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    1、The Ministry of Forestry 林业部 the National Forestation Commission 国家绿化委员会 Beijing Capital Greening Commission 北京首都绿化委员会 the Japanese Peace and Friendship Forest 日本和平友好绿化协会 the Green China Fund 中国绿化基金会 cover the country with trees 绿化祖国 turn the country green 绿化祖国 the national afforest drive 全国绿化运动 gre

    2、ening campaign 绿化运动 a major tree planting drive 大规模植树运动 large scale afforestation drive 大规模造林运动 intensive afforestation 大规模绿化 the long green program 长远的绿化计划 the national tree-planting festival 全国植树节 tree-planting date 植树日 the national compulsory tree-planting activities 全国义务植树活动 organize the plantin

    3、g of trees 组织植树 the tree-planting drive sponsored by 由发起的植树活动 plant 5 trees each year 每年植5 棵树 vitalize forestry with science and technology 科技兴树 green all available land with trees and grasses 植树种草绿化所有土地 the achievement in afforestation 绿化成绩 afforested areas 绿化区域(面积) afforested project 造林工程 form thi

    4、ck forests 形成密林 collective tree farms 集体林场 forest farm/lands 林场地 forest resources 森林资源 forest development 林业发展 develop forestry 发展林业 ban forest 禁伐林 lose off the afforested bills and protect the trees 封山育林 enclose the hills for natural afforestation 封山育林 be treelined on the both banks 两岸植树 on either

    5、side of the river 两岸植树 be surrounded by thick trees 被密林环绕 grow saplings 培育树苗 large stretches of forests 大片森林 a stretch of pines 大片柃林 a sea of forests/forestry 林海 an afforestation projects in the flat-land areas 平原绿化工程 newly afforested area 新绿地区 the green coverage/areas 绿化面积 clothe bare mountains in

    6、verdure 秃山披绿装 afforest-mu of desert 绿化亩沙地 afforest-mu of uncultivated hilly land 绿化未开垦的山坡地 reach afforestation standards 达到绿化标准 the forest cover rate/the tree cover 森林覆盖率#p#分页标题#e# forests will cover 森林覆盖 the amount of tree and grass coverage increased 植被面积增加了 the average coverage of forest for each

    7、 person 人均森林面积占有量 advanced unit in afforestation 绿化先进单位 commend advanced locality in afforestation drive 表扬绿化先进地区 be honoured as the Best Unit in Afforesting bare/barren Mountain 树为绿化荒山先进单位 advanced workers in afforestation 绿化先进工作者 conserve water and soil 保持水土 provide shelter belts for farmland 保护农田

    8、 curb the sand 防止风沙 regulate climate 调节气候 improve weather condition 改善气候条件 play a vital role 起关键作用 turn back the advancing of desert 阻止沙丘前进 halt soil erosion slow down 防止土壤流失 help the soil hold water 有利于保墒 halt desertification 防止沙化 prevent water loss and soil erosion 防止水土流失 absorb dioxide and produc

    9、e oxygen 吸收二氧化碳,放出氧气. Provide/supply large quantities of timber 提供大量木材 - cubic metres of timber -立方米木材 be ready to cut for timber 10 years after planting 种植十年即可采伐 timber resources 木材资源 the consumption of timber 木材消耗 provide fodder and fuel 提供饲料与燃料 due to a deteriorating ecological environment 由于生态环境

    10、恶化 by poor management 由于管理不善 trees withered or died 树木枯死 forest fires 森林火灾 open up virgin soil for agriculture 开垦处女地 fell trees and burn grass 砍树木烧荒 sod shoveling for fuel 铲草皮烧火 overuse 过分放牧 excessive tree felling 树木砍伐过量 the growing of forest resources reserves if behind consumption 备用林生长低于消耗 becaus

    11、e of constant loss of trees 由于树林不断减少 suffer damage from rats and other pests 遭受鼠害和其它病虫害 non-forested area 无林区 the worsening of environment 环境恶化 soil erosion 土壤流失 - mu of eroded land 流失土地-亩 at a pace of - mu each year 每年以-亩的速度流失 harsh climate 气候恶劣 awful weather 气候恶劣 vile weather 气候恶劣 dry climate 干旱的气

    12、候 lack of rainfall 缺雨 rivers die out 河流干涸#p#分页标题#e# the grassland diminishes 草原变少 cause pasture to deteriorate at a rate of -造成草原以-亩的速度下降 be worn away by wind and sandstorms 被风沙暴吞食 grass for animal feed deteriorated 牧草减少 The sand heaped into dunes 沙子堆成山 the advance of sand 沙丘的推进 shifting sand buryin

    13、g crops 移动的沙子埋掉庄稼 shifting dunes and sand 移动的沙丘与沙子 annihilate-mu of cultivated land 吞掉-亩良田 clouds of dust 尘土遮天 deteriorate the environment 环境恶化 reduce soil moisture 降低土地壤保墒 strengthen the management of forests 加强森林管理 plant trees 植树 prevention or eradication of pests 防止或根除病日虫害 contract tree planting

    14、projects out to individuals 把植树工程承包给个人 concede the land to forestry 退耕还林 afforest desert 绿化沙地 plant trees in all the bald mountains 在秃山上植树 a high(low)death rate 死亡率高(低) tree nursery 苗圃 seedling nursery 苗圃 botanical garden 植物园 select fine seed strains 选良种 selection of good tree seeds 选良种 cultivate st

    15、rong saplings/cultivation of strong saplings 培育强健树苗 speed the growth of the forests 加速森林成长 lay out young trees 抚育幼苗 grow saplings 培育树苗 breed new varieties of trees 培育树木新品种 young plantation 人工幼林 raise seedlings and care of trees 育苗护林 protect forests 护林 combat forest fires 防火林 bare seashore 光秃的海边 air

    16、seeding 空播 sow tree seeds by plane 空播 sow tree seeds from aircraft 空播 by artificial seeding 人工播种 survival rate 成活率 pass appraisal by - 通过 -的鉴定 Chinas vast grassland 中国大草原 Man-made pastrres used for animal husbandry/for grating 用来放牧种草的人工牧场 hay production 饲料草的生产 natural grassland 天然草原 high-yield grass

    17、 高产草 sow grass seeds on -loess Plateau 在黄土高原上播种草籽 green vast land with grasses 种草原绿化大片土地 the forest store 森林储备 the consumption of timber 木材消耗 the growing of forest resources reserves exceed consumption 备用林生长超过消耗#p#分页标题#e# the growth rate of forest reserves keeps pace with consumption rate 备用林增长率等于砍伐

    18、率 open up -of orchards 开辟-果园 Species of Forests And Trees wind breaks 防风林 sand breaks 防沙林 shelter belts of protect farmland 护田林 shelter belts to protect the head-waters of rivers 水源防护林 shelter belts to protect sea coasts 海防林 natural forests 自然林 auxiliary forest belt 主林带 a network of forests 森林网 trees of economic value 经济林 forests for timber 木材林 oil-yielding trees 油料林 fast-growing and high-yielding forests 高产速成林 rubber plantation 橡胶园 tea plantation 茶园 tung-tree 桐树 mulberry 桑 varnish tree 橄榄树 bamboo grows 橡胶树 tea grove 竹林 tea grove 茶林/山 walnut 核桃 wild pepper 花椒 wild peach 山桃 wild apricot 山杏


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