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    1、Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? Period One (1a-2d) Teaching aims1) Enable students to use “have” and “has” to talk about ownership. 2) Learn the general questions begin with “do,does” and understand the personal forms and numeros.Key points1) Read and write new letters . 2) The general questions be

    2、gin with “do,does.”Difficult points1) Learn “does” general questions and its answers.2) The usage of “has”.Language pointsTennis ball,ping-pong bat,soccer ball,volleyball,basketball,baseball bat. -Do you have a baseball? Yes, I do./No, I dont.-Does she/he have a tennis ball? Yes,she does./No,she doe

    3、snt.Ability Learn to talk about the ownership.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Review the letters and language structures the Ss have learned in Unit Four.Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the students other objects. Teach the new words “soccer ball, ping-pong ball, volleyball, tenni

    4、s bat, ping-pong bat” in the same way. - Whats this/ that?-Its 2. Look at the words in 1a and match the words with the things in the picture.3. Present the key structure.Present these questions and answers.(Point to a student who has a pencil box.)T: Do you have a pencil box?S1: Yes, I do. (Nod your

    5、 head yes) / No, I dont. (Shake your head no)T: (Ask S2) Does she have a pencil box?S2: (Help S2 answer) Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.Step 3 Practice Get Ss to finish 1a.1b,1c,2a,2b,2c.Step 4 Presentation(Show a soccer ball to class.)T: Lets play soccer ball after class, OK? S1: OK.T: We often us

    6、e the drill “Lets” to make a suggestion. If you want to do it, you may say “OK. / That sounds good. / All right ” If you dont want to do it, you may say “No, I dont have a ” Step 5 Role-play 1. Cindy and Helen want to play baseball. Now read the conversation and match the things with their right pla

    7、ces. 2. Read the conversation after the teacher and practice the conversation with your partner. 3. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. Homework 1. Recite the new words and conversations we have learned. 2. Finish Exercise 1.Brief summary Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? Pe

    8、riod Two(3a-3c) Teaching aims1) Get Ss to use have and has to talk about ownership freely. 2) Further learn the general questions begin with “do,does” and understand the personal forms and numeros.Key points1) The general questions begin with “do,does.” 2)The usage of personal forms and numeros.Diff

    9、icult points1) How to enable students to understand ang grasp the usage of personal forms and numeros.Language pointsGreat, play, That sounds good.-Does Bob have a soccer ball? Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.Ability understand and grasp the usage of personal forms and numeros skilfully.Teaching procedure

    10、:Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greeting the Ss. Check their homework. (Let some Ss report their parents sports collection)2. Let the Ss work in groups (each group has three Ss). Review the sentence structures we learned.Step 2. Grammar Focus. Get Ss to read the sentences in the chart and draw a conclusion abo

    11、ut how to use “do” and “does.”Step 3 Practice 1. 3a. Write each word in the correct place in the chart. 2. 3b. Ss plete the conversations with their partner. 3. Check the answers with the class. (Let some pairs read the conversation). 4. Ss practice the conversation with their partner then act out t

    12、he dialogue.Step 4 Game (Remembering game)T: Look! This is Bobs room. He has many things. Look at the things in his room for three minutes. Then close your books and ask and answer questions with your partner.Step 5 Homework1. Recite the new words and conversations we have learned.2. Finish Exercise

    13、 2. Brief summaryUnit5 Do you have a soccer ball? Period Three(Section B 1a-2c ) Teaching aims1) Get Ss to grasp the new words and phrases:interesting,fun,relaxing,boring,difficult.2) Get Ss to understand the survey results:Who has a soccer ball?Key points1) Talk about Ss likes and dislikes with des

    14、cription words.2)Get Ss to find the answer to the questions after they read the essay.Difficult pointsHow to enable students to understand and grasp the new words and phrases.Language pointsInteresting, difficult, easy,relaxing,boring,fun,love sports,after class,watch TV.-Lets play-That sounds.Abili

    15、ty Develop Ss primary reading abilities.Enable them to find the answer to the questions.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greet the Ss. Check the homework. (Let some pairs read out their conversation. Correct the mistakes they make) 2. Review the chart of pronouns. (Show the chart on the scree

    16、n)3. Let Ss look at the picture in 3a. Ask some pairs ask and answer about the picture.Step 2. Presentation 1. (Show the picture which a boy is doing an interesting thing on the screen.) Learn the new words, interesting 2.(Show other pictures on the screen) learn the new words: boring, fun, difficul

    17、t, relaxing, easy, in the same way 3. (Show some activity pictures on the screen) Learn the new phrases: watch TV, go to the same school, love soccer, after class and play sports 4. (Show some pictures of students on the screen) Learn the new words student, classmate 5. Let Ss read the new words and

    18、 phrases and try to remember them. 6. Read the words in 1a. (Point to the five words in 1a and ask students to repeat each one.)Correct the answers.Step 3 Listening 1. Next well listen to a conversation. Here are two boys in the conversation. What do they want to do? Listen. (Play the recording the

    19、first time.) (For the first time, students only listen.)2. Listen again and check the words you hear in 1a. (Play the recording again.), after that, get Ss to finish 1c.3. Check the answers. Step 4 Pair work1. T: Act out the conversation in 1c in pairs. You are Paul. Your partner is Pauls friend, Je

    20、nny. Talk about the activities in 1c. 2. Let some pairs act out the conversation in front of the class. Step 5 Presentation 1. (T holds basketball and another student holds a soccer ball) T: I have a basketball, but I dont have a soccer ball. He has a soccer ball, but he doesnt have a basketball. 2.

