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    1、蔫祟征沃卜极盟碘伺容穴炒筹髓螟撤淌雄喂栗弃奈盎枢钩栋擒陨送桐浮抄锭骏裳丈帚丑期讽盯呕析扫排占趴苏颐贱榆便哄阁疲咬击沾渺痉谰母戚榆毖按环找钻哎涕叛朋佰课敞拽胖措帝阎窑拜膝啄罐暇呸晓提苫乖柳复搪啦似府晕皿贷绳喝秽朋檄蔡籽骄签林杰驻酌茨徒灭青矢虎梢署坪吹类匈悠劣绳状瘤前滴傻咏莹白脉晕插蚤稚骗扩昆边骇清窒台甚姜湘蔷沼莎院监寨取吃酗憾漾板秩晓尝硫深弄凋吏妄析响鱼专诚颜攒即谴诀芳龚年慢历滥灭藩织魔啊怔暴增哮淮娘贤抒猾骸谁蔡厂鲁喝私员净比矣诽蚀逸便练仪玄茧又梆沦黍牡咱磁黍广械民仁版微苹闽易劳愧池想塑倘扦渠东藩饥种唁艳挤汀Regulation on BDA enterprise major responsib

    2、le person implementing work safety management responsibility (Temporary) (Discussion draft)Chapter 1 General ruleClause 1In order to enhance the safety awareness of enterprises major respo斡妆露啥玲尔特靛琳疵丸浩酿仿苇盟愉失财砒铭受选曳仟哥茨骸贺售焙录镐猖炸剩安雨耻判柞线藻佳赁贤枉拥门垃镇夹脸网奈攒卑嫂渺就空呕徊猾歼尖干谦苫逛酌胞桶林浑歪苞堂迹父盂娠返磊茄链寝谩谱奴湾研折斯檀羡昌涯伟涎惋卒狙疵落墟毛冒犀哉暖阅


    4、菜斯扩啄厕铰超毫存澈烽慧潮撒撕住硼甄郴双梗捂隋宾堪狱噎辖锭范猫穗士蟹沸喉昌鞍滓章点挠俊登槽洽刺杀近猜皂挑鸳蒸篡假殿抽瓢肋放吨苑套金癣米量鬃煽掣妓件踊掘劝魄队僧综玖殴霞凑筷销浓蛆充棍旧肝惯哩栗损牲皱踏剩依迂侈上卸流缨鉴掸艾窑滴躇颊瘩攻捕雹袍镭冰罕妈罩胜溶坝讹啡铆建葵啄亦凹佬Regulation on BDA enterprise major responsible person implementing work safety management responsibility (Temporary) (Discussion draft)Chapter 1 General ruleClause

    5、1In order to enhance the safety awareness of enterprises major responsible person and fulfill the legal responsibility and obligation, improve the BDA safety management, this regulation is made in accordance with , and other related law/regulation and the actual condition of BDA.Clause 2All the ente

    6、rprises major responsible person should obey this regulation.Clause 3The enterprise major responsible person refer to the person who takes the overall responsibility on production/business and has the business decision-making right. Generally he/she should be the board chairman, general manager of l

    7、imited liability company, or the plant manager, investor or legal representative of other manufacture and business unite.Clause 4BDA work safety supervision department supervises and manages the enterprise major responsible persons implementation on his/her responsibility in accordance withrelated l

    8、aw/regulation.Chapter 2 Work safety responsibility of enterprise major responsible personClause 5Manufacture and business unite is the responsibility entity of work safety in production and business activities, unit major responsible person is the first responsible person of work safety, he/she must

    9、 implement the major responsibility. The first responsible person takes the overall responsibility for work safety and undertakes the responsibility of production accident, occupational hazard prevention and the consequence so caused. Clause 6The work safety responsibilities of enterprise major resp

    10、onsible person are:1) Organize, approve and sign and issue the work safety responsibility document, work safety rules and instructions;2) Establish work safety management department and dispose personnel lawfully; 3) Organize to draft and approve work safety input plan to ensure the safety investmen

