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    1、商标注册许可协议书范本案例整理【中文】商标注册许可协议书范本案例整理商标注册许可协议书是商标权人与许可使用人之间订立的一种合同,明确商标注册权人授予许可使用人使用该商标的权利及相关条件。合法有效的商标注册许可协议书可以保护商标权人的权益,同时规范商标的使用和管理,是商标经营中不可或缺的重要文件。以下将提供几个商标注册许可协议书范本案例,供参考。样本一:商标注册许可协议书甲方:商标权人地址:法定代表人:乙方:许可使用人地址:法定代表人:根据中华人民共和国商标法和相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方经友好协商,就商标使用事宜达成如下协议:第一条 商标情况1.1 甲方是商标“*”(以下简称“本商标”)的所有

    2、人,该商标在中华人民共和国享有专用权。1.2 乙方经甲方同意,被授权在规定的商品中使用本商标。第二条 甲方的权利和义务2.1 甲方将本商标授权给乙方使用,在授权期间,甲方不得与任何第三方就同一件商品或服务使用该商标或授权第三方使用。2.2 甲方应保证该商标的注册有效,如果因乙方的使用而使该商标受到侵权,由甲方承担全部责任。第三条 乙方的权利和义务3.1 乙方有权在规定的商品中使用本商标,但必须确保使用的商品或服务符合国家法律法规的规定。3.2 乙方应按约定支付商标使用费,并保证使用本商标的商品或服务质量。3.3 乙方不得将该商标转让、再授权他人使用,否则应承担相应法律责任。第四条 商标使用范围

    3、4.1 乙方应遵循本协议约定的使用范围,并不得超出规定范围使用该商标。4.2 甲方有权对乙方使用该商标的范围和方式进行监督,确保符合协议规定。第五条 协议期限和解除5.1 本协议自双方签字生效,有效期为_年,到期后甲乙双方如无异议可继续履行协议。5.2 若一方违反本协议的任何规定,对方有权解除本协议并要求违约方承担相应责任。第六条 争议的解决6.1 本协议在履行过程中如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人民法院解决。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:以上为商标注册许可协议书范本案例一,具体内容根据实际情况可进行修改和调整。样本二:商标注册许可协议书甲方:

    4、商标权人地址:法定代表人:乙方:许可使用人地址:法定代表人:鉴于甲方为商标 “*” 的所有人,乙方有意申请商标“*”在指定商品上的经营使用权,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 甲方的权利和义务1.1 甲方有权将商标“*”授权给乙方使用,授权范围限定为_。乙方不得超越授权范围使用该商标。1.2 甲方保证其有资格签署本协议,且商标“*”的注册在有效期内。第二条 乙方的权利和义务2.1 乙方有权在规定的商品范围内使用商标“*”,并承诺使用的商品符合相应产品标准。2.2 乙方应按照约定支付商标使用费,并保证商标的合法使用不侵犯第三方权益。2.3 乙方不得将商标转让或再次授权他人使用,否则应承担法律

    5、责任。第三条 商标管理3.1 甲方有权对乙方使用商标的情况进行监督和检查,保证商标的正常使用和行业形象。3.2 乙方应当配合甲方对商标使用情况的检查,并提供必要的证明文件。第四条 协议期限及解除4.1 本协议自双方签字生效,有效期为_年。逾期未续约或协商一致解除时,本协议自动终止。4.2 若一方违反本协议,对方有权解除本协议,并要求违约方赔偿损失。第五条 争议解决5.1 在协议履行中如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的应提交有管辖权的法院解决。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:以上为商标注册许可协议书范本案例二,具体内容可根据实际情况进行修改和调整。【英文】Compil

    6、ation of Sample Trademark Registration License AgreementA trademark registration license agreement is a contract between the trademark owner and the licensee, clearly defining the rights granted to the licensee to use the trademark and the related conditions. A legally valid trademark registration l

    7、icense agreement can protect the rights of the trademark owner, regulate the use and management of the trademark, and is an essential document in trademark operations. The following provides several sample trademark registration license agreement templates for reference.Sample One: Trademark Registr

