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    1、Module 5 测试题. 单项选择(15分) ( )1. Will anyone play _ Irish music at the concert? Yes, Tom will play _ solo.A. a; a B. an; an C. the; a D. a; the ( )2. Can we _ them? Yes, of course. Our football team is the best in our school.A. win B. tidy C. beat D. lose ( )3. What are the man doing there? They are pu

    2、tting the apples _ the truck.A. onto B. with C. for D. out ( )4. There is something wrong with my cell phone. Could you help me _ it? Sure.A. pass B. mend C. make D. press ( )5. Can I use your computer? Sorry. It got a _ and it didnt work.A. button B. result C. memory D. virus ( )6. _! The meeting w

    3、ill begin in a few minute! Im coming.A. Hurry up B. Write down C. Look out D. Stand up ( )7. Would you like to have _ cake? No, thanks. Ive had two. Thats enough.A. other B. others C. the other D. another ( )8. Why did the teacher _ Mike? Because he made too many mistakes in his homework.A. see B. t

    4、ell C. save D. punish( )9. Harry fell off his bike and he wont be able to walk for about half a year.Really? Thats _!A. interesting B. terrible C. wonderful D. creative( )10. The teachers always _ the children _ play football in the street.A. say; not to B. say; to C. warn; not to D. warn; to ( )11.

    5、 Is it _fable? A. a English old B. a old Chinese C. a Chinese old D. an old English ( )12.“What is _to Betty after the running race?” asked Li Ming. “To have a rest,”_Alice. A. importantest; asked B. the most important; replied C. the most important; asked D. importantest; replied( )13. Who showed y

    6、ou _Shanghai last weekend? A. out B. from C. around D. of ( )14. I _think the answer _right. A. am; is B. /; isnt C. dont; is D. dont; isnt ( )15.How many times _you _the Great wall? Only once. I _there three years ago. A. did; go to; have gone B. did; gone to; went C. have; been to; went D. have; b

    7、een to; have gone. 完形填空(10分)One night a man came to my house. He told me, “There is a family with eight 16. They have not eaten for days.” After I asked him where the family was, I took some 17 with me and left.When I got to that family, I 18 those little children were too hungry to say 19. I gave t

    8、he food to the mother. She took half of it, and then 20. When she came back, I asked her, “21 did you go?” She gave me this simple 22, “To the neighbourhoodthey are also 23!”I was not surprised that she gave the food to others, because poor people are always very 24. But I was surprised that she gav

    9、e her neighbours the food when her 25 were still hungry. Usually, when we are in trouble, we always think of ourselves first, and we have no time for others. ( )16. A. children B. workers C. farmers D. cooks ( )17. A. flowers B. milk C. food D. water ( )18. A. showed B. watched C. looked D. found (

    10、)19. A. something B. a word C. it D. nothing ( )20.A.wentout B.came back C.went in D. hurried back ( )21. A. When B. Where C. How D. Why ( )22. A. question B. plan C. answer D. idea ( )23. A. ill B. unhappy C. tired D. hungry ( )24. A. kind B. sad C. happy D. bad ( )25. A. friends B. children C. par

    11、ents D. sisters. 阅读理解(20分) AWayne and his younger brother Tony were at a carnival(嘉年华会). They stood in front of the Wonder Wheel. The huge ride carries people into the air. Then it goes round and round and makes the people dizzy(头晕目眩的). A ticket for the ride costs two dollars. But Wayne and Tony had

    12、 only 78 cents. “I wish we had tickets,” said Wayne. “Me, too,” said Tony. “That ride looks like fun!”Suddenly the boys heard someone call their names. They looked at the long line of the people near the ride. They saw Mr Li and his son Dick standing in the crowd. They live next door to Wayne and To

    13、ny. “My daughter is not feeling well tonight(今晚),” said Mr Li to Wayne and Tony. “Mrs Li stays at home with her. So I have two extra tickets. Would you like to ride on the Wonder Wheel with us?” “Thanks, Mr Li!” Wayne and Tony both shouted. And then they waited for their turn. ( )26. Wayne and Tony

    14、did not buy tickets for the Wonder Wheel because they _. A. were afraid to go on the ride B. had to go home C. knew that they will get free tickets D. did not have enough money ( )27. The word “crowd” means _ in Chinese. A. 人群 B. 团队 C. 组织 D. 党派 ( )28. Why did Mr Li give two tickets to Wayne and Tony

    15、? A. Because Dick didnt want to ride on the Wonder Wheel. B. Because he had to stay at home with his daughter. C. Because Mrs Li and her daughter couldnt come. D. Because he had to look after his son at home. ( )29. Whats the relationship between the two brothers and Mr Li? A. Mr Li is their teacher

    16、. B. Mr Li lives next to their house. C. Mr Li is their uncle. D. Mr Li is their fathers friend. ( )30. What is this story mainly about? A. A neighbour. B. Three tickets. C. How to play the Wonder Wheel. D. Going on a ride.BHave you ever heard of the name of “Warsaw”? Do you know where it is from? T