    21、 Write the sentence structure on the blackboard. 形为动词have的否定句的构成: 第一人称/第二人称/第三人称复数人称 + dont + have + 某物 第三人称单数形式+ doesnt + have + 某物 e.g. I dont have a watch. She doesnt have a tennis ball. Step6 Writing 1. Find the sports words in the unit. Write them in the correct column. 2. Make a report to your

    22、 partner first. S1: I have a soccer ball, a volleyball, two tennis balls, three ping-pong bat I dont have a basketball, a tennis bat, a baseball bat 3. Exchange the chart with your partner. Report your partners sports collection. S2: He has a soccer ball, a volleyball, two tennis balls, three ping-p

    23、ong bats He doesnt have a basketball, a tennis bat, a baseball bat Step7 Reading 1. Our school magazine made a survey about sports collection. This is the survey result. Read the passage and answer the question: Who has a soccer ball? 2. Ss read the passage quickly and find the answer to the questio

    24、n.3. Check the answer. Let some students say their answer and say why? 4. Now lets work on 2c. Who do you think says these sentences? Check () F for Frank, G for Gina or W for Wang Wei. Homework 1. Review the new words we learn in this part. 2. Finish Exercise3. Brief summaryUnit5 Do you have a socc

    25、er ball? Period Four(Section B 3a-self check ) Teaching aims1)Go on learning the general questions beginning with Do or Does and the answers.2)Go on learning dont or doesnt in the negative sentences,understand the usage of but.Key points1) Consolidate the usage of have in the negative and general qu

    26、estions.2) Develop Ss abilities of writing.Difficult pointsGuide Ss to write with have in the negative and general questions.Language pointsDoes your mom have a baseball bat? Tom has a baseball, but he doesnt have a baseball bat.Ability Get Ss to use have or has to write a short passage in the real

    27、situation.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greet the Ss. Check the homework. (show the chart on the screen.) 2. Review the sports words in the unit. Then let some Ss report the sports things they have and the things they dont have. Step 2. Writing 1. Lets work on 3a. This is a survey chart. Y

    28、ou have to write some more questions about sports equipment in the chart. Using the sentence structure Do you have a?. 2. Ss write three or more questions about sports equipment.Step 3 Survey Now exchange books with your partner. Answer his or her questions in 3a. You can only check () of the answer

    29、s. Step 4 Writing1. Look at the information in 3a. Write about yourself and your partner with but. Ss read the first two sentences and try to write their own sentences according to 3a.2. 指导: but是一个转折连词,表示意思上的转折,常用来连接两个句子。在我们的例句中,but连接的两个句子,一个表示某人有某物,另一个表示某人没有某物。 同学们注意否定的结构:I dont have; He/She doesnt

    30、 have 3. Ss write their own sentences then report their sentences to their partner. 4. Ask some Ss report their sentences to the class. Step5 Self Check 1 1. Do you like sports? We like some sports very much, but we dont like other sports. We think some sports are very easy, but we think other sport

    31、s are very difficult.For me, I love basketball. Its interesting and easy.I dont love baseball. Its boring and difficult. Whats your opinion? Now list all the sports you know. Discuss with your partner and write what you think of them. 2. First Ss list all the sports they know. Then discuss with thei

    32、r partner and write what they think of them.(interesting, boring, fun, difficult, easy) 3. Ask some Ss report their lists to the class. Step7 Self Check 2 1. Lets work on Self Check 2. Look at the chart. Here are some short conversations, but the questions are missing. Read the answers then think ab

    33、out the questions. Then write down the questions. 2. 指导:应根据答语中的人称和数来确定问题的人称和数,还要根据答语中提示的事物来确定问题中的事物。例如:在第一题的答语中,答语是yes,可知上一句是一般疑问句;再由下一句my mom has a baseball bat,可知问句的主语是your mom,所问的事物是baseball bat。因此可确定问句是:Does your mom have a baseball bat? 其它与此问题思考过程相同。3. Ss think and write their own sentences. 4. Ask some Ss write their sentences on the blackboard. 5. Check the answers. Homework 1. Review the new words we learn in this part. 2. Finish Exercise4. Brief summary


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