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    1、20082009学年度第二学期期中测试卷(六年级)一、看图补全单词。(10分)二、根据句意及首字母,补全单词。(10分)1. Id like to o_ _ _ _ a pizza, please.2. The talent show is coming s_ _ _.3. The TV is too loud. Please turn d_ _ _ the volume.4. Youre too y_ _ _ _, you cant go to school.5. Congratulations! You won the first p_ _ _ _.三、选择。(20分)( )1. Lets

    2、 _ her a big hand . A. give B. to give C. giving( )2. How about _ a pancke? A. make B. to make C. making( )3. I want _ something interesting. A. do B. to do C. doing( )4. Youre good _playing the guitar. A. on B. of C. at( )5. Im proud _ you guys. A. on B. of C. at( )6. We sometimes eat pancakes _ Mo

    3、nday. A. on B. of C. at( )7. Listen! Qiaoqiao _ the piano. A. play B. playing C. is playing( )8. I made a mistake, we _ win the game. A. didnt B. did no C. not( )9. We need a drummer, _? A. do we B. dont we C. dont you( )10. _our feet, we cant walk. A. With B. Without C. No四、情景会话。(12分)( )1. What are

    4、 you doing ? A. It was terrible.( )2. Why dont you play with me? B. 575-1234.( )3. Whats your phone number? C. 1045Sunshine Street.( )4. Whos the best singer? D. I dont want to do it now. ( )5. Whats your address? E. Tom sings the best.( )6. How was the talent show? F. Im packing for the picnic.五、根据

    5、图片选择适合的对话内容,将序号填在括号里。(10分)1. A: Whats your phone number. B: 243-8754. 2. A: The Champion is Jim. B: Congratulations!3. A: You want some more ice cream, dont you?B:No,I dont. 4. A: What are you doing? B: Im making a birthday cake. 5. A: Do you want some fish? B: No, I never eat fish. 六、选词填空。(22分)1. A

    6、: You are a good guitar player. _dont you _the guitar? B: I _ want to _ in the show by _. participate dont Why myself play2. A: What do you _ for lunch? B:How _ a pizza? We _ eat pizza. C: How can I help you? A: Id like a pizza. C: _you _me your _? A: 1379Maple Avenue. usually Could about want addre

    7、ss tell七、阅读理解。(16分) Rick: I want to go to the bathroom. When is our turn? Pete: Were next. Lets go. MC: The best runner is Sandy McDowell. Rick: Im sorry. I made a mistake. Pete: Thats OK. We can do it better next time. (Then they go home)Mom: How was the race?Pete: It wasnt too bad.Mom: Rick, you l

    8、ook sad. What happened to you?Rick: I made a terrible mistake.Mom: Thats not important. You did your best.A)根据上文内容,判断正(T)误(F)B)结合上文以“The Talent Show”为题写一篇小短文。 可以根据实际进行适当发挥。不少于5句。( )1. Sandy McDowell is the best runner.( )2. Rick looked sad.( )3. Pete made a mistake.( )4. The race was too bad.( )5. M

    9、om said, “ You did your best.20072008学年度小学英语毕业试题一、给下列词语选择正确的中文意思。(20分)( )1. runner A 歌手 B 赛跑运动员 C 优胜者( )2. play the guitar A 弹吉他 B 打鼓 C 熊猫( )3. panda A 老虎 B 蛇 C 熊猫( )4. Thanksgiving Day A 春节 B 感恩节 C 圣诞节( )5. Saturday A 星期日 B 星期六 C 星期五二、给下列句子连线。(16分)Well be there too much for you?Do you want by one t

    10、wentyIsnt that for callingThank you one more slice三、用所给单词填空。(20分) in to from of like 1. You were very kind _ me.2. Lets keep _ touch.3. There is a letter _ Jenny.4. Its a picture _ Jenny.5. Whats the weather _ there?四、在右栏中找出左栏相对应答语。(24分)( )1. Whos the best singer? A I am making a cake.( )2. Can I jo

    11、in you? B Not bad.( )3. What are you doing? C Yes, there is a letter from Jenny. ( )4. How was the talent show? D Xiaoxiao sings the best.( )5. What size do you want? E Sorry, Youre too young.( )6. Whats the weather in spring? F Small, please.( )7. Is there any mail for me? G Its sunny and warm.( )8