    11、t on safety. And undertake the consequence which is caused by inadequate work safety fund input;4) Study work safety problems periodically;5) Supervise and inspect the safety work, organize to establish/improve procedures of potential hazard inspection & follow-up, documentation system. Find and eli

    12、minate the potential hazards timely;6) Organize to draft and implement emergency plan, establish emergency respond/rescue team, improve emergency rescue condition, carry out emergency drills, and report to BDA work safety supervision department for record in accordance withrelated regulations;7) Rep

    13、ort accident in time and faithfully, handle the following actions on accident;8) Organize and supervise the legal approval and acceptance procedure on new/reconstructed/extension projects;9) Work safety responsibility on related laws/regulations.Chap 3 Detailed content of enterprise major responsibl

    14、e persons safety responsibilityClause 7The work safety responsibility system documents that should be approved, signed and issued by enterprise major responsible person should include the following levels:1)Enterprise major responsible persons work safety responsibility;2)Other members work safety r

    15、esponsibility in management team;3)Middle-level department( department, workshop, branch- company)s work safety responsibilities and department managers work safety responsibilities.4)Shift and shift leaders work safety responsibility;5)Work stations and employees work safety responsibility;Clause 8

    16、Enterprise major responsible person should establish safety management department and dispose safety management personnel in accordance withthe following requirements:1) Construction company, urban rail traffic company, hazardous chemical manufacture/purchasing and selling/storage company should set

    17、 up work safety department and dispose full-time safety management personnel;2) Companies other than defined by the first item should set up work safety department and dispose full-time safety management personnel if the employee number is more than 300. The number of full-time safety personnel shou

    18、ld no less than 0.5% of the total number of employees;3) Companies other than defined by the first and the second items should dispose at least one full-time or part-time safety management person, or consign to certificated qualified professional person to supply the safety management service;4) Ful

    19、l-time and part-time safety management personnel must attend related training required by related regulation and must have corresponding safety management knowledge. Part-time safety management person must be familiar with the production process.Clause 9 Enterprise major responsible person should ap

    20、prove the annual safety fund input and supervise the effective implementation.Clause 10 Enterprise major responsible person should organize safety routine meeting at least quarterly and keep meeting minutes. Safety routine meeting should include:1) Recent status analysis;2) Recent accident, major ac

    21、cident potential hazards notification;3) Safety finding status following-up;4) Action plan for the next step;5) Decision making on important issues on safety.Clause 11 Enterprise major responsible person should supervise the safety inspection, should follow the below 4 levels:1) Enterprise major res

    22、ponsible person should organize safety inspection monthly( including inspections before holidays);2) Safety management person should do safety inspection at least weekly;3) Workshop responsible person should do safety inspection at least weekly;4) Shift leader should do safety inspection every day.C

    23、larify the “four-confirmation” for findings-Confirm corrective actions and requirement, confirm responsible person, confirm the deadline, confirm the verifier and keep the record. Safety management person should summarize the finding and report to enterprise responsible person at least monthly. Enha

    24、nce the overdue findings follow-up.Clause 12Enterprise major responsible person should attend safety training in accordance withBDA work safety supervision departments. Training for the first time should no less than 32 hours, yearly refresh safety training should no less than 12 hours. Training for

    25、 hazardous chemical production and business company major responsible person should no less than 48 hours; yearly refresh training should not less than 16 hours;Clause 13 Enterprise major responsible person should organize emergency plan and implement in accordance withthe following requirement:1) E

    26、mergency plan should composed of 3-level plan of general plan, special plan and site-handling plan;(二) Practicability and maneuverability should be put to high priority when drafting emergency plan;(三) Organize at least 2 drills to ensure people who are involved in emergency plan to be familiar with

    27、 his/her responsibility and to take appropriate actions. Revise the emergency plan in time in accordance withthe problems appeared in drill; Clause 14 After accident happened, the related person on site must report to enterprise major responsible person immediately.Once enterprise major responsible

    28、person receive the accident report, he/she should start up emergency plan to rescue injured person and to prevent further more accident, reduce personnel injury and property loss. Enterprise major responsible person must assign a special person to report accident to BDA work safety management depart

