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    1、喷泉设计施工合同范本四则合同范本一:中文:甲方:某某喷泉设计有限公司乙方:某某建筑工程有限公司鉴于甲方为乙方设计建造喷泉项目,现双方经友好协商一致,达成如下合同:第一条 项目概况甲方负责为乙方设计建造一座位于XX广场的喷泉项目,包括设计、施工、设备采购及调试等工作。第二条 设计规范1. 甲方应根据乙方提供的参考资料和要求,设计出符合规范要求的喷泉设计方案;2. 设计方案应确保安全、美观、实用,并提供合理的施工方案。第三条 施工规定1. 乙方应按时提供所需资金及场地,确保施工的顺利进行;2. 甲方应按照设计方案进行施工,严格按照施工进度完成项目;3. 施工期间如有突发事件,应协商解决并延长工期。

    2、第四条 合同价款及支付方式1. 乙方应按照合同约定的进度支付项目款项;2. 项目完工后,甲方应提交验收报告及相关资料,乙方满意后支付尾款。第五条 质量保证1. 甲方承诺所提供的设计方案符合乙方要求,保证工程质量;2. 工程竣工后,甲方提供一年的免费维修服务。第六条 合同解除1. 如因一方原因导致合同无法履行,对方有权解除合同;2. 如需解除合同,应提前30天书面通知对方。第七条 争议解决双方发生合同争议应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交至XX仲裁委员会仲裁。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期:XXXX年XX月XX日英文:Party A: XXX Fountain Design Co., Lt

    3、d.Party B: XXX Building Engineering Co., Ltd.The Parties agree to the following terms and conditions for the design and construction of a fountain project:Article 1 Project OverviewParty A is responsible for designing and constructing a fountain project, located at XX Square, including design, const

    4、ruction, equipment procurement, and commissioning.Article 2 Design Standards1. Party A shall design a fountain project according to the specifications provided by Party B.2. The design should ensure safety, aesthetics, and functionality, and provide a feasible construction plan.Article 3 Constructio

    5、n Regulations1. Party B shall provide the necessary funding and site for construction to proceed smoothly.2. Party A shall adhere to the design plan and complete the project according to the construction schedule.3. In case of unforeseen events during construction, the parties shall negotiate and ex

    6、tend the project timeline.Article 4 Contract Price and Payment Terms1. Party B shall make payments according to the agreed schedule.2. Upon completion of the project, Party A shall submit inspection reports and related documents for Party Bs satisfaction before receiving the final payment.Article 5

    7、Quality Assurance1. Party A guarantees that the design meets Party Bs requirements and ensures project quality.2. After project completion, Party A provides one year of free maintenance services.Article 6 Termination of Contract1. If either party is unable to fulfill the contract due to reasons, the

    8、 other party has the right to terminate the contract.2. In case of contract termination, a written notice must be provided 30 days in advance.Article 7 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from the contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fails, the matter shall be r

    9、eferred to arbitration by the XX Arbitration Commission.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signature: XX/XX/XXXX合同范本二:中文:甲方:某某景观设计院乙方:某某园林工程有限公司鉴于甲方拟为乙方设计喷泉景观项目,现双方经充分协商一致,达成如下合同:第一条 项目内容甲方负责为乙方设计一座位于XX公园的喷泉景观项目,包括设计方案、施工图纸及现场监理服务。第二条 设计要求1. 甲方应根据乙方要求设计出创新、美观的喷泉景观设计方案;2. 设计方案应符合规范要求,提供详细的施工图纸。第三

    10、条 施工流程1. 乙方应提供所需设备及材料,确保施工的顺利进行;2. 甲方应进行现场监理,并及时解决施工中的问题;3. 施工完成后,甲方应进行验收,并提供相应的技术服务。第四条 价款及支付方式1. 乙方按合同约定的支付进度支付设计、监理费用;2. 工程竣工后,甲方提交验收报告,乙方满意后支付尾款。第五条 质量保证1. 甲方承诺设计方案符合要求,保证工程质量;2. 工程竣工后提供半年的免费维修保养服务。第六条 紧急情况如遇紧急事件,双方应积极协商解决,确保项目的顺利进行,并及时调整工期。第七条 合同解除如因一方原因导致合同无法继续履行,对方有权解除合同;如需解除合同,需提前30天书面通知对方。第

    11、八条 争议解决双方如发生争议,应友好协商解决,如协商不成,提交至XX仲裁委员会仲裁。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期:XXXX年XX月XX日英文:Party A: XXX Landscape Design InstituteParty B: XXX Garden Engineering Co., Ltd.The Parties agree to the following terms and conditions for the design of a fountain landscape project:Article 1 Project ScopeParty A is respons

    12、ible for designing a fountain landscape project for Party B located at XX Park, including design proposals, construction drawings, and site supervision services.Article 2 Design Requirements1. Party A shall design an innovative and aesthetically pleasing fountain landscape design according to Party

    13、Bs requirements.2. The design proposal should meet regulatory requirements and provide detailed construction drawings.Article 3 Construction Process1. Party B shall provide the necessary equipment and materials for construction to proceed smoothly.2. Party A shall conduct on-site supervision and pro

