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    1、【表格的写法】开头段:中间段:1. 分析“行” 2. 分析“列”结尾段:重述或补充说明总体特征(也可不写)*在描写行和列时注意避免重复,后写的可以概括一些The table gives a breakdown of the different marriage figures in the UK during a long period from 1950 to 2000. The number of first marriages was 330 thousand in 1950, increasing steadily for the following two decades and p

    2、eaking at 389 thousand in 1970. However, from then on, it experienced a sharp fall to 180 thousand in 2000, the lowest of the whole period. Similarly, the number of re-marriages had generally increased from 78 thousand in 1950 to a peak of 140 thousand in 1980, though its lowest point (58,000) was r

    3、eached in 1960. The following decade from 1990 to 2000 witnessed an insignificant decrease to 126,000. Since marriages are a sum of first marriages and re-marriages, it can e clearly seen that the trend of marriage saw an overall slump, with its record low (306,000) in 2000, about a third less than

    4、its peak (471,000) in 1970 In contrast to the general downward trend of marriages, divorces had nearly tripled from 33 thousand in 1950 to 168 thousand in 1990. Despite a slight decline, the year 2000 also witnessed a high of 155 thousand.Generally speaking, the number of marriages has been descendi

    5、ng, or even plummeted in the last decades whereas that of divorces soared surprisingly by four times.【饼图的写法】对饼状图数据进行分析之后,可将题目分为有时间跨度的动态图,和没有时间跨度的静态对比图。中间段落:l 按两幅图的比较对比将数据分类,然后分段进行描写The pie charts depict the changing percentages of employees belonging to different age groups in an English company in

    6、different years.It can be seen from the chart that the proportions of both individuals of the under 21 and the 31 to 40 age group are falling, although the decrease of the latter is more than that of the former.The 21 to 30 age group has expanded its size from 22% of the work force in 1985 to 33% in

    7、 2000. The expansion is more noticeable during the second 10-year period.The change in the number of people in the 41 to 51 age group during the years is different from the other three groups. It drops from 23% in 1985 to 19% in 1990, and then the trend reverses with this age group comprising 28% of

    8、 the companys employees in 2000.Finally, the senior age group, those who are over 50 years, also has experience fluctuation with 15% in 1985, 23% in 1990, and 16%in 2000.【柱状图的写法】按照不同的系列信息对柱状图进行分析之后,一般来说,可以将分析所得的数据组织如下:开头段:中间段:1. 系列信息一分析所得数据 2. 系列信息二分析所得数据结尾段:重述或补充说明总体特征(也可不写)The chart gives informat

    9、ion about the proportion of men and women who received different levels of post-school qualifications in Australia in 1999.The biggest gender difference is at the lowest post-school level, where 90% of those who held a skilled vocational diploma were men, compared with only 10% of women. The dispari

    10、ty at the higher levels of education is also noticeable, although not that significant, with the fact that men who successfully got postgraduate diplomas clearly outnumbered their female counterparts (70% and 30% respectively), and also comprised 60% of the Masters. In contrast, more women held unde

    11、rgraduate diplomas (70%) and marginally more women reached degree level (55%).Thus we can see that more men than women hold qualifications at the lowest and higher levels of education, while quite the reverse is true in the case of undergraduate diplomas. The gender difference is smallest at the lev

    12、el of Bachelors degree.【综合类的写法】混合多图题是把四种类型的图表进行组合,有时是不同图形出现在同一题里,有的时候则是相同的图形。不论哪种情况,都要注意做好多图间的比较对比,描述清楚它们之间的关系。开头段:简介图表内容中间段:1. 一幅图的写作(总体特征及重点信息) 2. 另一幅图的写作结尾段:重述两图特征(可省略)+描述两图之间可能的关系*两图间的关系可在结尾段完成,也可在写第二幅图时进行The graphs reveal that as the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad has grown, so h

    13、as Australias share of the Japanese tourist market.In 1985, the number of Japanese travelling abroad was about five million and this tripled to about fifteen million in 1995. There were increases every year except in 1991, when the number fell by about 0.7 million compared with 1990, and in 1993, wh

    14、en the figure remained about the same as in 1992. The biggest year-on-year rise was between 1987 and 1988, when the number of tourists increased by approximately one million.The line chart shows that the percentage of Japanese tourists visiting Australia went up quickly from 2% in 1985 to 5% in 1989

    15、, before dropping sharply to around 4% in 1990. However, the percentage climbed back quickly to 5% in 1991, followed by a further rise to a peak over the period of 6.5% in 1994. Then the percentage decreased slightly to 6% in 1995.In conclusion, from 1985 to 1989, there was an increasing trend in bo

    16、th the number of Japanese travelling abroad and in the percentage visiting Australia. However, between 1990 and 1995, there was less of a correlation.另附一份范文【快餐】The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as muc

    17、h on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than ot

    18、her income groups on fast foods, though fish and chips remains their most popular fast food, followed by hamburgers and then pizza.From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular as burgers, pizza being at that time the least popular fast food. The consumption of ham6orgers and pizza has risen steadily over the 20 year period to 1990 while the consumption of fish and chips has been in decline over that same period with a slight increase in popularity since 1985.


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