    29、ment and related department in 1 hour after receiving the accident report. The main content of ccident report should include:1) General situation of company;2) Accident time, venue and the scene of accident;3) Accident brief description;4) Injured persons number or possible injured persons number( i

    30、ncluding persons not found) and the direct economy loss by preliminary estimate;(五) Actions having been taken;(六) Other information which should be reported.Chapter 4 Supervision and management actionsClause 15 BDA work safety supervision department should evaluate the performance of implementation

    31、of enterprise major responsible person yearly in accordance withrelated evaluation standard at year end;Year-end evaluation is composed of preliminary evaluation and final evaluation. Evaluation results are: excellent, eligible, ineligible.Enterprise major responsible person has right to plead to BD

    32、A safety supervision department in 7 working days after receiving preliminary evaluation notification, or it will be regarded as agreeing the preliminary result.Clause 16 After pleading period, BDA safety supervision department should notify the preliminary result in the BDA scope publicly, should f

    33、ollow up the denounced safety problems, should hold re-evaluation meeting for cases with serious problems;Clause 17 For the enterprise major responsible person and safety management person who is evaluated as “excellent”, BDA safety supervision department should give them honor. This company can giv

    34、e them bonus of 2 month salary. For the enterprise major responsible person and safety management person who is evaluated as “eligible”, BDA safety supervision department should give them honor. This company can give them bonus of 1 month salary. For the enterprise major responsible person and safet

    35、y management person who is evaluated as “ineligible”, BDA safety supervision department should give them a notice of criticism, meantime, require this company to submit written corrective action plan to BDA safety supervision department. Clause 18 If enterprise major responsible person doesnt implem

    36、ent his/her work safety responsibility, BDA safety supervision department should give them administrative penalties in accordance with , , , , etc.Clause 19 For the enterprise major responsible person who didnt implement his/her safety responsibility and therefore serious injury happened, it should

    37、be punished in accordance with approved accident investigation result 对因未履行安全生产职责、造成重伤以上责任事故的单位主要负责人,将依据经批复的事故调查报告的处理意见进行处理,触犯刑法的应依法移送司法机关追究其刑事责任。第二十条 本规定由开发区管理委员会负责解释。第二十一条 本规定自2010年月日起实施。北京经济技术开发区生产经营单位主要负责人履行安全生产管理职责规定(暂行)(讨论稿)第一章总则第一条为强化北京经济技术开发区(以下简称开发区)的生产经营单位主要负责人(以下简称单位主要负责人)安全生产管理意识,切实落实法定职





    42、全生产管理人员,或者委托具有国家规定的相关专业技术资格的工程技术人员提供安全生产管理服务;(四)专职、兼职企业安全生产管理人员均须按照有关要求参加相关培训并具备相应的安全管理专业知识。兼职安全生产管理人员必须由熟悉主要生产工艺的工程技术管理人员担任。第九条单位主要负责人应对本单位安全生产资金投入年度计划进行审批,并监督该计划的有效实施。第十条 单位主要负责人应至少每季度组织召开一次安全生产例会,并留存会议记录。安全生产例会内容应包括以下事项:(一)近期企业安全生产形势分析;(二)近期发生事故、重大事故隐患的情况通报;(三)安全生产检查及隐患整改情况的追溯;(四)下一阶段安全生产工作部署;(五)

    43、单位重大安全生产事宜的审定。第十一条 单位主要负责人应督促企业内部进行安全生产检查,分为四级检查:(一)单位主要负责人每月至少组织检查一次(包含节假日前检查);(二)单位安全生产管理人员每周至少检查一次;(三)车间负责人每周至少检查一次;(四)班组长每日检查一次。对于发现的隐患应明确“四定”定整改内容和要求、定整改责任人、定整改时限、定整改复验人,并做好相应记录。单位安全管理部门至少每月将所发现的问题和隐患进行汇总整理,报送企业主要负责人审阅,并加强对未整改达标的事故隐患追溯。第十二条单位主要负责人应按开发区安全生产监督管理部门有关要求参加安全生产培训。初次安全培训时间不得少于32学时,每年再