    8、ation License AgreementParty A: Trademark OwnerAddress:Legal Representative:Party B: LicenseeAddress:Legal Representative:In accordance with the laws of the Peoples Republic of China on trademarks and relevant regulations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the use of the tr

    9、ademark:Article 1 Trademark Information1.1 Party A is the owner of the trademark * (hereinafter referred to as the trademark), and this trademark enjoys exclusive rights in the Peoples Republic of China.1.2 Party B, with the consent of Party A, is authorized to use the trademark in the designated go

    10、ods.Article 2 Rights and Obligations of Party A2.1 Party A grants the right to use the trademark to Party B. During the authorization period, Party A shall not use the same trademark on the same goods or services with any third party or authorize a third party to use it.2.2 Party A shall ensure the

    11、validity of the registration of the trademark. If the trademark is infringed due to Party Bs use, Party A shall bear full responsibility.Article 3 Rights and Obligations of Party B3.1 Party B has the right to use the trademark in the designated goods; however, Party B must ensure that the goods or s

    12、ervices used comply with the relevant laws and regulations.3.2 Party B shall pay the trademark usage fee as agreed and ensure the quality of the goods or services using the trademark.3.3 Party B shall not transfer or re-authorize the use of the trademark to others; otherwise, Party B shall bear corr

    13、esponding legal responsibilities.Article 4 Scope of Trademark Use4.1 Party B shall comply with the agreed usage scope of this agreement and may not use the trademark beyond the specified scope.4.2 Party A has the right to supervise the scope and manner of Party Bs use of the trademark to ensure comp

    14、liance with the agreement.Article 5 Term and Termination of the Agreement5.1 This agreement shall take effect upon the signatures of both parties and is valid for _ years. Upon expiration, if Party A and Party B have no objections, the agreement may continue to be performed.5.2 If one party violates

    15、 any provision of this agreement, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement and require the breaching party to bear corresponding responsibilities.Article 6 Dispute Resolution6.1 If disputes arise during the implementation of this agreement, both parties shall seek an amicable resolu

    16、tion through negotiations. If negotiations fail, the disputes shall be submitted to the competent Peoples Court for resolution.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Date of Signing:The above is a sample trademark registration license agreement case one, specific content can be modified and

    17、 adjusted according to the actual situation.Sample Two: Trademark Registration License AgreementParty A: Trademark OwnerAddress:Legal Representative:Party B: LicenseeAddress:Legal Representative:Given that Party A is the owner of the trademark * , and Party B intends to apply for the right to operat

    18、e and use the trademark * on designated goods, the two parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiations:Article 1 Rights and Obligations of Party A1.1 Party A has the right to authorize Party B to use the trademark * * within the designated scope of _. Party B may not use t

    19、he trademark beyond the authorized scope.1.2 Party A guarantees the eligibility to sign this agreement and that the registration of the trademark * * is valid.Article 2 Rights and Obligations of Party B2.1 Party B has the right to use the trademark * * within the specified range of goods and promise

    20、s that the goods used comply with the relevant product standards.2.2 Party B shall pay the trademark usage fee as agreed and ensure that the lawful use of the trademark does not infringe the rights of a third party.2.3 Party B shall not transfer the trademark or re-authorize others to use it; otherw

    21、ise, Party B shall bear legal responsibilities.Article 3 Trademark Management3.1 Party A has the right to supervise and inspect the use of the trademark by Party B to ensure the proper use of the trademark and industry image.3.2 Party B shall cooperate with Party A in inspecting the use of the trade

    22、mark and provide necessary proof documents.Article 4 Term of Agreement and Termination4.1 This agreement shall take effect upon the signatures of both parties and is valid for _ years. If not renewed or mutually terminated, this agreement shall automatically terminate.4.2 If either party violates th

    23、is agreement, the other party has the right to terminate the agreement and demand compensation for losses.Article 5 Dispute Resolution5.1 In the event of a dispute during the performance of the agreement, both parties shall seek an amicable resolution through negotiation. If negotiation fails, the disputes shall be submitted to a court with jurisdiction.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Date of Signing:The above is a sample trademark registration license agreement case two, and the specific content can be modified and adjusted according to the actual situation.


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