    14、mptly address any construction issues.3. Upon completion of construction, Party A shall conduct inspections and provide technical support.Article 4 Price and Payment Terms1. Party B shall pay the design and supervision fees according to the agreed schedule.2. Upon completion of the project, Party A

    15、shall submit inspection reports for Party Bs approval before receiving the final payment.Article 5 Quality Assurance1. Party A guarantees that the design proposal meets the requirements and ensures project quality.2. Party A shall provide six months of free maintenance services after project complet

    16、ion.Article 6 Emergency SituationsIn case of emergencies, both parties shall actively negotiate and resolve issues to ensure the smooth progress of the project and adjust the timeline accordingly.Article 7 Termination of ContractIf either party is unable to continue fulfilling the contract, the othe

    17、r party has the right to terminate the contract.A written notice must be provided 30 days in advance to terminate the contract.Article 8 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes between the parties shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fails, the matter shall be referred to arbitratio

    18、n by the XX Arbitration Commission.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signature: XX/XX/XXXX合同范本三:中文:甲方:某某园林设计事务所乙方:某某建筑工程有限公司鉴于甲方拟为乙方设计喷泉景观工程,现双方经协商一致,达成以下合同:第一条 项目内容甲方为乙方设计一座位于XX商业广场的喷泉景观工程,包括设计、施工图纸及现场监理服务。第二条 设计要求1. 甲方应根据乙方需求和规范设计出创新、独特的喷泉景观设计;2. 设计方案应包括详细的施工细节和材料清单。第三条 施工流程1. 乙方应提供所需施工设备和人力资

    19、源,确保施工顺利进行;2. 甲方应进行现场监理,并解决施工中的问题;3. 施工完成后,甲方提供验收报告,乙方满意后支付尾款。第四条 价款及支付方式1. 乙方按合同约定的支付进度支付设计和监理费用;2. 工程完工后,甲方提交验收报告,乙方满意后支付尾款。第五条 质量保证1. 甲方保证设计方案符合乙方要求,保证工程质量;2. 工程竣工后,甲方提供半年的免费维修保养服务。第六条 紧急情况如遇紧急情况,双方应紧急协商解决,并调整工程进度,确保项目如期完成。第七条 合同解除如果一方无法继续履行合同,另一方有权解除合同;如需解除合同,需提前30天书面通知对方。第八条 争议解决双方如发生争议,应友好协商解决

    20、,如协商不成,可提交至XX仲裁委员会仲裁。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期:XXXX年XX月XX日英文:Party A: XXX Landscape Design AgencyParty B: XXX Building Engineering Co., Ltd.The Parties agree to the following terms and conditions for the design of a fountain landscape project:Article 1 Project ScopeParty A is responsible for designing a f

    21、ountain landscape project for Party B located at XX Commercial Square, including design proposals, construction drawings, and on-site supervision services.Article 2 Design Requirements1. Party A shall design an innovative and unique fountain landscape design according to Party Bs needs and specifica

    22、tions.2. The design proposal should include detailed construction details and a material list.Article 3 Construction Process1. Party B shall provide the necessary construction equipment and manpower to ensure smooth progress.2. Party A shall supervise the construction on-site and address any issues

    23、that arise.3. Upon completion of construction, Party A shall provide inspection reports for Party Bs approval before receiving the final payment.Article 4 Price and Payment Terms1. Party B shall pay the design and supervision fees according to the agreed schedule.2. Upon completion of the project, P

    24、arty A shall submit inspection reports for Party Bs approval before receiving the final payment.Article 5 Quality Assurance1. Party A guarantees that the design proposal meets Party Bs requirements and ensures project quality.2. Party A shall provide six months of free maintenance services after pro

    25、ject completion.Article 6 Emergency SituationsIn case of emergencies, both parties shall urgently negotiate and adjust the project timeline to ensure timely completion.Article 7 Termination of ContractIf one party is unable to continue fulfilling the contract, the other party has the right to termin

    26、ate the contract.A written notice must be provided 30 days in advance to terminate the contract.Article 8 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes between the parties shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fails, the matter may be referred to arbitration by the XX Arbitration Commissio

    27、n.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signature: XX/XX/XXXX合同范本四:中文:甲方:某某喷泉景观设计工作室乙方:某某建筑装饰有限公司鉴于乙方委托甲方设计一座位于XX公园的喷泉景观项目,现双方友好协商一致,达成以下合同:第一条 项目服务甲方为乙方设计一座位于XX公园的喷泉景观项目,包括设计方案、施工图纸及监理服务。第二条 设计要求1. 甲方应根据乙方需求设计出符合规范的创新喷泉景观设计;2. 设计应与环境相协调,符合景观规范要求。第三条 施工流程1. 乙方提供施工所需材料及设备,确保施工进度;2. 甲方进行现场监理、质量检验,及时解决施工中的问题;3. 施工完成后,甲方提供验收报告,乙方满意后支付尾款。第四条 价款及支付方式1. 乙方按约定支付设计、监理费用;2. 工程完工后,乙方审核并支付尾款,甲方提供服务保修。第五条 质量保证1. 甲方保证设计方案符合乙方需求,确保工程质量;2. 工程完工后提供半年的免费维修服务。第六条 紧急情况如发生紧急事件,双方应积极协商解决,并确保项目进度。第七条 合同解除如因一方原因导致合同无法继续履行,对方有权解除合同;如需解除合同,需


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