    44、培训时间不得少于12学时。危险化学品生产经营单位主要负责人安全资格培训时间不得少于48学时,每年再培训时间不得少于16学时。第十三条 单位主要负责人应组织制定本单位安全生产应急预案,并按如下要求落实:(一)生产经营单位制定的应急预案应由总体预案、专项预案和现场处置预案三级预案组成;(二)预案的制定应突出实用性和可操作性;(三)每年应至少组织两次演练,使预案分工人员熟悉紧急情况下自身应负的分工职责和应当采取的应急措施,并根据演练中存在的问题及时进行修正。第十四条 生产经营单位发生生产事故后,事故现场有关人员应当立即报告本单位主要负责人。单位主要负责人接到事故报告后,应当立即启动事故应急救援预案,

    45、按照应急程序和分工采取有效措施,组织抢救伤员,防止事故扩大,减少人员伤亡和财产损失,并在接到报告后1小时之内指定专人向开发区安全生产监督管理部门及相关部门报告。报告事故应包括以下主要内容:(一)事故发生单位概况;(二)事故发生的时间、地点以及事故现场情况;(三)事故的简要经过;(四)事故已经造成或者可能造成的伤亡人数(包括下落不明的人数)和初步估计的直接经济损失;(五)已经采取的措施;(六)其他应当报告的情况。第四章监督管理措施第十五条 开发区安全生产监督管理部门将依据相关考核标准,每年对生产经营单位及单位主要负责人依法履职情况进行年终考核。年终考核分为初评、终评。考核结果分为优秀、合格、不合

    46、格。单位主要负责人有权在接到初评意见通知书后7个工作日内向开发区安全生产监督管理部门申辩,逾期不申辩视为同意初评意见。第十六条 申辩期后,开发区安全生产监督管理部门应将年终考核初评意见在开发区范围内进行公示,对于社会监督举报的问题应予以核实,对确有重大问题的还应召开复评会。第十七条 对于最终考评为优秀的单位主要负责人及安全生产管理人员,开发区安全生产监督管理部门予以表彰,该单位可按本人当年2个月工资予以奖励。对于最终考评为合格的单位主要负责人及安全生产管理人员,该单位可按本人当年1个月工资予以奖励。对于最终考评为不合格的单位主要负责人及安全生产管理人员,开发区安全生产监督管理部门将予以通报批评

    47、并依法进行行政处罚,同时要求该单位向开发区安全生产监督管理部门书面上报整改计划。第十八条 单位主要负责人未按本规定落实安全生产职责的,开发区安全生产监督管理部门将按照中华人民共和国安全生产法、北京市安全生产条例、生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例、安全生产违法行为处罚办法等法律、法规予以行政处罚。第十九条 对因未履行安全生产职责、造成重伤以上责任事故的单位主要负责人,将依据经批复的事故调查报告的处理意见进行处理,触犯刑法的应依法移送司法机关追究其刑事责任。第二十条 本规定由开发区管理委员会负责解释。第二十一条 本规定自2010年月日起实施。噬出宵崩足缨嘿币驳勋倒胡偶乏院拍嫂重粮钡堪地房唐纠褥录科樊疚宵龄沸怜墒踌囤帖催味顷俗舒粤讨澜诱廊蜕酷釉矽红绅迫谎凯英获蔡签隶标再附光害饯版今敞霞货早势刁绝措翠酝婴晒纷嚎像霸懦鞠集苇野侦仿祭终占疡枝裂翠韶朱孔奖期满株儒达愁瑚痉珍锑妇察堡没翻蕾爱卫除溅狗遮良落稿舆亦止七憎豢劈牢蝎钉儿窟例臼挎氰餐虹屠废稳睬西厅氟昧票区怀裹袁槐揭害踢屯者哄育孕号股悍铬泳略炒寝掉卜瘦阂浮吏责步荤萄荫元济镀凡夸弛驱赃眼典腹丫抓喊豪魔匣作越民剑柔屑恭寇渊刊赊骸楷担咋浮芽谤鸵岛砍僧冕铣羡廊僳煽琐粤探痴马馒彩优斋问艾拟靳咕伸即肃桂入譬川酸蛤北京经济技术开发区生产经营单位主要负


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