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    1、高考英语语法填空之形容词及副词专项练习1.The young lady dressed _(elegant) when she went to work. 2.Who is more _ (like) to win the game, Lily or Linda? 3.Mary must have done something wrong, because she is looking so _(guilt). 4.There are no _ (permanence) displays in this museum and exhibitions change all the time. 5

    2、._ (actual), on second thoughts, I dont think I want to go out tonight. 6.We are living in an age _many things are done on computer. 7.Youve got to learn to handle the money I give you a little more _ (intelligent). 8.Children can get a lot out of being _ (involvement) in volunteer work. 9.My grandf

    3、ather is as _(energy)as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day. 10.Not a few _(violence) scenes were cut from the film before it came to show.11.We prefer to rent the apartment which is well _.(furnish) 12.She felt _ (embarrass) when she was told that she had entered the wrong ro

    4、om. 13.I am bored with Mr. Wangs _(bore) talking ; I cant wait any longer for its end.14.I cant understand the _ (hide) meaning behind the body language. 15.King was a great speaker and an _ (inspire) leader.16.This is an _ mystery of the natural world, and even the scientists cant give the reasonab

    5、le _ .(explain) 17.To us, Mr Zhang is _ than a teacher; he is also a friend. 18.Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are _(environment) friendly. 19.In early January this year, the rate of UFO reports was _ (steadily) around three per week. 20.This kind of gloves are _(slig

    6、ht) more expensive but they last a lot longer. 21.Its better for you to hand your paper to him _ (personal). 22.The leaves of trees _(gradual) turned yellow, which meant the arrival of autumn.23.A _(fright) hedgehog(刺猬) contracts its body into a ball .24.The young couple, who returned my lost wallet

    7、, left _ I could ask for their names. 25.For all his years, he was none the less active and _ (energy). 26._(simple) raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. 27.In the film Wolf Warrior 2, Leng Fengs selfless devotion to duty as a Chinese soldier is _(admire) . 28.Although you are green, dont

    8、 worry. _ you get older, youll get more experienced. 29.The power of the Yangtze River, which is the worlds third _(long) river, has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam. 30.If we follow the clues in Harrys _ (magic) world, perhaps, we can discover the real magic in our own life. 31.This word is w

    9、rongly spelt.You have left _ a letter.32.The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the _ (science) farming.33.An interpreter must be _ (fluently) in at least two languages. 34.A bit more effort _you will pass the exam. 35.The atmosphere at work is fairly _ (formal) and relaxed.

    10、 36.They went for a hiking and spent an _(enjoy) weekend.37.Personally, Im _ (extreme) concerned about the result.38.This is by far _ (inspiring) movie that I have ever seen. 39.With April 18s railway speedup, highway and air transport will have to compete with _(good) service for passengers. 40.The

    11、 pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _(seat) as the plane was making a landing. 41.Our apartment is small, and has the _(add) disadvantage of facing west.42.To finish the task on time, many pieces of good advice came _ at the meeting.43.At 7 a.m. she says goodbye to her parents and set

    12、s _ to her school. 44.When the studio didnt want me for the filmit wanted somebody as well _ (know) as Paulhe stood _ for me. 45.The play was _ (drama) interesting, but the direction was bad. 46.Fortunately, someone who happened to be passing by called the fire department _ (instant) the fire broke

    13、out. 47.Doctors have found that hobbies are _ (value) in helping patients recover. 48.What the doctors really doubt is _my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. 参考答案1.【答案】elegantly 2.【答案】likely 3.【答案】guilty 4.【答案】permanent 5.【答案】Actually 6.【答案】when7.【答案】intelligently 8.【答案】involved 9.【答

    14、案】energetic10.【答案】violent11.【答案】furnished 12.【答案】embarrassed 13.【答案】boring14.【答案】hidden 15.【答案】inspiring16.【答案】unexplained;explanation 17.【答案】more 18.【答案】environmentally 19.【答案】steady 20.【答案】slightly 21.【答案】personally 22.【答案】gradually23.【答案】frightened 24.【答案】before 25.【答案】energetic 26.【答案】Simply 27.

    15、【答案】admirable28.【答案】As 29.【答案】longest 30.【答案】magical 31.【答案】out32.【答案】scientific33.【答案】fluent 34.【答案】and 35.【答案】informal 36.【答案】enjoyable37.【答案】extremely38.【答案】the most inspiring 39.【答案】better 40.【答案】seated 41.【答案】added/ additional42.【答案】up 43.【答案】off 44.【答案】known;up 45.【答案】dramatically 46.【答案】instantly 47.【答案】valuable 48.【答案】whether


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