    12、. Did you buy any books? H Yes, I bought some story books.五、完形填空。(20分) Today is the day 1 the talent show. Everyone is excited. Lingling and Mike are 2 their turn. They play 3 well, but they dont 4 the contest, Leilei is the winner . Everyone gives her 5 .( ) 1. A in B of C on( )2. A waiting B wait

    13、for C waiting for( )3. A very B very much C much( )4. A won B win C wins( )5. A a hand big B big a hand C a big hand六年级英语期中试卷一看谁认得多.(英汉互译30分)Talent show ( ) participate ( ) myself ( ) right now ( ) bring ( ) sound ( ) terrible ( ) a quarter ( ) 打算( ) 奖( ) 轮流( ) 考试( ) 调大( ) 响亮( ) 地址( )二请找出划线部分读音与其它三个

    14、不同的一个.(6)1 elephant fast first race( ) 2 lemon them jet let( )3 run brush some super ( )三选择.(36)1 A: could you tell me _? B: 1243 Palm street.a.you address b .your phone number c . your address2 A:How can I help you ? B:_. a.Do you want a pizza ? b. Id like to order a cake,please . c. I cant hear yo

    15、u .3. Its already _(8:50) a. a puarter to nine . b. eight to eight c . ten to nine .4 We sometimes eat peaches_Sunday . a. in b. for c. on5 What_she want for breakfast? a. do b. is c.does d .has6 Turn_the volume ,please . a. down b .on c .off7 How _ the contest ? a.are b.is c .were d. was8 I _the fi

    16、rst prize . a. did not b . win c . donot d. won9 What _to you ? a. happened b . happen c . is happened10 Sorry ,I _a mistak . a. make b . made c . making11 You want some more milk ,_? a. donot you? b.do you? c. donot we ?12 He is _for the picnic. a. prepar b . prepare c. preparing三.下面各句中都有一处错误,请你把它标

    17、出来后将正确的答案写在括号中.(8分)1 The talent show is come soon .( ) 2 You do your best .( )3 You are a good at guitar player .( ) 4 I never eat peach .( )四.连词成句.(20分)1 eat pizza usually we Monday on _2 what for do lunch you want ?_3 hear the I TV can not . _4 can do you it time next better ._5 champion is the Wi

    18、lliams Jim . _20082009学年度小学英语毕业试题一、给下列词语选出正确的中文意思。(20分)1. band ( ) A 乐队 B 吉他 C 歌手2. address ( ) A 电话号码 B 地址 C 短信 3. July ( ) A 六月 B 七月 C 八月 4. wait for ( ) A 散步 B 休息 C 等待5. send ( ) A 寄出 B 拿回 C 收到二、用所给单词填空。(20分) for at in to of 1. Im good _ playing the drums.2. I want _ do something interesting.3. W

    19、e are practicing _ the talent show.4. Im proud _ you guys.5. Lets keep _ touch.三、情景会话。(20分)( )1. Who is the best runner in the class?( )2. What are you doing ? ( )3. Whats your phone number?( )4. Did you finish reading ?( )5. What size do you want ?A. Yes, I did. B. We are practicing for the talent

    20、show.C. Lily runs the best. D. Medium, please.E. 472-5860.四、连词成句。(15分)1. talent is the show soon coming . _2. next do can we time it better. _3. I the first won prize . _4. made terrible a I mistake . _5. for thank you calling . _五、根据短文意思,选择正确的选项。(10分) I have a pet. Its name is Mimi. It is a cat. Mi

    21、mi is white. She has two big eyes. She looks very beautiful. Mimi likes me very much. After school, when I get home, she runs to me. When I do my homework, she looks at me. When I watch TV, she sits beside me. Mimi likes to eat fish. One day my mother forgot to buy fish. I gave some rice to her. She

    22、 didnt eat. She was angry. She jumped up and down. After that my mother buys fish for her every day. I like Mimi very much. She is my good friend . ( )1. Mimi is _. A. a dog B. a cat C. a doll( )2. Mimi is _. A. white B. brown C. black( )3. Mimi likes _. A. meat B. rice C. fish( )4. When my mother f

