吧。请在你认为正确的前面写T,错误的前面写FAn old tiger lives in the forest .He doesnt want to look for food himself (他自己). He often tells other animals to bring him something to eat. He sees a monkey and says ,“I am hungry. Go to the vill

    16、age (村庄) and bring me a fat pig.”“Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I cant do that now. There is another tiger over there. He wants a fat pig , too. He wont let me get anything for you to eat. Im afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Show me that tiger .Ill teach him a lesson.”“e with me ,” says

    17、 the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge (桥) over the river. “Now look down at the water,” says the monkey. “Do you see the head, the white teeth and the large(大的) green eyes of a tiger?” “Yes ,I do.” cries the old tiger. “Ill eat him up!” With these words, the tiger jumps into the rive

    18、r.( )1、 There are two tigers and a monkey in the forest.( )2、The monkey is very clever.( )3、The tiger catches the other one in the river.( )4、 The tiger is not clever.( )5 The monkey jumps into the river, too.( B )In many English homes, people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time fr

    19、om seven to nine in the morning .They eat porridge(粥), eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch es at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup , then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that t

    20、hey eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.( )6.Many English people have meals a day. A. two B. th

    21、ree C. four D. five( )7.People may have for their breakfast according to the passage(根据短文). A. tea and eggs B. hamburgers and tea C. coffee and salad D. eggs and fish( )8.People have lunch at .A. any time B. nine C. five D. one( )9. People dont have for their dinner. A. bananas and apples B. soup an

    22、d meat C. meat and fish D. porridge( )10.Most Englishmen(英国人) have dinner . A. at one B. at any timeC. at noon(中午) D. in the evening 六、任务型阅读(共5分)My name is Linda Brown. Im 14 years old. I am an American girl. I have two brothers, Sam and Mike. I often play tennis on weekends. Its my favorite sport.

    23、I enjoy music at school. Its very interesting. My favorite movie is WHO AM I? Its an action movie. Do you know it?Please write and tell me about yourselfName: 1 Age: 2 Language(语言): 3 Favorite subject: 4 Favorite movie: 5 根据短文内容完成ID card。(5分)七、书面表达(共10分,要求不少于50个字)根据下列信息,以“My English teacher”为题写一篇短文,

    24、所给信息必须全部表达出来。Name: Susan WhiteDate of birth: September 28thAge: 23Nationality: EnglandJob: English teacherFavorite sport: swimmingFavorite food: Chinese dumplingsFavorite color: white 新目标七年级英语(上)期末参考答案一、 听力(20分,1-10每空1分,11-15每空2分)1、 B 2、 A 3、 C 4、 C 5、 B 6、 B 7、 C 8、 B 9、 B 10、 A 11、 A 12、 B 13、 B 1

    25、4、 C 15、 A 二、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)1、 A 2、 C 3、 D 4、 D 5、 A 6、 B 7、 C 8、 D 9、 A 10、 D 11、 B 12、 A 13、 A 14、 D 15、 B 16、 B 17、 D 18、 C 19、 D 20、 A 三、按要求完成句子(共5分,每空0.5分)1、 Where are 2、Its an 3、cant play 4、does like 5、doesnt want四、情景对话,匹配答应字母(共10分,每小题1分)1、 J 2、 C 3、 B 4、 H 5、 D 6、 A 7、 E 8、 F 9、 G 10、 I . 五、

    26、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)1、 B 2、 B 3、 C 4、 C 5、 B 6、 A 7、 B 8、 B 9、 A 10、 D 六、阅读理解(20分)1、 F 2、 T 3、 F 4、 T 5、 F 6、 C 7、 A 8、 D 9、 D 10、 D . 七、任务型阅读(共5分)1、Linda Brown 2、fourteen years old 3、English4、music 5、WHO AM I ?八、书面表达(共10分,要求不少于50个字)(略) 听力材料一、 听对话,选图片(仅读一遍)1. A: Whats your name? B: Liu Xiang. 2. A: Is t

    27、his your backpack?B: No, it isnt. Its his backpack.3. A: Do you like ice cream, Tom? B: Yes, I do. Do you like it, Mary? A: No, I dont . I like salad.4. A: Can I help you ?B: How much is the sweater?A: 80 yuan.B: Ill take it. Thanks.A: You are wele.5. A: Excuse me, Madam. Are you from the USA?B: No,

    28、 Im from China. 二听小对话,选答案(仅读一遍)6. A: Do you like thrillers, Tony?B: Yes, I like it very much.7. A: Mary, whats your favorite fruit?B: Oranges.8. A: Peter, are you doing your homework now?B: No, Im cleaning my room.9. A: Jim, is John your best friend?B: No, my best friend is Sam.10. A: Do you want to

    29、 play the drums, Leo and Dan?B: Yes, but we cant play them.三 听短文,选答案(读两遍) Jim gets up at 6:30. He eats breakfast at 7:30 and then he goes to school He takes the number 18 bus to school. School starts at 8:00. After school, he plays basketball. He eats dinner at around 6:00in the evening. He watches TV after dinner. Then he does his homework. At around 10:00 he goes to bed.


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