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    1、Reading IUnit1Boy missing,police puzzledBoy missing,police puzzledA boy is missing,_ the police are puzzled.How/When/Where was the boy missing?Why are the police puzzled?andThe structure of a news storyReading strategy titlethe first paragraphto give a general idea about the newsto tell readers“who”

    2、“when”“where”“what”“why”“how”the following paragraphs to give detailed but less important information the second paragraphto give more important factsThe structure of a news storyReading strategy The reading skills of news storiesFor general ideas,read the topic if any and the first one or two parag

    3、raphs;For details,read the rest of the story.Reading strategy Skimming&ScanninguBoy missing,police puzzled Its about _.uthe first paragraph:when_;where_;who_;what_;how_;why_ _uthe following paragraphs:evidence given by_a missing boythree days agoDover,New HampshireJustin Fosterwent missingshow great

    4、 interestsightings of puzzling lights&reports of alien visitsJustins parents,sister,neighbors Main pointsSupporting details(Para.2)Who believed he was back?_Justin Foster did go back home.his two friendswitnesseshis sisterMain pointsSupporting detailsKelly saw _.Kelly heard _.Mavis Wood said _.a lar

    5、ge spaceship flying outsideJustin shoutthat the aliens took her away so that they could do research on her(Para.38)The boy was taken away by aliens.Whats the right order of the sentences?Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next day.Kelly heard Justin return home.Justin left home to play b

    6、aseball with his two friends.Justin was seen walking towards his home at 10.45 p.m.Kelly heard Justin shout.Kelly saw a bright light outside her window.123465 Find the best answers 1.The reason why people were interested in the disappearance of the child is that _A.the lost boy was 15 years old.B.th

    7、e police advised them to do so.C.the disappearance might have sth.to do with the UFO and the alien.D.all of the above.2.What is the attitude of the police to the disappearance of the boy?A.They cant make sure that Justin was taken by aliens.B.They think it possible for some people to make up an amaz

    8、ing story.C.They are looking at other possibilities,such as murder.D.All of the above.3.We can infer that the boy might go missing _.A.in his own roomB.on the playgroundC.in Kellys roomD.in his brothers room4.We can know_.A.the police have known the cause of the boys disappearanceB.the police havent

    9、 found convincing evidence about the boys disappearanceC.the police will catch the aliens who took away the boyD.the police wont get any information about the childs disappearanceFill in the blanks to summarize the story Justin Foster went 1 last Friday night.He didnt 2 3 at the family lunch the nex

    10、t day.That evening,Justin 4 home after the game.5 also said they saw Justin walking towards his home.Justins sister,Kelly 6 him 7 8 his 9 CD and she also saw a large spaceship 10 outside.She heard Justin 11 .Mavis Wood said that she was 12 13 by 14.They did some 15 on her.The whole 16 was terrible.P

    11、olice have not 17 the possibility that Justin was taken away by aliens.Detective Sam Peterson was 18 19 20 the case.Fill in the blanks to summarize the story Justin Foster went 1 _ last Friday night.He didnt 2 3 at the family lunch the next day.That evening,Justin 4 home after the game.5 also said t

    12、hey saw Justin walking missingshow up returnedWitnessestowards his home.Justins sister,Kelly 6 him 7 8 his 9 CD and she also saw a large spaceship 10 outside.She heard Justin 11 .Mavis Wood said that she was 12 13 by 14 .They did some 15 on her.The whole 16 was terrible.heardputonfavoriteflyingshout

    13、taken awayaliensresearchexperience Police have not 17 the possibility that Justin was taken away by aliens.Detective Sam Peterson was 18 19 20 the case.dismissedinchargeofIm Aaron Smith,a journalist from BBC.Group work:(interview)Can you tell me what happened that night?Mrs Marvis WoodKellySam Peter

    14、sonDiscussionChoose one topic and discuss it with their partners.1.Do you believe that Justin was really taken away by the aliens?Why or why not?2.Suppose you were taken away by the aliens,what would you do?AssignmentJustin Foster,a fifteen-year-old boy,was missing three days ago.Im Aaron Smith,a journalist from BBC.Group work:(interview)Can you tell me what happened that night?


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