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    1、Lesson3. What happened to you?一:根据汉语提示,在横线上填上适当的字母1. 天气 we_th_ _ 2. 赛跑 r_c_ 3. 错误 m_st_k_ 4. 冠军 ch_m_i_n 5. 科目 s_bj_ct 6. 次序 t_rn 7. 严重的 t_rr_ble 8. 胜利者 w_nn_r 9. 比赛 c_nt_st 10 祝贺 c_ng_at_l_tion二:按要求完成下列各词:1. win(名词)_ 2. next(对应词)_ 3. down(对应词)_ 4. win(过去式)_ 5. make(过去式)_ 6. good(比较级)_ 7. give(过去式)_

    2、 8. lets(展开)_ 9. go(过去式)_ 10. many(比较级)_三:单项选择题1. When is _ turn? Were next. A. my B . our C. ours2. Lets_ her a big hand. A. take B. gives C. give3. Congratulations! You won _. A. a first prize B. the first prize C. first prize4. You look_. A. up B. down C. dwon5. How_ the talent show? It was not t

    3、oo bad. A. were B. is C. was6. What_ to you? I made a mistake. A. happened B. happen C. happening7. We can do it_ next time. A. best B. better C. good8. I_ win the prize. A. didnt B. doesnt C. did9. _ was the talent show? A. What B. How C. Who10. You did_ best. A. the B. / C. your11. What happened _

    4、you? A. in B. on C. to12. I want_ to the bathroom. A. go B. to go C. going四:用所给词的适当形式填空:1. He_(look) down. 2. The_(win) is Sophie. 3. Lets give_ (he) a big hand.4. There_(are) many students waiting for the bus. 5. You won the_(two) prize.6. Im _(strong) than you. 7. How_(be) the talent show. It was

    5、not too bad.8. He likes _(play) the guitar. 9. May I_(sit) here. 10. I_(have) better bring him back.五:完成下列句子1.你发生了什么事? _ _ to you2. 我犯了一个严重的错误。I _ a _ mistake.3. 什么时候轮到我们? _ is our _?4. 我们给他鼓鼓掌吧. Lets_ him a big _.5. 我不得不去浴室。I _ _ go to the bathroom.六:改错,错误的词写在括号里,并在后面的横线上改过来。1. You are the better s

    6、inger. ( ) _2. You did your best. Im proud for you guys. ( )_3. I have an English test yesterday. ( ) _4. We can do it best next time. ( ) _5. Tom is play the piano now. ( ) _七:连词成句 1. happen, what, you, to _2. was, how, talent show, the, _3. let, give, them, us ,a, big, hand _4. were, there, many,

    7、so, guys. _5. we, won, didnt, prize, the, _八:情景对话,选择答句。1. Where does your pen pal live? ( )A. No, he lives in the country. B. He lives in the city. C. Yes,He lives in the village.2. Does she watch TV at night? ( )A. Yes, she do. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she does.3. What does Miss White do? ( )A. She

    8、 likes English. B. Shes a teacher. C. At a school.4. When does she go to school? ( )A. She go to school at 8:00. B. She goes to school at 8:00. C. Yes, she does.5. Does Liu yun go to school by subway? ( )A. No, she doesnt. B. No, he does. C. Yes, on foot. 九:句型转换1. She likes summer. (变为一般疑问句)_2. Tom

    9、is tall, Steven is taller. (两句合并为一句)_3. I want to take pictures of them. (写出同义句)_4. I want six apples. (对划线部分提问)_5. He is wearing a green shirt. (变为否定句)_6. You won the first prize.(变为否定句)_ 7. It was too bad. (变为否定句)_ 8. There is some milk in that bottle.(变为一般疑问句)_ 9. I made a mistake in the English

    10、test. (变为一般疑问句)_10. It does not sound right. (改为陈述句)_十:阅读理解Coffee has become the most popular American drink. Today people in the United States(美国) drink more coffee than people in any of the other countries. People drink coffee at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner and between meals. They drink hot cof

    11、fee or coffee with ice in it. They drink it at work and at home. They eat coffee ice-cream and coffee candy. Coffee is black and very strong. Different people like to drink it in different ways. Some people like coffee with cream or sugar in it. Other people like coffee with both cream and sugar in

    12、it. In all ways it is served. Coffee has become an international drink.31. Coffee is an _ drink.A . interesting B. international C. ice-cream D. American32. Different people like to drink coffee _.A. at work or at home B. in different ways C. with cream or sugar D. between meals33. Today Americans drink _ coffee than people in any of the other countries.A. as much as B. less C. more D. most34. “Coffee is black and very strong.” The word” strong” here means _.A.坚固的 B.淡的 C.清的 D.浓的35. _ is the most popular American drink.A. Black tea B. Coffee C. Water with ice D. Whisky


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