    17、here is a beautiful story about it. Long long ago, there was a young man named Wars. He lived in a little house near the River Vistula. He went fishing every day for a living.One day he saw a beautiful girl in the river. The girls name was Sawa. From then on, the young man and the beautiful girl met

    18、 every day. They loved each other. When Wars asked Sawa to marry(与结婚) him, Sawa was very sad. She told him that she was a mermaid(美人鱼) and she couldnt marry a man. But she said she would give him something when they met again.The next day, Wars went to the river and met Sawa. Sawa was waiting for hi

    19、m with a sword(剑) in her right hand. She told Wars that they wouldnt meet again. She gave the sword to him. She said he would be successful with the sword and become a great soldier. Then she went away.Several years later, Wars became a great soldier. He got the land by the River Vistula. There he s

    20、et up a city. He called it Warsaw. ( )31. Wars was a _when he met Sawa for the first time. A. hero B. fisherman C. mermaid D. soldier ( )32. Sawa couldnt marry Wars because _. A. Sawa was a mermaid B. Sawa didnt love Wars C. Wars was very poor D. Wars didnt love Sawa ( )33. Sawa told Wars _. A. they

    21、 would marry later B. they would leave together C. he would become a soldier D. he would get much money ( )34. The name of Warsaw comes from _. A. the name of a house B. the name of a river C. the name of a mountain D. the names of Wars and Sawa ( )35. From this passage, we know that _. A. Wars live

    22、d in a big house near the River Vistula before he met Sawa B. Sawa was kind but not pretty C. Sawa gave Wars nothing D. Wars named the city Warsaw to remember his love. 词汇运用(10分) A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。36. At last, the boy r_ his mistakes and said sorry to the teacher.37. Wendy studied hard all the time

    23、so she did very well in all e_.38. The boy took part in the English competition to p_ that he could learn it well. 39. Mr Black will go back to his hometown and this is his f_ class.40. This is a good c_ for Mary to study in Beijing University.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。shelf dishonest steal true practise41. W

    24、hat? Did Tom _ your idea? I dont believe it.42. If you watch carefully, you will find the _.43. It takes a lot of _ to play the piano well.44. There are lots of book _ in the school library.45. If we are friends, we should be _ with each other. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(10分)46. Dont worry. Your brother will come

    25、back (过一会儿).47. I broke my cup yesterday. (没关系), I will buy one for you tomorrow.48. If you (已经做了这些事情), please write to us.49. (到这个月末) this month, S.H.E has held three concerts.50. There are many things for you to buy. You should (拉个单子). 完成句子(10分)51. 李明喜欢音乐,所以他至少每个月去一次音乐会。 Li Ming likes music so he

    26、goes to the concert _ _ once a month.52. 玛丽经常用她的零用钱买书。Mary often buys books with her _ _.53. 彼得三岁时就能画画了。 Peter _ _ _ draw at the age of three.54. 五班的学生们一起参加了这个游戏。The students in Class Five took part in the game _ _.55. 我已经把所有的歌曲都复制到你的手机里了,你可以把手机拔掉了。I have copied all the songs into your cell phone so

    27、 you can _ it _. . 情景对话(10分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。Kate(K): Whats the matter, Tony? You look unhappy.Tony(T): (56)_ But you know I like singing very much. K: Thats a shame!T: (57)_K: Yes. It was really wonderful.T: Please tell me something about it.K: OK. (58)_ At the end of the concert, there wa

    28、s a lovely song and I like it very much.T: What was the name of the song?K: Heroes. It was such a fantastic song. (59)_ The song went a bit like this, “We can be heroes just for one day.” Oh, you can listen to it online.T: Really? K: Sure! (60)_T: Thank you.A. It lasted about two hours.B. What do yo

    29、u think of it?C. I liked the song because the words were really good.D. I see the problem.E. I didnt go to the concert last night.F. Let me help you find it.G. Did you go there?. 书面表达(15分)请根据提示以“My Favourite Story ”为题写一篇60词左右的短文。1. What is your favourite story?2. What is it about?3. What can you lea

    30、rn from it?Key:1-5 CCABD 6-10 ADDBC 11-15 DBCCC16-20 ACDBA 21-25 BCDAB26-30 DACBD 31-35 BACDD 36. realised 37. exams 38. prove 39. final 40. chance 41. steal 42. truth 43. practice 44. shelves 45.honest46. after a while 47. Never mind 48. have done these things 49. By the end of 50. make a list 51.

    31、at least 52. pocket money 53. was able to 54. all together 55. take; off 56-60 EGACF One possible version:My Favourite StoryMy favourite story is The fisherman and the fish. In the story the fisherman saved a golden fish and the fish offered to grant his wishes in return. The man was kind and let it go. When his wife knew this, she asked the man for a bucket and a house, and the fish granted. But she even wanted to be the queen of the world at last. The fish was angry and their life became the same as usual. From the story I learn that we shouldnt be too greedy.


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