    23、orgets to buy fish, she was _. A. happy B. excited C. angry( )5. Mimi _me. A. doesnt like B. dislikes C. likes六、习作。(15分)以Me为题,写一篇小作文。要求:1. 字数不少于30词。 2. 字迹不要潦草,注意字母大小写。20092010学年度小学毕业试卷听力部分一、 单词短语(12分)A) 听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。( ) 1. A. little B. letter C. later( ) 2. A. Winter B. Windy C. Winner( )3. A. Co

    24、me in B. Come here C. Come on( )4. A. Turn up B. Turn down C. Turn offB) 听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语所代表的图片。 二、 句子理解 。(12分)A) 听音,选出你所听到的句子。( ) 7. A. We need a singer. B. We need a player. C. We need a drummer.( ) 8. A. Thats this Friday. B. Thats next Friday. C. Thats the Friday.( ) 9. A. Lets give her a hand. B

    25、. Lets give him a hand. C. Lets give he a hand.B)听音,判断下列句子与你听到的句子意思是(T)否(F)一致。( )10. We usually eat pancakes.( )11. Dont forget to send us a letter.( )12. Im proud of you guys.三、 对话理解。(16分)A) 听音,根据你所听到的对话内容,为相关的图片按英文字母的顺序标号。 B)听音,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择正确的答案。( ) 18. Whos the best singer? A. Xiaoxiao B. Qiaoq

    26、iao C. Jim ( ) 19. How was the race? A. It was too bad. I made a mistake. B. It wasnt too bad. I didnt win the prize. C. It was too good. I won the first prize.( ) 20. When is the girl leaving? A. On June 10th B. On July 20th C. On July 10th 笔试部分四、 根据句意及开头字母,填写单词。(10分)21. Im a singer. Youre a drumme

    27、r. How about making a b_?22. Youre good at playing the piano. Youre a p_.23. You won the first prize. You are the w_.24. My p_ number is 345-9076.25. My father and my mother are my p_.五、 选择。(10分)( ) 26. _ the weather like there in winter? A. Whats B. Hows C. How ( )27. _ you finish packing? Yes, I d

    28、id A. Are B. Do C. Did ( )28. We need a pianist, _? A. do we B. dont we C. dont you( )29. We usually eat pizza_ Sunday. A. at B. on C. in( )30. We have _ snow. A. many B. much C. lots六、 对话理解,将相应答语的序号填写在括号里。(10分)( ) 31. Whos the best runner? A. Yes, I do. I have some.( )32. When is our turn? B. Sorry

    29、, you cant. Youre too young.( )33. How can I help you? C. We are next.( )34. Do you have any fruit? D. Jim runs the fastest.( )35. Can I join you? E. Id like a cheese pizza.七、 情景会话,根据对话内容,选择适合的一项,将序号填写在横线上。(10分)A: I cant hear the TV. (36)_.B: OK.C: (37)_. Its time to have lunch. What do you want for

    30、 lunch?A: I cant hear you. (38)_. Qiaoqiao, turn down the volume.B: OK. (39)_. We usually eat pizza.C: All right. Lets call the Happy Day Pizza.A&B: Great.D: How can I help you?C: (40) _.A. The TV is too loud, now. B. Turn up the volume, please.C. How about a pizza? D. Its a quarter to twelve.E. Id

    31、like a pizza.八、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)The talent show is coming soon. Jenny, Jim and Xiaoxiao want to participate in the show. Jenny plays the guitar very well, so shes a good guitar player. But she doesnt want to do it by her self. Jim has a good idea. He says ,Im good at playing the drums, I can be

    32、 a drummer. And Xiaoxiao is good at singing , he can be a singer. How about making a band? They all think that sounds like fun. Suddenly they hear the music. It is Qiaoqiao playing the piano. Jenny thinks they need a pianist like Qiaoqiao to make the band sound better. So they agree that Qiaoqiao can join in the band.( )41. Xiaoxiao is a drummer.( )42. Jim is a good guitar player.( )43. Qiaoqiao is good at playing the piano.( )44. Qiaoqiao can join in the band.( )45. J


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