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    1、Westward Movement is a movement of people from the settled regions of the United States to lands farther west. Between the early 17th and late 19th centuries, Anglo-American people and their society expanded from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. It plays a vital role in the formation, the de

    2、velopment and the present situation of the United States of America. Particularly, Westward Movement has seeped into this young nationality in the sphere of cultural influence. However, at the same time Westward Movement is also the Indians tragic history.The causes of Westward Movement 1. Large Pop

    3、ulation. As early as in 1820s there was flood of new immigrants from Europe to the United States. Then the stream of immigration continued. Between 1815 and 1830 over 500 000 Europeans came into the United States. They had expected to live a better life, but they found themselves still poor in the c

    4、rowded Northeast. As they were dissatisfied with the conditions at home, they hoped to find a more favorable environment on the frontier.2. California Gold Rush. Gold was discovered in California in the 1840s. This rush made lots of people move West with the hopes of becoming rich!3. Cheap, Fertile

    5、Land. As for the local farmers, they had no better life and they lost their land piece after piece because of land speculation. So they moved west to the vast area of wilderness where the land was cheap and great for farming.4. Freedom for Runaway from Slaves. Slaves from the South could have freedo

    6、m in the new western territories where they settled in all black communities free from white prejudice.The progress of Westward Movement The westward movement began in the early 1600s with European settlements along the Atlantic Coast of North America. It continued until the late 1800s. First, some

    7、illegal immigrants went into west, and then American government brings these areas into their control. Then, many pioneers located in these areas. At first, pioneers were located in the east of Mississippi River. In the early 19th century, America expended its territory by the way of buying and inva

    8、sion. In 1803, American government bought the Louisiana from French. From the early age of 19th century, the immigrants move to the west of Mississippi River. By the mid-1840s, adventurous pioneers had reached what are now California and Oregon in the Far West. The last frontier was the Great Plains

    9、 between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. The settlement of that region began in the 1860s. In 1862, Lincoln promulgated the homestead law and made the westward movement reach the peak. American Westward Movement is not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the developme

    10、nt of capitalism, but also the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the west and rapid development of economy.The influences of Westward Movement 1. It stimulated the development of American west. It provides ample labors and wealth for the exploration, and it laid a firm foundation for ca

    11、pitalistic development of American.2. It utterly changed American appearance: large quantities of barren lands were reclaimed; a lot of capital farms were set up; the development of agriculture in west provided a large amount of food, material and domestic market on industrial development; nature re

    12、courses were opened up to developed industries. By expanding the nations borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful countries of the 20th century.3. It Shaping American Characteristics. Western unique survival requirement formed importa

    13、nt attribute which molded the American nationality disposition and values, and it also planted the spirit and the dream of the American. The vast field of west and the cultural difference provided an opportunity for development of individualism. Under the given condition of Westward Movement, and th

    14、e competition of the society has fostered American peoples pragmatism.4. Providing Plentiful Sources for American Culture and Art. Westward Movement has played a premier role in popular culture. Westerns and the stories about their life on the frontier have been popular in the United States and throughout the world5. However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America


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